Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1026: Wings of the Sunstrider Phase 1

The dean retracted his palm from the snakeskin and continued: "Nakash is a snake race and will shed like a snake, especially those demi-level Nakash masters. It is a good material for making top-level equipment. This time, in the first world, I also encountered Nakashi ’s derivative race, Naga. Naga is a derivative race created by the combination of the ancient Nazash and the Kraken, The upper body is in the form of a sea monster, and the lower body has a huge snake tail, living in the ocean. Naga is a matriarchal race, females occupy a dominant position, they are intelligent, and they control various secret methods. At present, Naga in the first world The patriarch is the snake-haired banshee Medusa, a very powerful demigod master. "

The Dean said, his eyes glanced at several people in turn, encouraging: "Your current strength can also travel to other worlds. The universe is wonderful, each world has its own characteristics, you can go to other worlds to see Yeah, it ’s good for your future to broaden your horizons. It ’s getting late! I have to go. The central continent has been severely damaged by the seven devil kings this time. Some ethnic holy places have been destroyed. I have to rush over to deal with them. Pay attention to that black hole in space! "

After that, the figure of the dean disappeared into the air again.

"Kill God." At that moment, Li Jian suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Huang Yi. "When you invited me to participate in the national war, our agreement was limited to the national war. Now, the national war is over. I I have to do my own business, so I have to go. I hope that I will have the opportunity to fight side by side in the future. "

"Okay! You can come to me anytime in the future. Some things may need to be discussed with you in the future." Huang Yi nodded.

Some time ago, he discovered the underworld, but also found that Li Jian seems to have a special understanding of the underworld, and should be aware of many secrets of the underworld.

Such a place in the underworld should come into contact again in the future. If necessary, Huang Yi is very willing to discuss the information of the underworld with Li Jian. But now is obviously not the right time, this is a big secret of the sword. Definitely never tell yourself.

"I'm leaving too!" At this moment, the dragon thorn suddenly said, "I'm going to the treasure house of the golden holy dragon and golden holy scale."

"Oh? You actually found his treasure house?" Li Jian was slightly surprised, staring at the dragon thorn. "The most famous treasure trove in the history of the Second World is the treasure trove of gold holy dragons and gold holy scales. The dragons have always loved to collect treasures. The treasure trove left by the god-sealers such as gold holy scales has seduced a generation. Generations to find, and even many people from other worlds came to the second world to search this treasure trove. But there has been no news. I did not expect to find you. "

Blade Feng smiled and said, "It's a god-given era, and all kinds of adventures will come to life. I also got the guidance of Blade King's Edge two days earlier, and found the sharpening stone left by King Blade that year. More than that We, like Miyamoto Musashi, the Pope, and the Ganges, should all have bigger adventures. "


The following days, the hero continent was in a rare period of calm.

The previous war caused too much damage to the hero continent. It was raged by the invading army first, and then trampled again by the demons. The entire continent has almost become a ruin, and it is waiting to be abandoned.

Now, the entire continent has become the territory of the heroic empire, and the task of rebuilding the continent has fallen on the heroic empire. Fortunately, before the end of the national war, the invading army madly built those occupied areas, but the massive precious materials left behind made the reconstruction of the hero's continent a lot easier.

Otherwise, even forces such as the Empire of Heroes, it is very difficult to rebuild this continent. I do n’t know how much wealth and energy it will cost.

Also. After the victory of the Hero Empire Empire, Chinese players have increased their full attributes by 50%, which can last for 10 days. And after the national war, players get post-war rewards. The level has been greatly improved, and the magic dans obtained when hunting the demons can be upgraded. For a time, the player levels of the entire hero continent have skyrocketed.

As a result, the world record of the Tower of the Gods was refreshed again and again. Among them, Huang Yi, Thor, Blade and others all broke the world record on the 280th floor.

However, the next 290th layer was powerless. Because the BOSS inside will reach the stage of ascension, the strength is far beyond the average top-level domain!

However, this calm is only temporary. The black hole in the space south of the hero's continent, like a window, attracts the peeping of the strong in the entire universe.

These days, Huang Yi has arranged a guardian of the demigods to take turns monitoring the black hole nearby. Currently, several intruders have been detected, but they have not done any destructive actions after they came in. Huang Yi and the dean did not take any measures.


This morning, after Huang Yi went online, he appeared on the top floor of the sky garden.

At this moment, the warm rising sun rises from the sky and shines on the ground. On the grass in the sky garden, dew drops reflect the sun, like diamonds.

Huang Yi looked up at the rising sun in the sky, and suddenly hesitated.

I saw a figure with wings flapping beneath the rising sun, chasing the sun.

His wings were golden yellow, and looked very sacred under the sun bath.

This person is truly one of the six messengers of the Yu people-Shuguang Zhaoyang Chalklis. He came from one of the greatest clan of the Yuzu clan, the Sun Clan, and the **** of faith Johns, and the Sunstrider Icarus was the same clan. They clan like to chase the sun, and can transform sunlight into their own power ~ www.readwn.com ~ At this time, Zhaoyang Chalclis, who is chasing the sun, also found the yellow overflow below, Immediately stopped chasing the sun and descended from the extremely high sky.

Soon, Zhaoguang Chalklis, the dawn, came to the top of the sky garden and landed beside Huang Yi. At this moment, he was so energetic, his eyes were like two rising sun, dazzling.

"Kill God, last time you asked us to help repair the feathers of Johns on the Sunstrider's wing. After a period of hard work, those thousands of Johns feathers have restored their power. They should be ready for use! "Zhuguang Zhaoyang Chalklis said, shaking his palms, took out a wing.

This wing is exquisite and exquisite, with beautiful lines, thousands of golden feathers are neatly arranged on the metal skeleton!

These feathers are dazzling and faint, and flutter slightly in the air. They are as light as anything and exude a strong breath of divine power.

This is the wing of the Sunstrider! It is completely different from the run-down and damaged look before!

It has finally completed the first phase of repair and is ready to use! (To be continued.)

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