Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1024: The war is over

PS. With today's update, by the way, I will give you a ticket for the 515 Fan Festival of "Beginning". Everyone has 8 votes, and you will get the starting currency for voting.

After the death knight was killed, only three of the four apocalypse knights remained, and they were still on the clouds, fighting the vagrant **** Cara, a virtual god.

However, a demigod was lost, and the three of them were not even rivals made by the wandering gods. They were beaten back and forth, roaring and passing through the clouds to the ground below, causing countless people to look up and wonder.

The wandering **** makes his face relaxed and fights with ease. He was originally a master of false gods, but now he has temporarily increased his strength by 50% because of the victory in the national war, completely covering the Four Knights of Apocalypse.

"Boom!" At this moment, the wandering **** seized the opportunity, reached out and waved, a mighty red light came off, hit the arm of the destruction knight fiercely!

The destruction knight spit out a lot of blood, and even the horse and the horse were beaten and rolled over, and the magical energy on his body was disordered, apparently suffering a lot of injuries.

"Don't struggle, give up resistance, you can die easier." The wandering **** said slowly, and rushed towards the Plague Knight.

"Huh!" Just then, a cold hum came suddenly from deep in the void!

This cold humming made everyone all tremble slightly, and even the wandering angel showed a dignified expression, stopped the movement in his hand, and stared alertly around.

With the sound of this cold hum, the heavens and earth suddenly fainted quickly, the clouds were replaced by the endless magic gas, and when you looked at it, the sky became an ocean of magic gas all at once.

Then, the sea of ​​magical energy quickly spun up and gradually condensed into a huge vortex.

Looking up from the earth, this vortex spins in the sky above everyone's head, giving a sense of oppression that turns in the sky.

"Click!" Suddenly, a cracking sound sounded in the vortex, and something seemed to break through the barrier. Coming to this heaven and earth.

Subsequently, the seven great shores slowly appeared in the vortex, and the magic was as if it were a god. Brings worldly oppression.

This is the avatar of the Seven Devil Kings. They finally left the long river of time and came back here again.

However, some sharp-eyed people still noticed that the Seven Demon Kings were far from the momentum of the previous advent.

In addition to being the head of the **** king. The remaining six avatars had more or less injuries, especially the Queen of Pain. The magical energy emanating from her body swayed and the breath was disordered, which was obviously severely damaged.

"The three of you follow me! Next time we will make a comeback and crush the world." The King of Hell said softly, and a white perfect hand was stretched out under the black robe, toward the remaining three knights of the Revelation Just a wave.

Suddenly, the three knights about to lose all seemed to find their support. Immediately out of the entanglement of the wandering ambassador Carat, they were all forcibly dragged to the side of the Seven Demon Kings.

The wandering **** Cara stared cautiously at the Seven Demon Kings, but did not catch up.

He can fully feel the power of the mighty shores of the Seven Demon Kings, especially the King of Hell. Even the avatars have such a powerful power. If they are themselves, I don't know how strong the power is.

The Seven Demon Kings didn't stay too much. After attracting the three knights of Apocalypse, they immediately rose back to the magic vortex and disappeared into this world.

Between heaven and earth, Qingming quickly resumed, and all the magic of the heavens disappeared. Even the clouds were scattered, and the scene that was originally obscured by the clouds was completely visible in the eyes of everyone on the ground below.

It was empty above the clouds, and there was only the wandering ambassador Clara alone. Demon demigods are all gone.

Almost at the same time, ten other great shores suddenly appeared in the void, following closely.

These ten people were stunned, with high warfare and extraordinary style.

In particular, an old man headed by him had a round pocket watch in his hand. The whole person exudes a temperament of compassion for the world.

This is the dean of the Oscar Royal Academy, and nine of the demigod guardians of the heroic empire!

They were previously dragged into the river of time by the chief's artifact, Georgia's time, fighting the Seven Demon Kings, and temporarily separated from this world.

With the victory of the national war, their strength increased greatly. The avatars of the seven demon kings could only retreat. After spending the essence of life, they were able to break away from the long river of time, come to this side of the world, and take away the remaining apocalypse. Three knights.

The dean and the nine guardians followed closely, but they took a slow step and failed to intercept them.

"The Seven Devil Kings have finally been repelled! The world is temporarily safe." The Dean looked at the wandering **** Carat who could not see far away, nodded slightly, and then looked down at the Cang Sheng below, his eyes locked on Huang Yi's On his body, Youyou said, his voice was loud and clear.

At that moment, everyone in the world was relieved, high-five and embraced, shrouded in a jubilant atmosphere.

These days, the entire world is under the scourge of His Majesty the Seven Demon Kings, and all continents have been more or less destroyed by the demons.

The hero continent, in particular, was almost completely abolished, and everyone retreated to the last hero empire.

In recent years, countless historians, countless experts and powerful men have speculated that the second world must be the next advent of the Seven Devil Kings.

In ancient times, there were many masters in the Second World, and the number of demigods far exceeded now, but it is not easy to resist the seven demon kings.

With the development of the times, the power of the second world is getting weaker and weaker. Even the demigods are so few. Such a weak power is simply impossible to resist the Seven Demon Kings.

But now, they actually repelled the invasion of the seven demon kings and kept the world!

At this time, the Dean looked down at the densely crowded people on the ground below, and issued a victory declaration: "This time, it is the victory of our entire Second World! Everyone in this world is this victory. The beneficiaries. But please remember that we were able to win not because of how powerful the second world is, but because the gods have released so many guardians of the demigods. Without them, we ca n’t fight Withdrawing from the Seven Devil Kings, this world cannot escape this catastrophe. "

The Dean said, locking his eyes on Huang Yi again, and continued: "But the Seven Demon Kings only temporarily retreated. They will definitely make a comeback and invest in more powerful forces than before. Now, God of Slayer has become the first The guardian of the second world, so the Royal Academy of Oskan will gradually give up the leadership of the second world and give the burden of resisting the seven demon kings to the **** of killing. In the future, it is all of you, and history will be written by you. Now! Disasters are not terrible. What is terrible is that there is no hope. As long as we hope and work hard, one day we can completely defeat the Seven Demon Kings, and the world will become better! "

The dean's voice resounded throughout the world.

At this moment, there are still countless people in the distance, fighting the blood of the demons. When they heard the dean's voice, they suddenly became more brave, killing the demons and fleeing;

Some of the old, weak, and sick were originally hiding in the cities of the heroic continent, closing their doors. But after hearing the dean's words, they opened the doors and walked to the streets outside, looking up at the gradually clear sky.

Those who lost their homes were sitting in the ruins and wept with pictures of their loved ones. But after hearing the dean's words, they rekindled hope, wiped away tears, and began to clear the ruins and rebuild their homes.


This war is finally over.

The post-war cleaning work was left to the rest. Huang Yi, Tiandao, Dragon Thorn, and Qin Shiyu all returned to Longdu and gathered at the highest level of Hanging Garden.

After a while, the blade, sharp sword, and thunder also rushed over from their respective directions and got together again. They also won brilliant victories in their respective battlefields, killing numerous invaders and demons.

Huang Yi previously arranged the remaining demigod guardians to fight with them, such as the six major messengers of the Yu people.

With the help of those demigod masters, the blade, sharp sword, thunder, and others also killed a large number of top-level Celestial Demon Clan, and gained a lot.

Among them, Thor is even almost like Huang Yi, and will soon kill a demon demigod. Unfortunately, at the last minute, the Seven Demon Kings came down and took away the demigod that respected the wound.

"Tiandao, it turns out that you are a god-killer, who has kept us away for so long!" At this time, the blade suddenly shook his head and stepped forward, came to Tiandao's body, and gave a courteous hug.

They can be called rivals for many years. In the era before Huang Yi's rise, it was their group of veteran masters who competed with each other.

"Yeah! I didn't expect that this national war would end in this way, and it turned out that you already knew the news of the spear of the sky. Thanks to us, we were exploring the whereabouts of this artifact." With a sigh of sorrow, his gaze was always staring at the spear in the sky ~ www.readwn.com ~ and looked carefully.

Huang Yi bowed apologetically and said to everyone: "Our mission is very special. It is related to our lives and lives. It is different from you pure players, so some things must be concealed, waiting for the right time. Only to be public. You are all my friends, but I hide such an important thing, I'm really sorry. "

"It's okay, you do this and let us win. This is a good thing." Blade shook his head and said indifferently.

"I'm afraid you can't say victory now!" Just then, an old voice suddenly sounded in the air, and then the figure of the dean appeared.

Everyone turned their heads and stared at the dean.

At this moment, the dean's face was dignified, and the old eyes looked at the south of the hero continent, saying: "Tell you bad news. Although this battle is temporarily over, when the Seven Devil Kings retreated, they did something very Insidious things have caused another war to begin simultaneously ... "

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, it must be better! ] (To be continued.)

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