Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1029: Blood Moon Continent

Huang Yi soared in the sun, and it only took more than ten minutes to fly to the top floor of the city hall.

After this period of flight, the wing of the Sunstrider has accumulated the power of more than a thousand celestial points, but after entering the room, the sunlight will lose and these absorbed attributes will begin to dissipate.

In order to keep the daylight, Huang Yi simply sat on the window sill on the top floor of the city hall, swinging his feet out of the window, while waiting for the arrival of the overlord.

Looking down at the entire Longdu from this angle, you can clearly feel the prosperity of the city, and the streets and alleys are crowded with people. There are people in and out of parks, shops, career halls, warriors halls, and the transport square. Various buildings stretched to the horizon and could not be seen at a glance.

Since the heroic empire unified the entire hero continent, the dragon has become the heart of the entire continent, and has been expanded to accommodate more players to live here, which is no worse than those giant cities on the central continent.

In other parts of the mainland, new cities are being built, and the whole continent is rejuvenated.

"A Yi, what's the matter with you?" At this moment, the voice of overlord sounded behind him.

Huang Yi looked back, and saw the old figure of Bawang, walking quickly with a trekking pole.

The overbearing look of the overlord was wearing a pair of hiking shoes, the shoes were covered with mud, and it seemed that he had just explored in the wild.

"I just took my adventure brothers and explored an ancient ruin on a barren mountain! I received your message and immediately transmitted it back." The overlord came to the window sill and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"Hard work!" Huang Yi said, took out the tail spur of the bee worm and passed it, "This is a tail spur left by a bee worm after death. See if you can pass it and search To the body of that beetle. "

"Zerg?" The king stunned slightly, stretched out his withered palm, and took over the tail stab. Capricorned for a while, "Isn't this one of the most powerful races in the universe? It happened that one of our adventure group members had got the Zerg adventure. Recently, my level has been improved very quickly, and that tracking ability is much better than before Stronger. Wait a minute, I'll search it out for you right now! "

After speaking, the overlord clenched the tail stab, closed his eyes, and began to sing a melody.

This broken melody cannot hear the specific lyrics. But the ups and downs are fierce, not as pleasing as the usual music, and it sounds like a throbbing heart.

As the chant continued, the tail stabbed slightly and seemed to be affected by the melody.

After a while, the overlord finally finished singing that weird melody, and the tail stabbed again. He opened his eyes again and said in a deep voice: "I probably searched. There is the same breath far away in the northwest. It should be in other continents overseas. I opened the map to find it."

The overlord said, immediately took out a rough map of the world from the storage ring and began to research. He is the leader of the adventure group, and often goes to adventures everywhere. He always has various maps on his body.

Huang Yi also turned his head and looked at the world map together.

The map of the Second World is very vast. There are more than two hundred pieces of land on the continent alone. Most of them are exclusive continents of various countries.

Only a small part of the continent does not belong to the state and belongs to the public area. The most famous is the central continent.

Seeing this map of the world, Huang Yi felt the terrifying power of the Seven Demon Kings again! The maps of ancient times are not what they are now. At that time, there were only two supercontinents in the entire world, known as the East and West.

But later, the two supercontinents were broken by the Seven Demon Kings and turned into more than 200 pieces. This caused all previous maps of the world to be abolished, scholars at the Royal Academy of Oskan. It took generations to finally redraw the new world map.

For ordinary masters, changing mountains, rivers and mountains has been regarded as a symbol of great power, but once the seven demon kings came out, they directly changed the world map!

"I found it!" At this moment, the overlord suddenly pointed his finger at a blood-red area in the map. "According to the distance I sensed and calculated on the scale of this map, the beetle carcass corresponding to that tail spur , It should be located on the Blood Moon Continent! "

"It's really the Blood Moon Continent!" Huang Yi looked unpredictably, his eyes locked on the position of the Blood Moon Continent in the world map.

The Blood Moon Continent, like the Central Continent, is a public continent and is not exclusive to any country. The continent is dominated by a blood race known in the Second World!

However, when the Seven Demon Kings invaded a while ago, the Bloodmoon Continent had been conquered by Her Majesty's Patriarch, Gerol Cannian. The blood clan leader has led the entire blood clan into his Majesty.

"Then let's go to the Blood Moon Continent in person! I want to find the bees and insects as soon as possible, and monitor them." Huang Yi pressed the knuckles and made a crackling sound, said vigorously.

"Okay! But you give me a little more time. I will go to the adventure group to pick a few people to act with us." The overlord said, smiling, "My adventure group may not be as good as the Shitu copy group. BOSS, is not as good as the sunset battlefield team with superb PK technology, but in terms of all kinds of strange abilities, my adventure group is full of talents. I will bring a few brothers who are good at different abilities, so that It can save a lot of trouble. "

"This is the best! You should arrange it as soon as possible!" Huang Yi agreed with the overlord's proposal.

No matter how strong he is, he cannot be proficient in various fields. Players have their own unique adventures and have their own abilities ~ www.readwn.com ~ Sometimes, Huang Yifei can do things that he can't do his best. Say, you can do it easily.


Overlord's speed is very fast, only about half an hour later, he led several players to meet Huang Yi again in the teleportation square.

Huang Yi immediately used the privileges of "Guardians of the World" and set them all as "World Enforcers".

Huang Yi can set up a total of 100 world law enforcers, each world law enforcer has + 10% of all attributes, and has the ability to transmit across continents. He can use the transmission array of all public cities around the world without activation.

In this way, Huang Yi will be able to directly transfer to a public city closest to the Blood Moon Continent, instead of taking a slow boat to cross the mainland, saving a lot of time on the road.


Thank you many book friends such as "Luo Shao take you to fly", "Anoschwa ~ Xin Ge" and so on for their great rewards in the near future! This book has reached the point where it is now, and I would like to reward so much, I really appreciate it. If you are a friend who does n’t have a lot of starting coins, please subscribe. Subscription is the most important data of a book. (To be continued.)

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