Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1043: Magic bottle

? At this point, the energy of Huang Yi is exhausted, the eye of time automatically stops, and the past image of the old man with red scales disappears.

And to absorb the energy stone, you need to cancel the nothingness, which is equivalent to exposing yourself, Huang Yi had to give up.

The Eye of Time couldn't see what was behind the door, but he could investigate the laboratory.

This time, Huang Yi came to the Blood Moon Continent, and the incarnation remained in the dragon capital of the distant hero continent.

In order to figure out what the old man of Redscale did in that laboratory, his avatar was immediately transferred to the scientific research base of the World of Warcraft Mountains to ask an expert in this area.

When he was in the Mountains of Warcraft, he once met Alchemist Filter Night from the world of Oroas, and also released some other criminals who are proficient in alchemy, alchemy, and poison making ability, and jointly established a scientific research base. Some time ago, the reason why he could end the reincarnation in advance was to use the potions they made.

After Huang Yi teleported to the research base of the World of Warcraft Mountains, he went directly to the core alchemy laboratory. Filter Night is an alchemist who eats and drinks in the laboratory, and sometimes does not go out once in ten days and a half months.

After entering the alchemy laboratory, Huang Yi really saw the familiar figure of Filter Night. At this moment he was working tirelessly in that laboratory, arching his body, and staring closely at a still.

The breath emanating from Filter Night is more powerful than before. He was originally a heavenly powerman in the Oroas world, but when he came to the second world, he was suppressed to the level of the sanctuary.

Now there is a black hole in space in the second world, the rules of the world are no longer complete, his strength has been greatly restored, and he has reached the heavens again.

"Filter Ye, what are you doing?" Huang Yi's avatar went directly to Filter Ye and looked at the still.

Only then did Ye Ye find Huang Yi's arrival, and he turned to look at him, and continued to stare at the still, saying, "I'm improving an alchemy recipe! Why are you free to come to me today?"

"I want to ask you a question ..." Next, Huang Yi re-described the picture seen by the eyes of time.

Originally, Ye Ye had been staring at the still, but as Huang Yi's description deepened, he was gradually attracted and turned to look at Huang Yi, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"What do you think the naga are doing with that equipment?" Huang Yi asked at the end.

Filter Ye touched his chin, pondered for a while, and twirled his palm, and took out two things.

Those are two transparent bottles.

One of them is slender, with a bright light flowing throughout the body, like a work of art.

The other was a glass bottle with a stopper at the mouth, like some kind of chemical vessel.

"Did you see these two bottles?" Filter Ye shook the two bottles in his hand and asked Huang Yi.

Huang Yi took a closer look, and the two bottles were exactly the same as those seen in the laboratory, and immediately nodded: "It's really these two bottles!"

"That should be right!" Nocturne nodded as expected, first shaking the slender whole body of the brightly flowing bottle, introducing, "This bottle is called Shenjing Bottle, which is a kind of A rare treasure dedicated to loading top-level liquids. You said that you saw that bottle only contained a drop of liquid, that should be a very top-level liquid, otherwise it would not be possible to use a crystal bottle! "

After filtering Ye Ye, he shook another bottle like a chemical vessel, and continued to introduce: "This bottle is called a magic bottle, and it is also a top-level bottle. It happens to be the most in our world history by Oroas. Created by the great alchemist, Zormos, and then spread throughout the universe. This bottle has an important effect, which is 'breeding', which is similar to copying and can replicate any kind of liquid, but it costs a lot of money High cost to reproduce. "

As Ye Yan said, he made some speculations: "In my opinion, the group of Naga should be in that laboratory and use the magic bottle to copy the liquid in the crystal bottle! The drop of liquid must be very precious Not only was they loaded with a crystal bottle, but it also cost a huge price. You want to copy a drop out of that magic bottle. You must get this drop of liquid, I'll see what it is! "

Huang Yi's heart moved, and she couldn't help but think about Ye Ye's suggestion.

His eyes of time have seen the location of that laboratory. As long as he sneaks into the laboratory without the attention of Red Scale and others, he can be sure that the drop of liquid can be stolen. Give Filter Night a look and see what the top liquid is.

"I'll give it a try!" Huang Yi finally nodded and decided to be a thief.


On the other side, in the study of Scarlet Castle, Huang Yi's body is still in a state of nothingness, watching the old man with red scales.

"Russia!" At this moment, Huang Yi heard another crawling sound, and came downstairs along the stairs, as if someone else had come in.

Soon, another Naga came upstairs and came to the study. This Naga was younger and had a snake tail with cyan scales.

Greenscale Naga came to the old man of Redscale, bowed her head respectfully, and spoke a series of words.

What he said should be the language of the Naga, Huang Yi couldn't understand it at all, and could only observe the expressions of the two people to guess what type of news.

After Qinglin Naga said, the old man with a red nodded his head, with a look of anticipation, put the diary back in his hand directly on the desk, stood up, and hurried downstairs with that Qinglin Naga ~ .com ~ Huang Yi still did not dare to carelessly, and continued to maintain nothingness. After waiting for a while, he finally cancelled this state and appeared in the air.

He turned to look out the window, the whole castle was under his view, and at the foot of the mountain was the vast scarlet plain.

At this time, in the distant sky, a few small black spots are rapidly away. Huang Yi can vaguely see that the small black spots are the naga of the old man of the red scales. The direction they are going to is the direction where the hive construction site is located!

Just then, Huang Yi received a message from the overlord--

"A Yi, that hive has been built! The Zerg has settled in, and it seems to be brewing divine honey!"

Judging from the news received by the Overlord, it is not difficult to speculate that just now the Bluescale Naga should have reported the completion of the hive like the Redscale old man, so they hurriedly left the Scarlet Castle and went to the hive .

From this point of view, the purpose of this group of Naga's arrival in the first world is to steal the **** honey brewed by the Zerg! (To be continued.)

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