Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1062: The 9th Demon King

"Everyone reaches out and lets me feel your soul." Vatican looked around all of them and said irresistibly.

The appearance can be disguised, but the soul cannot be disguised. Examining the soul can definitely find those outsiders who come in!

"唰! 唰! 唰!" The next moment, all the people in the hive all proactively stretched out their hands, neatly lined up in a row of hand walls, to be reviewed by Vatican.

Fanyu also stretched out her hand, walked along a hand wall, touched each hand one by one, and began to sense their soul.

"Your soul is not very clear!" At this moment, Vatican suddenly stopped in front of ^ Novel] [www]. []. [Com] Mozu, and said a little.

魔 The Devil opened his eyes in horror and shuddered, trying to speak.

梵 But Vatican did not give him a chance, reached out a hand, and patted the head of the demons.

The headless body of the demons slowly fell to the ground, and the black demon blood gradually spread out.

Everyone looked at the corpse of the demons, swallowed their throats, and felt a shiver from the soul. This demon clan is not an outsider. Some people have known him for a long time, but he was directly killed by Fanyu just because his soul was not very clear! No chance to justify!

Fanyu is almost impersonal and brutal to the extreme, which is slightly inconsistent with his mind, whether it is an enemy or a friend to kill directly!

Fanyu didn't even look at the corpse on the ground, just like patting a fly to death, and continued to walk forward, feeling the soul of the next person.

"嘭! 嘭! 嘭!" Next, the hive almost turned into a slaughterhouse. From time to time, someone was killed directly by Vatican. Flesh and blood spattered everywhere, and the **** air permeated the entire hive.

Fanyu dripped blood with his hands and stepped on the blood with his feet. Wherever he went, there would be a dead body.

He would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!

Everyone was trembling with fear, unable to breathe, fearing that they would become the next dead.

At this time, the second middle school boy, like the rest of the hive, also stretched out his hand, waiting for detection.

He shivered and looked at the Vatican that was getting closer in the distance, then turned to look at Huang Yi again, his eyes full of nervousness and anxiety.

Huang Yi pursed his lips and continued to think. He had been hit by the poison of the kiss of death, his body was very weak, and now he was facing such a critical moment of death, his body and spirit had reached the extreme.

At this moment, a dazzling red light suddenly radiated from the outside of the hive, making the whole hive bright red, and a personal shadow was shook!

All of them turned their heads involuntarily, looking through the hexagonal exits on the wall of the hive, and looked out at the sky!

I saw a distant sky, and a thick red light soared into the sky, connecting the vast starry sky and connecting with that red star!

Then, a steady stream of red light poured down through that beam of light!

At this time, not only here, but the entire second world, no matter where they are, everyone has observed this red light!

Just accepted the shocking people and was stunned again!

This is another red star hardening!

Another artifact is here!

The Blood Dragon Moon Continent just appeared the wings of the Demon Dragon, and now it hasn't been long before, yet another artifact is born!

In the beehive, Huang Yi stared at the red light in shock. The position where the red light rose this time was exactly the same as the position where the wings of the dragon were hardened before, and it was still in the direction of the Temple of Pain!

Is there another artifact in the demons?

The next moment, a solemn and magnificent announcement sounded throughout the world-

"[System announcement]: The half-orc powerhouse [Blood Night · Warbler] successfully synthesized the artifact [Blood Stained Style], and was officially registered as the ninth demon king by [King of Hell · Yan Mo], with the title [Blood Demon] . "

Sure enough, another artifact is here!

Blood-stained style, this is the artifact of the last god-sealer in the second world—the ascendant · bloodhoof, belonging to the cloak and cloak equipment. After the mysterious death when the blood hoof sealed the god, the whereabouts of this artifact is unknown, and it has never been found again. Now in this god-given era, it has finally appeared again!

However, like the previous announcement, everyone has never heard of the "Blood Night · Flower Warrior" that won the artifact!

In the announcement of the system just now, it did n’t start with “player of a certain country” or player ’s name, but started with “half-orc power”, which shows that this person is an NPC!

But even NPC, everyone has never heard of such a master. The half-orc holy land in the central continent brings together the strongest of the entire half-orc race, but there is no such figure in it!

And the countless half-orc tribes scattered around the world have never seen such a master.

人 This person, like the little demon dragon of God, also popped up!

However, there are still a small number of people in the world who have already heard the name!

Huang Yi is one of them!

A long, long time ago, he had contact with this **** night · warbler, and he had a deep blood feud!

In that year, when Huang Yi went to Longdu to look for Qin Shiyu for the first time, he had a festival with a half-orc player named "Feng Zhi", killed 200,000 half-orcs NPC army under the Wind, and obtained The treasure named "Soul Overture". Later, Fengzhi returned to the half-orc tribe he belonged to, using the power of the tribe to deal with Huang Yi, the chief of the tribe even shot himself, kidnapped Qin Shiyu, and attempted to recapture Soul Overture.

Huang Yi simply led the Legion of Heroes' corps and killed the Orc tribe. The entire tribe was almost completely slaughtered, and even their tribal chiefs were killed by Huang Yi himself.

However, in the tribe, some people took the most valuable possessions in the tribe and fled through an ancient altar, led by the son of the half-orc chieftain-Bloody Night · Flowing Oriole!

They teleported to the south of the hero continent, right near the sphere of influence of the Thor Sun Guild. Later, Thunder God sent troops to annihilate the group of half-orcs, and obtained the massive resources of that tribe, but only the leader of Bloody Night Liuying escaped.

Later, Huang Yi was in the abyss in the central area of ​​the hero continent, entered the gate of the demon king, and went to the space where the seven demon kings were located to investigate. That time, he found the Bloody Nightingale again, and the other party has joined the Seven Devil Kings, becoming the queen of pain, and his strength has improved rapidly!

Xun Huangyi did not expect that the enemy who escaped that year would have endless troubles. Now he has acquired an artifact and grown up to be the ninth largest devil!

Destiny is really impermanent. The little demon dragon and the **** night · warbler are small people who were inconspicuous at that time, but the time has grown to the point where they are now!

Not only is Huang Yi getting an adventure in the world, Heaven is fair, and he will not turn around by himself. Everyone in the world gets the favor of heaven every day, just like the little demon dragon in the sky, like **** night. warbler!

No one knows, which of all sentient beings will be the next person to rise to the top of the world.

In the short period of time, the two small artifact dragons and the **** night and flowing warbler have been combined into two artifacts, and they have been sealed by the king of **** as heaven and blood demon, becoming two new demon kings!

This series of events cast a shadow over the entire Second World in no time!

No one thought that the power of the Devil was so powerful that it was hidden so deep!

Without warning, they suddenly came up with two artifacts and two new kings!

And this is likely to be only a small part of the hidden power of the demons. The seven devil may have secretly cultivated more characters, but it has not yet been exposed!

Compared to this, the power of the second world is so weak, when the seven demon kings carry the two new kings to invade the second world again, it will no longer be able to resist! The strength of the two is not at all a level!

"Brother God, what should we do? The demons are getting stronger and stronger. Instead of finding the position of the queen of pain, we can't protect ourselves! Or we can go offline to avoid it!" Asked the second good boy Liushen. He said that he used to be a casual player with a very low level. He hadn't seen anything big, but now he was panicking and wanted to escape.

"Now is the most critical moment. The divine honey has been brewed and can be delivered to the Queen of Pain at any time. You must keep an eye on it all the time. If you go offline to avoid it, all your previous efforts will be wasted!" Huang Yi She shook her head firmly, braced her weak body, and looked at the closer and closer Vatican, as if she had made up her mind, and said, "Now there is only one last solution! The demons are so powerful! , We must weaken their power. Now is the best opportunity for us to solve the Queen of Pain! "

"What? Solve the Queen of Pain?" Zhong Erhao's eyes widened and his face was unbelievable. "Did you not say before that we have no ability to kill her? Why now?"

"Because, I think of a new method!" Huang Yi said, squinting his eyes, his pale and sick face was full of determination, "This is my last fight, and I will take unprecedented risks! If Failure, my future will be completely buried! But if we succeed, we can make history and completely solve the Queen of Pain! "

After Huang Yi finished speaking, he immediately sent Luo Shao a new message to the past: "Go to another coordinate point immediately and steal the real **** honey!"

少 In the orb building, Luo Shao took you to fly and received the news, and immediately started the action.

When the overlords tracked before, they found two coordinate locations, one was the location of the secretion, and the other was the location of the divine honey after the transfer. Luo Shao takes you to fly now looking for another coordinate position, stealing the real **** honey!

内 In the hive, Vatican steadily checked forward, more than half of the people have been eliminated, there are corpses on the ground, the remaining people are fewer and fewer, and the time left for Huang Yi is very low! Their death is coming soon.

In the orb, Luo Shao took you through the various lanes quickly and searched out at the fastest speed. He had to steal the real **** honey before Fan Yu found Huang Yi! Otherwise, Huang Yi's new plan will not be launched!

This is another invisible time race!

But this time, Luo Shao took you to fly no longer as clueless as before, because when he was looking for the coordinates of the secretory, he had already eliminated most of the hive, and the remaining unexplored areas had been greatly reduced. . And the position of this second coordinate is not too far away from the first coordinate, and it is much faster to find.

Finally, after a search, Luo Shao takes you to the hive where the coordinates are!

There is also a honey pond in this hive!

Luo Shao took you to swallow your throat, walked nervously and expectantly, and looked into the honey pond.

This time, the honey pond is full!

A honey-colored pond contains a colorless and transparent liquid, just like a pool of water. It looks very ordinary in any way, and has nothing to do with the famous **** honey in the universe.

But Luo Shao took you to fly and had no choice but to quickly take out a Shenjing bottle and put the liquid in the pool.

Then he clenched the crystal bottle tightly and left the hive as fast as possible and hurried outside!

Uh ...

梵 In the hive outside, Vatican has already completed two-thirds of the investigation, and only a small number of people have not been investigated.

The good young man in Langzhong bit his lip uneasily, turning his head from time to time to look at the entrance and exit of the prototype building, looking forward to Luo Shao taking you there.

At this time, Fan Yu finally came to the team where the three of Huang Yi were!

The first person in this team is the Qingming River!

Just now, the captain of this team, Hongye, has been sealed by Huang Yi, and the Qingming River map has turned into a fake red leaf and replaced it. And the captain of each team must stand at the forefront of the team. Just now, Qingming Hetu has left the end of the team and reached the forefront of the team.

Now, he is the first person in this team to be tested by Vatican!

Qingming Hetu raised his head, looking up at the Vatican in front of him, feeling his boundless evil atmosphere, his mind was already blank, his outstretched hand shook slightly!

Fanyu, like before, came steadily and touched the palm of Qingming River at will!

The next moment, Vatican's footsteps stopped abruptly!

His ancient well-faced face finally has a brand new expression, like the still and revived earth, a pair of evil eyes, staring at the Qingming River!

Time ~ www.readwn.com ~ seems to stop at that moment!

Huang Yi, the second middle school boy, and Qingming Hetu all stopped their heartbeats!

"Finally found you!" Fanyu licked her lips, staring motionlessly at the Qingming River, making an evil voice from hell.

内 In the hive, everyone suddenly turned their heads and looked at the Qingming River map together!

He is finally exposed!


The Bloody Night · The Warbler first appeared in Chapter 324

Bloody Night · Flower Warbler flees through the altar with a group of people, in Chapter 327

The thunder **** annihilates the remnants of the orcs, and lets the **** night · warbler escape, in Chapter 344

Huang Yi found in the space of the Seven Demon Kings that Bloody Night · Warbler has joined the party of the Seven Demon Kings. The relevant content is in Chapter 388 (To be continued.)

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