Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1060: Another artifact is here!

Chapter 1060 Another Artifact Appears!

In the hive, Huang Yi stared at the red light rising out of the window, his heart filled with shock!

This vision of the heavens and the earth is too familiar. He has seen it once before, and that is the scene of the **** of thunder, the pillar of the sea god, being quenched!

Artifact hardening is to connect the red star in the sky, and use the light of the red star that contains divine power to complete the final process of the artifact.

The Blood Moon Continent is just the nearest continent to the Red Star. After ancient times, there are many peerless powers who are trying to make artifacts. They chose to quench the Blood Moon Continent.

And now it is the full moon night, the red star is full of light to the extreme, it is the best time for artifact hardening!

"That seems to be ... the direction of the Pain Demon Hall!" At this moment, Qingming Hetu exclaimed in a low voice, staring at the position where the red light rose up.

Huang Yi also suddenly responded. Before the Overlord had tracked the location of the Demon Base Camp of the Blood Moon Continent, it was a place called the Temple of Pain, which was right where the red light was!

Could it be that the artifact was born in the Temple of Pain?

The next moment, the vast and distant system announcement sounded throughout the Second World.

"[System Announcement]: Chinese player [Sky Magic Dragon] successfully synthesized the magic weapon [Wing of the Dragon] and became the first player to obtain a finished magic weapon. ■ ww.cfw + x.n≈et excite 1000 public reputation, get [the only achievement] [the first magic weapon], China ’s national honor value +1 ”

"[System Announcement]: [The King of Hell · Yan Mo] officially encloses [Tian Demon Dragon] as the eighth largest demon king and the title is [Tian Mo]."

The two-tone system announcement suddenly shocked the world!

Dragon Wings!

Little Demon Dragon!

The eighth largest devil!

This series of information suddenly shocked everyone to speech!

Dragon Wings, a well-known artifact, is finally here again!

Dragon Wing is one of the top ten artifacts in the Second World and the most controversial one. It is an artifact of the Dark Demon Dragon Squill, one of the three great God-sealers of the Dragons in ancient times. It is made from its pair of wings.

The Dark Demon Dragon Moxie has some relationship with the **** of space. The wings of the demon dragon also have the power of a space that can make a ghost, which can make people easily travel through the void, cross the universe, and cross the space barriers of the world.

In ancient times, this artifact was acquired by the eighth-largest demon king crab king at the time, and was reversed into a magic artifact by the king of hell. Later, the ancient god-sealer Queen Thunderbolt slayed the King Crab. Since then, the wings of the demon dragon have disappeared and never appeared again.

Many experts and scholars in history are arguing whether the dragon wings belong to artifacts or magic artifacts? But the Dragon Wings have not reappeared, so this controversy has not been conclusive.

Now, in this "Tianci era" full of adventures, the Dragon Wings are finally here again!

And the controversy about it finally has a clear conclusion that the wings of the demon dragon are a magic weapon! After it was turned into a magic weapon by the king of hell, it did not become a magic weapon again, even after re-emerging now, it is still a magic weapon!

The wing of the dragon this time is a complete magic weapon, not a magic weapon embryo, or a defective artifact, but a complete magic weapon, which can be comparable to Thor's artifact, the Pillar of Poseidon. !!

Now, of the 10 billion players in the world, two players have obtained the finished magic weapon!

However, everyone is very unfamiliar with this little demon dragon who has won the wings of the demon dragon. This character has never heard of it before, such master figures, awards ceremonies, competitions, and system announcements have never appeared in such a figure, but now it suddenly emerged and was sealed by the King of Hell The eighth largest devil!

This is even more mysterious than sharp swords, T.N.T, masters who have hidden for a long time before they suddenly debut, without any signs! It directly spans the long process of fame and instantly becomes a top master!

Just when the whole world was stunned and shocked by the Demon Dragon, Huang Yi within the hive was in shock!

He never thought that this famous god-level equipment of the wings of the demon dragon would actually be related to the person of the demon dragon!

He knows too much about the Devil Dragon! Have even met several times!

The most recent one was even on the way to Scarlet Castle the other day!

That day, when he went to Scarlet Castle with the identity of "Big Bad Guy", he once again met the demon dragon in a forest. At that time, the other party was grilling meat under a bonfire and asked Huang Yi to sit down and eat together.

At that time, Huang Yi had already felt that the strength of the little demon dragon was already unpredictable. But he was far from expecting that the Little Dragon of the Demon had grown to such a point that he came to the Blood Moon Continent to harden the magic weapon!

At the same time, he also understood why Vatican had left the hive just now. Vatican said that the eighth demon king was doing an important thing and had to rush to help. It now appears that the important thing refers to the hardening of the wings of the Demon Dragon.

Huang Yi's heart suddenly became heavy. In the past two years, the demon dragon has been trying to get revenge on him, and the shame that Yixue was killed by mistake that year. Now, the other party finally has such ability! After getting the finished magic weapon, the strength of the little demon dragon can completely compete with him at the peak. If he comes to revenge now, then he will have no resistance. He is now poisoned by the poison of the death kiss, and his full attributes are reduced by 95%. It is even difficult to walk. Even if the demon dragon does not use the wings of the magic dragon, Can easily kill him.

Huang Yi looked up at the dazzling red star in the sky. The red star was like the blood-stained eyes of the little demon dragon, staring at himself high above the ground.


On the rooftop of the Temple of Pain, Fan Yu was standing respectfully in front of a figure, with her head deeply lowered, full of respectful expression.

The figure was dressed in a rude animal skin, with a long bow on his back. His appearance was normal, and his skin was rough, showing the bronze color of the wind and sun all the year round. It looked like an ordinary hunter.

However, his eyes were not as sharp as those of ordinary hunters, but full of calm and perseverance, as if he had gone through many trials and hardships, he knew everything, had a grand vision, and was no longer confused.

He is the newly-increased eighth-largest demon god, the demon dragon!

At this point, a pair of dark wings appeared on the back of the shoulder blades. These wings seem to be hidden in another space, and the surrounding air is all undulating, making the wings unable to see the specific details, just like the two ink splatters in a landscape painting.

But even so, Vatican still felt deeply that the dark wings seemed to be an unpredictable ocean of magical energy, which contained endless magical energy, and those magical energy were about to explode at any time, as if they would burst out at any time. Destroy the world!

That's Wings of the Dragon, a finished magic weapon!

The little demon dragon opened his wings and carried his hands, standing under the bright starry sky, and the rays of stars from hundreds of millions of light years shrouded his body, exuding an ancient and immortal breath, as if it were a demon god, smashing all beings, You can destroy the world between your hands and cause a catastrophe on earth.

For a moment, Vatican had an illusion. He didn't seem to be looking up at the Sky Demon Dragon, but looking at the Seven Demon Kings. Only the Seven Demon Kings can give him this feeling!

At this time, the little demon dragon fanned the wings of the demon dragon behind, and felt its power for the first time.

The sturdy space was immediately stirred by the wings, rippling like water, creating a circle of space ripples, spreading in all directions, rushing all the way to the sky, to the high altitude, to the universe ...

The demon dragon smiled with satisfaction, then stopped the wings of the demon dragon, carrying his hands, looking up at the huge bright full moon in the sky, and a vicissitude flashed in his eyes.

At that moment, he seemed to see Huang Yi.

Two years ago, when Huang Yi bathed and killed in a place called "Feng Lin Zhai", it was such a night, the moon on that day was also so bright, and Huang Yi on that day was bloodthirsty like today's red star.

At the time, he was just an ordinary spectator in the crowd, who had no resentment against Huang Yi, but was accidentally killed by Huang Yi.

Since then, he started wandering in the wilderness, and vowed that he would never return to the city until he had the strength to respect Huang Yi.

In the wilderness, he has gone through all kinds of hardships, countless times into a state of life and death, countless times tasting the setbacks of failure, countless times of despair and cheer up again. He spent a lonely night, all the way to the present, until today, he finally realized the original vow!

Kill god, you must not remember me! That ’s right, I was just one of many sentient beings, and you were a tall and powerful person, and the number of people killed was innumerable. How could you remember me as a small person who was accidentally killed by you?

But starting today, I will be your eternal nightmare!

The little demon dragon of the sky was facing the full moon in the sky, and whispered to himself slightly.

At that moment, the little dragon of the demon suddenly frowned, turned his head to look at the direction of the hive, and then looked at Fanyu ~ www.readwn.com ~: "Just now, the space ripples that I fanned over The honeycomb, the atmosphere of that space is a bit strange, there should be outsiders mixed into the hive. The honey in the hive is related to whether the Queen of Pain's injury can be recovered quickly, and there must be no mistakes. I still want to stay here Assist the ninth demon king, no time to go to the hive to deal with these small issues, I have released the power of the space of the wings of the demon dragon, blocked the space around the hive, and the people inside have been trapped, even if using the teleport ability Go out. Now, you immediately go to the hive and find out the people who have mixed in to ensure the safety of the **** honey! "

"Yes! Dear Lord Demon, I'll go right away!" Fan Yu responded respectfully, his body flickered immediately and disappeared into place.

The Tianmo Little Divine Dragon turned his head and looked at another person on the rooftop.

The man was tall and had a golden color on his skin, so he was an orc. At this moment, he was holding a piece of red cloth in his hand and was splicing ...

The eighth devil has finally appeared, and the devil dragon is also a character buried in this book for a long time, and now he is on the stage. If you are interested, you can guess the identity of the ninth devil. The character of the ninth devil has also appeared before, but it has been a long time and everyone may have forgotten it. (To be continued.)

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