Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1070: 6 Demon Wrath

"Naga is so bold, aren't you going to kill us? We will destroy this race at once!" The violent voice of the Lord of Destruction was heard. Visit the latest chapter: ШШШ..СоМ.

"It's only our seven demon kings who bully others, and no one can bully us! There is no need for the Naga tribe to exist!" The voice of the fallen king sounded sharply.

"We should check again." The King of Greed cautiously said, "Naga is one of the first-world leader races, strong, masters like clouds, and even a few old antiques that failed to seal the gods. They usually do not Asking about the world, once we take action against the Naga tribe, they will definitely come out of the mountain. Before we can find out, we better not be against them. Our main goal now is to destroy the second world and look for such things. . "

"Then let's check!" The King of Hell nodded slightly. "The **** honey was sent from the Blood Moon Continent. The Blood Moon Continent was managed by Vatican. I felt he was not far away and asked him. Just know. "

After that, the king of **** stretched out a white palm under the cloak of black 'color', and slightly moved into the void.

The air vibrated violently, and the individual figure suddenly fell from the void and fell to the ground, as if forcibly summoned by the King of Hell from a distance.

This figure is Vatican!

He is holding two azure ‘color’ beads in his hand, surrounded by white gas, which are the dzi beads that the ‘female’ king just rewarded!

As soon as he left the hive, he found a place without people and quickly absorbed the energy of this dzi. But just beginning to absorb, his body shuttled the space uncontrollably and was forcibly detained here.

Vatican turned his head and looked around. When he looked up at the body of the six demon kings, the body shook, he knelt down on the ground, bowed his head, and said, "I have seen six demon kings!"

"Did you‘ pay ’the divine honey to the queen of the suffering‘ woman ’?” The King of Hell opened the ‘door’ and asked Shandi.

"Yes! His subordinates worked hard for many days in the Blood Moon Continent, and finally completed this task. He just brought the divine honey with him and handed it over to the painful" female "King Wang. Emphasized that it is their own credit.

He looked forward to it, and the six demon kings actually asked him about it, and now that he has successfully completed such a task, maybe he will give him more rewards!

"Waste! Even such a trivial matter can't be done!" The Lord of Destruction directly reached out and waved Slap on Vatican's face, fanning him out.

Fanyu spurted a blood, and his body flew out from a distance and fell to the ground fiercely.

He's completely ‘Monten’, and he does n’t know what he did wrong! Not only were they not rewarded, but they also attracted the fierce anger of the six demon kings!

The King of Hell stood still, and his voice was still very calm. He continued: "After the goddess of suffering drank the honey you presented, instead of healing the wound, he was poisoned, and now he is missing. You know What happened? "

"What ?!" Vatican cried out, his face was pale, and he quickly looked up at Wangtai.

Sure enough, there is no ‘swing’ or ‘swing’ on the king ’s platform. There is no longer any pain for the ‘girl’ king!

He turned to look around again, but there were only six demon kings in the hive, and there was no shadow of the painful 'female' king!

Vatican's mind was blank, and he did not expect that this would happen. He sent the honey, and now something happened, he couldn't escape the relationship!

He quickly knelt down on the ground, shaking his head all the time, shivering and sweating, "No, it's not about the villain! The villain doesn't know anything! After the villain gets the divine honey, the first time Here, no one has touched the divine honey during this time! The villain does not know why the divine honey is highly toxic! "

"So, who gave you the divine honey?" The King of Greed took a step forward and asked Shen Shen.

"It's Xue Tianyu's person! It was Xue Tianyu who took people to the honey pond, and it was he who brought the divine honey out! Everything was Xue Tianyu's fault! He did it! I don't know anything!" It seemed like he had caught the life-saving straw, and all his faults were all pushed onto Xue Tianyu's body.

"Blood Tianyu?" The King of Darkness whispered the name, "I seem to be a bit impressed with this person. After a while ago, the patriarch of misery, Groan Cannian, conquered the Blood Moon Continent, and a small race called the Blood race came to us. It seems that there is one named Xue Tianyu. "

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! That blood Tianyu! God honey is for him to" cross "me! When I get the **** honey, there is already a problem with the **** honey!" Vatican said quickly, again He scratched his head a few times and broke his scalp.

"Xue Tianyu took people to the honey pond? He also brought out the **** honey?" The greedy king sneered, "If I remember well, the person who brewed the **** honey should be the burning night of the beetle family. The important thing, he should be guarded by the honey pond at all times. How could he let Xue Tianyu approach an outsider? And let him bring it out to you? ”At the end, his majestic breath was released suddenly, fiercely Cruelly crushing Vatican!

Fan Yu shuddered and spit out a lot of blood, and said hoarsely, "At that time, Zhuo Yehua didn't know where to go, and she didn't stay beside the honey pond, which gave the blood Tianyu people the opportunity. People are Zhuo Yehua, and the guardian of honey is also Zhuo Yehua! Now that there is a problem with the **** honey, Zhuo Yehua has to take full responsibility! Zhuo Yehua **** it! "Fan Yu said, pushing the responsibility to Zhuo Yehua.

"Let's go to Blood Tianyu and Shao Yehua!" The King of Hell said lightly, and the figure disappeared suddenly.

The other demon kings soon disappeared with them, and their monstrous coercion disappeared in no time!

Inside the huge beehive, it suddenly quieted down, leaving only Vatican Kneeling on the ground and Huang Yi hiding in the void.

Huang Yi was secretly thankful ~ www.readwn.com ~ Fortunately, he did not kill the painful ‘female’ king on the spot, otherwise he will definitely trigger a system announcement, and everyone will know that he is the murderer. The six demon kings will surely pour the horrible anger on his head and deal with him at all costs. He cannot possibly carry it, and even the second world will have to be buried with him.

But now, the six demon kings suspected Naga's head, and Huang Yi was safe now. And after the attention of the six demon kings was transferred to Naga, naturally they would not return to the second world in a short time, giving the second world a chance to breathe.

"The painful 'female' Wang is missing! What can you do, what can you do ..." Vatican wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and stood tremblingly from the ground, muttering helplessly. In the end, he clenched the two dzi beads in his hand. "No matter what, first absorb the two dzi beads and be promoted to four steps to reach the sky ..."

With that said, he braced himself for the injury and staggered out of the hive.

Just as Vatican had just left, a sudden squirm in the air, Huang Yi's figure appeared again.

He looked at the direction of Vatican's departure, sneered, and quietly followed. ;

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