Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1052: Lethal toxin

Chapter 1052 Deadly Toxin

Luo Shao takes you to your heart for a while. Zhuo Yehua obviously wants to confirm his identity. If he can't convince the other party, I'm afraid he will die here on the spot.

He turned around in his head, and soon he had a speech: "I am the confidante of Bloody Tianyu, who specially sends secret messages for him. Just now he was going to pretend to be a fan of Vatican, so he had to send me over to tell him."

Speaking, Luo Shao took you to fly pretending to look around carefully for a few moments, only to make sure that there was no one, then he lowered his voice and said quietly: "Master Xue Tianyu is ready to assassinate Vatican at any time, but I need your help to provide an opportunity. "

Zhuo Yehua heard the words "Assassination of Vatican", and the cautious expression on his face swept away without any doubt.

Luo Shao can take you flying and even know the secret news of assassination of Vatican, it seems that it is indeed Xue Tianyu's confidant.

Zhuo Yehua glanced in the direction of the right hall, her eyes seemed to penetrate a thick wall, and she saw Vatican, who was meditating in the secret room of the right hall, and thought for a while, and said, "Fang Yu hid in pain all day long. It ’s really hard to get started in the temple. But we can work around it. I will design a trap to let him actively expose the position of Queen Queen of Pain! As long as I can see Queen Queen of Pain and get rewards and improve my strength, then I will change my hand. Vatican can be crushed in between. "

Speaking of which, the burning night was halted, and his expression was positive. He stared at Luo Shao and took you to fly, saying, "Five days later, on the full moon night, the **** honey will be brewed in sufficient amount. I will then turn the real God ’s honey was transferred away, leaving a secretion in the honey pool, allowing Xue Tianyu to steal it out, and dedicate it to Vatican as a **** honey. At that time, Vatican will surely take that secret secret to the Queen of Pain My lord. As long as I follow the breath of secretion, I can find the Queen Queen of Pain, and then I will offer the real divine honey ... "

"But, what if Vatican recognizes that it is a secretion?" Luo Shao took you to ask carefully.

"Only we Zerg know what the divine honey looks like. It is impossible for Vatican to recognize that it is fake divine honey. And I will deliberately leak out the time when the divine honey is brewed, and let Vatican take the initiative." Carelessly.

Luo Shao took you flying eyes and turned around, and said, "When we went to the hive to steal the divine honey, those bees and insects did not know that we were working for adults, and they might try to block us. Could the adults give me a token? "

Zhuo Yehua groaned and said, "Let's do this! I will give you a drop of divine honey as a token. If there are bees blocking you, you will show this drop of divine honey. After they smell this breath, Will not stop you. "

After that, Zhuo Yehua took a hand in his palm, took out a bottle, and handed it to Luo Shao to take you to fly.

Luo Shaofei took you to hurry up and stretch out your hands, and respectfully took over the bottle, which contained a drop of colorless transparent liquid, rolling back and forth on the bottom of the bottle.

"This is a thousand times diluted divine honey, which contains one thousandth of a drop of divine honey, and the effect is only one thousandth, but to you, it is a rare treasure. After the completion, this drop of **** Honey diluent will be rewarded to you! "Said Shao Yehua, waved his hand, and said," You quit! I will hurry up to heal the wounds and stop disturbing me. "

"Yes, yes!" Luo Shao took you to fly and bowed, stepping out of the back room step by step, and backing out to the door, finally turned around and left.

In his hand, he pulled the bottle tightly, and the drop of colorless and tasteless divine honey diluent kept shaking.


On the other side, in the conference room of the City Hall of Longdu, Longdu, the incarnation of Huang Yi is discussing the overseas expansion plans with the high-levels of the heroic empires.

Since Huang Yi was promoted to Marshal in the National War, his heroic empire has been qualified to expand overseas. In addition, he is now the guardian of the world and has the privilege in this regard. Overseas expansion is imperative.

At this time, the veterans of the Heroes Guild offered suggestions and debates. Huang Yi sat on the podium and listened intently.

Just then, he suddenly received a message from the Warcraft Mountain Research Base--

"Kill God, come here! Something happened here!"

The news revealed a rush of 100,000 in the words, making people inexplicably tremor!

"What happened to the Warcraft Mountains, I'll go over and see! You continue!" Huang Yi's incarnation left a word in a hurry, and got up and left.

It didn't take long for Huang Yi to teleport to the scientific research base of the World of Warcraft Mountains.

As soon as he teleported here, he immediately felt something wrong.

At this time, the perimeter of the scientific research base was crowded with people, all of them were looking at a minaret building in the center of the scientific research base, their faces were dignified and they whispered from time to time.

Huang Yi followed their eyes and looked at the minaret building. At this time, the minaret building was surrounded by a layer of enemies, and was isolated from the outside world. I don't know what happened.

"Kill God, you're here!" Just then, a voice sounded, and several figures came out of the crowd.

The headed person has a pair of blood-red wings, and a pair of slender hands dripping with blood. It is one of the demigod guardians of the heroic empire-Blood Hand Shura Rihong.

The remaining few are scientific research experts such as Filter Night, Witch Doctor Zawak, Venomist Riser, and others. But at this time they were pale and their steps were floating, and they seemed to have suffered some serious injuries.

Huang Yi looked at them, and then looked at the building sealed by the enchantment in the distance, and asked, "What happened here?"

Bloody Hand Shura turned his head and looked at the minaret structure sealed by the enchantment, dignifiedly, "I just received the distress signal from the filtrate. He said that there was a venomous toxic substance in his laboratory. Several of them were seriously injured by poisoning. I quickly rescued them, transferred all nearby scientific researchers, and released an enchantment to isolate the laboratory. However, the source of the toxin is still inside, if it is not dealt with as soon as possible, Once all leaked out, all the souls of the entire hero continent will be poisoned to death! "

"All creatures on the entire continent will be poisoned ?!" Huang Yi was suddenly surprised and turned to look at Ye Ye, "what is the toxin? It is so powerful!"

"It was you who stole the mysterious liquid of Naga from the underground laboratory of Scarlet Castle!" Filter Yeqiang held his mouth open, he gasped and said weakly, "This time, me and the witch doctor · Zawak, Venomancer Lisser, and some of them used poisonous masters to study together for a long time, and finally unveiled the mystery of the drop of liquid! I finally understand why the naga so valued this drop of liquid ! "

Said Filter Ye, a look of terror flashed in his eyes, and swallowed his throat: "The drop of liquid is the poisonous death kiss in the legend of the universe-this is the strongest race in the first world in ancient times-Na The snake venom secreted by Shashi! The drop of death kiss you brought back is the most advanced one. It should be secreted by a god-sealer of the Nashash tribe in history. Even the demigods can poison. Damn it! Fortunately, this drop of snake venom was placed in the crystal bottle, and we have been careful when we researched, and only opened the crystal bottle with a slight gap, but even so, a trace of breath escaped accidentally. The breath was colorless and tasteless. Even our masters of poisoning did not notice it. Until we were paralyzed and unable to move on the ground, we finally found that we were poisoned. Then we quickly let the **** hand Shura rescue us. If it is later I'm afraid you won't see us any more. "

Huang Yi was shocked. He did not expect that the drop of toxin he had stolen actually had such a large amount. It seems that the group of Naga was shed blood, and they must get the honey of the bees at any cost, even a toxin like the kiss of death came with a drop! I am afraid it is reserved for the masters who are used to deal with the demons.

Filter Ye's face was dignified, looking at the minaret building surrounded by enchantment in the distance, saying: "Kill God, that kiss of death is terrible! Staying here is a time bomb, you have to send someone into the laboratory quickly In accordance with strict laboratory procedures, the **** crystal bottle was sealed again. However, this may cost life, and even the guardian of the deities may never come out. Now there is a very serious problem ... who is being sacrificed? "

The voice fell, and the atmosphere on the court was heavy.

The crowd looked at the minaret building in the distance. The building looked no different from the usual one, but at this moment, there was nothing less than a hell, and whoever entered it would die.

"How about letting me in?" At this moment, a player in the pharmaceutical profession took the initiative to say, "I am a godsend. I have a special constitution and can be resurrected after death. It is just a loss of one level."

"It's not that simple!" Filter Ye shook his head. "The poison of Death Kiss affects the soul. Even if it is a godsend, using invincible skills can only temporarily save his life. Once the invincible time passes, death is inevitable. More Seriously, this death is continuous, even after resurrection, it will still be poisoned, and will die again, and will not stop! And the ordinary God-given people enter, I am afraid that they have not even walked into the laboratory. He was poisoned halfway and wanted to go in, unless he was a very powerful master! "

The player suddenly spit out his tongue, and no longer said a word.

"Let me in!" Just then, Huang Yi suddenly spoke, her voice calm and steady.

The audience was stunned for a moment, and then shocked!

"What ?! You have to sacrifice yourself ?!"

"You are the leader of the heroic empire. No one can sacrifice you!"

"Brother God, let me in! Your life is worth more than me! You can never die!"

For a while, everyone persuaded.

Filter Ye also stared at Huang Yi seriously, and said, "Kill God, do you think you are an incarnation, so it doesn't matter if you sacrifice it? It's not that simple. After your incarnation is poisoned, the body will be implicated!"

Huang Yi shook his head and laughed: "Everyone's life is equal, and my life is not more noble than others. When it is time for me to sacrifice, I should be incumbent. I decided to go in because I happened to have one. Means, may be able to avoid being poisoned! "


I came back from the trip, and it took me about half a month. There was no update during this period. I'm very sorry.

Let me talk about the update amount again. The update amount of this book is very slow now. No matter in terms of creative inspiration or my spirit, it is not as good as before. In the past, there were 5,000 or 6,000 words of updates every day, but now it is difficult to keep up, the physical fitness is very poor, there are problems from time to time, and the spirit is haunted. For a long time, I did not find the feeling before. If there is something in reality, or if my body is uncomfortable, or not inspired, then I may not update. In fact, everyone can feel that the content written below is no longer attractive and can not be compared with the previous one, and this is already the result of my best efforts ~ www.readwn.com ~ This disease is not only devastating It ’s my health and my creation. Now I ’m sitting in front of the computer and I ca n’t write anything. It seems that inspiration has been emptied and I ca n’t find inspiration. Whether I go to the movies or travel, these are all external means, deliberately Go for inspiration. In fact, the real good inspiration is from the inside, it is elusive, very mysterious, when the finger taps the next line, it comes out involuntarily. I used to have this feeling, but now it ’s gone. .

It may also be a problem of attention. In the past, most of my attention was focused on novels, but now more attention is focused on illness and life, and only a small part is on writing.

There are hundreds of thousands of words left in this book. When this book is written and a new story is written, you may find the feeling of writing it once!

You don't have to chase changes every day, it will be very painful. Just look at the updates, and look at other books without updates! Or wait to see my new book. This year, I will finish writing this "Heroes of Heroes" and then issue a new book. As for the promise of giving readers more, it may be fulfilled in the new book.

In addition, I didn't go to the book review area during this time. I just saw in the background that many book friends such as “South Emperor” gave me a lot of starting coins, and I would like to thank them here. (To be continued.)

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