Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1058: Mixed inside

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Red scale Naga and others returned to the First World immediately after receiving the secretion, and wanted to give it to their patriarch, the snake-haired banshee Medusa, as soon as possible to heal.

In the beehive on the other side, Shao Yehua is constantly sensing the whereabouts of the secretion.

Before, he deliberately asked Xue Tianyu to steal the secretion. Presumably, Xue Tianyu has given the secretion to Vatican as a **** honey. Vatican should know that the **** honey cannot be stored for a long time, so he will give it to Queen of Pain.

在 At this moment, Zhuo Yehua clearly felt that the secretion suddenly left the range of the second world and instantly transmitted to another place!

"Vanyu should have left the second world with the secretion and went looking for the Queen of Pain!" Zhuo Yehua's face showed a conspiratorial smile, and the wings behind her suddenly left the hive and sniffed the secretion. The breath chased past.

Yan Zhuo Yehua followed the direction of the secretion, flying all the way to the sky, gradually flying away from the second world, and came into the universe.

五 Stars are scattered in the depths of the distant starry sky, and there is no end to them. Some are dead stars, some are dangerous forbidden areas, and some are living worlds. The boundless universe, I do n’t know how wide it is, I do n’t know how many worlds and how many souls there are.

At this time, Zhuo Yehua has left the shelter of the Second World, and the fierce cosmic wind begins to blow on his body. He can't help shrinking slightly and begins to resist the cosmic wind with his own strength.

Holding his time, he felt the whereabouts of the secretion again, then turned his head and stared in that direction.

At the end of his sight, there is an extremely bright star, flickering like a lighthouse in the vast universe, and the vast and great civilization breathes out continuously, making all the rest of the world overshadowed!

That is the first world!

The secretion went to the first world!

Zhuo Yehua slightly hesitated, and said to himself: "Master Queen of Pain is not hidden in the space of the Seven Demon Kings, but is hidden in the first world. It is really an accident. Such a little person can guess! "

Subsequently, Zhuo Yehua exhausted his fastest speed and flew towards the first world.

Uh ...

In the steppe, Huang Yi and others are still struggling to move in the direction of the hive.

Xun Huangyi was poisoned by the snake's venom of death's kiss. She was too weak to walk, which greatly slowed everyone's speed. However, everyone did not complain, but supported Huang Yi to move forward slowly.

"Brother God, even if we steal the secretion and give it to Fanyu, trace the whereabouts of the Queen of Pain, but how can we kill her? Her avatar is already so powerful, the strength of the Ontology is unimaginable! "Luo Shao took you to fly, while holding Huang Yi forward, you asked.

Luo Shao took you flying with eyes still red and blood red, and the wings behind him constantly absorbed the red star light scattered in the sky, and his body faintly exudes an aggressive momentum. He is currently the strongest master in this team. His bloodline makes him stronger than usual on full moon night. His current strength can completely compete with the top celestial powers above 275. Compete.

"Actually, I haven't figured it out yet." Huang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and seemed to be tired of talking. "It is estimated that only the God-sealer can deal with the Queen of Pain. The strongest helper I can think of is the courtyard. Long, but the dean obviously cannot kill the Queen of Pain, and the guardian of our heroic empire cannot leave the territory and cannot help. This time, as long as we find the location of the Queen of Pain, we can complete the task. Then, I will find a way to deal with her later. "

The demons that the Qingming Hetu combined into a group also gently supported Huang Yi and said, "Our time is running out. Within five days, we must trace the whereabouts of the Queen of Pain on the one hand, and the other On the other hand, it is necessary to find a way to remove the toxins from Brother God, and hope that those Naga are still in the second world, so that we can find a way to remove the kiss of death from them. "

Everyone said, gradually came to the entrance of the hive. Huang Yi and Qingming River maps are in the form of demons, Luo Shao takes you to fly in the form of blood races, the second middle school boy is in the form of beetles, and the guards of the hive treat them as their own, and do not block them.

After entering the hive, there is a huge space inside. It is like a bustling night market in a city. It is densely packed with beetles and demons, and a small number of blood races. They have different shapes and shapes, and the evil atmosphere is intertwined. Full of every inch of space, there are some of the top celestial powerhouses. Portraits such as Huang Yi are a flat boat in the ocean, surrounded by endless enemy groups. If their camouflage is spotted and the consequences are unthinkable, the number of enemies alone will drown a few of them!

At this time, the Qingming River Tu and the two demons merged together, carefully led the way, as far as possible from those enemies in the hive, and walked to the ball-shaped building at the center of the hive.

The jade ball building is as large as a football field and is the core area of ​​the hive. The honey pond, as the most core facility in the hive, must be in a corner inside the ball.

At the entrance of the round ball building, there are some bees and insects guarding them. They have sharp eyes and shoot back and forth, making people dare not approach.

Xi Huang Yi and others quietly discussed, and casually came to the entrance, and then Luo Shao took you to fly forward alone, trying to enter the ball.

The beetle guards, immediately stopped him, screamed: "Here is the hive ground, you can't go in!"

Luo Shao took you to make a cold hum, letting out the breath of your mighty shore, and the majestic gas field swept away like the wind towards the beetle guards, with the solemnity: "I was ordered by Xue Tianyu to go in Do an important thing, and you should let it go, don't delay Master Xuetianyu's plan! "

The beetle guards still refused to give in, and stood firmly in front, without any slackness: "Master Shao Yehua has just issued a new order, and the rest are not allowed unless they are led by Master Fan Yu and Master Xue Tianyu. Get inside! "

Luo Shao took you to fly and frowned, and wanted to talk again, but Huang Yi not far away quietly winked at him and stopped him.

Now they are sneaking in to steal things. It should not be too pretentious, otherwise it will easily attract the attention of others and reveal flaws.

溢 Huang Yi coughed a bit ~ www.readwn.com ~ Strongly turned around, ready to imply that a few people left here, long-term discussion, don't make a fuss.

At the moment he turned around, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the entire soul seemed to be completely embedded in the ice cellar, staring in shock!

I saw behind them, I do not know when a tall and powerful figure appeared, the majestic breath rolling over, a pair of eyes staring at them high, without any emotion.

This figure is the demon leader of Blood Moon Continent-Vatican!


Sorry for not updating these days. I ran a blood test and MRI at the hospital. The results showed that the virus started to replicate again, and the degree of liver cirrhosis did not decrease. The interferon treatment for the previous two years had failed. Now the doctor changed the treatment plan for me, taking entecavir for western medicine, about half a year for Chinese medicine, and Fuzheng Huayu Capsule. I should not get better with this disease. I want to treat it for life. I just hope that the condition does not worsen and maintain the current level to live a long time. This disease is the biggest blow that I have ever suffered in my life. I have been in a bad mood for the past two years, and my emotions have been repeated over and over again, sometimes good and bad. Only when I look down on life and death can I really calm down. Regarding the update again, you do n’t need to follow up every day. This book is very slow to write, and it does n’t feel like writing. If there is a status, please write a bit. If there is no status, it may not be updated for several days. If you follow up, you will be very disappointed. You can read it once in a while, or you can read it all at once after writing this book.

Thanks Ai Luqian, it's so good. (To be continued.)

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