Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1072: First world

The King of Hell looked at the distant Trenfa galaxy, and said quietly, "Since the Zerg grandmother fell asleep, the Zerg's three" female "kings have been fighting in the dark, all wanting to unify the entire Zerg. : ШШШ..СоМ. After the painful 'female' king left the Trenfa galaxy and came with us, the control of the beetle family became alienated. This time is enough for the power of the two 'female' kings Infiltrated into the family of bees and insects. In this case of the painful 'female' king, 10 * was directed by the other two 'female' kings, either the queen or the queen spider, or they joined forces. Otherwise, Shao Yehua How can a small person dare to betray the painful 'female' king? The Zerg and Naga are already colluding together, Shao Yehua is just a chess piece! "

The other demon kings were silent. If it was only the Naga clan, revenge would not be too difficult. But if you add a Zerg, it will be much harder to deal with.

The Zerg is one of the top races in the universe, with powers spread across galaxies. The two 'female' kings are unfathomable and comparable to the painful 'female' kings. As long as they are willing, they can be gods at any time.

Even more daunting is the sleeping grandmother of the Zerg! That was one of the first creation ancestors born at the beginning of the universe, the ancestor of the entire Zerg! Power is comparable to the gods!

Of the seven demon kings, only the king of **** can contend with her in the realm, and the rest of the devil cannot do it, unless they give up their qualifications to stay in the realm and seal the gods to heaven and become gods. "Grandma" battle!

In addition, there are many demigod lords in the Zerg, among them are powerful men of virtual **** level.

Although the power of the Seven Demon Kings is strong, they have to pay a huge price to deal with the Zerg!

The King of Hell turned his head, and the black 'hole' under the hood looked back at the First World and said, "No matter what, the vengeance of the suffering 'Female' King must not be reported! I declare that the second invasion The plan of the world is suspended, and we are ready as soon as possible to go to the First World to destroy the Naga clan. If the Zerg dare to support the Naga, then we will also destroy the Zerg! "

The other demon kings also looked at the direction of the First World, and their eyes were burning with anger.


On the other side, Zhuo Yehua knew nothing about what happened to the painful ‘female’ king. He has been following the breath of secretions, and after passing through several hidden interstellar arrays, he finally crossed the vast void and arrived on a satellite in the First World.

This is the planet closest to the First World, and it is one of the three "moons" of the First World. From here, you can clearly see the landscape of the entire First World.

The first world and the second world are very different. The planet is one circle larger and the land area is slightly larger than the ocean. Prosperous cities can be seen everywhere on land, and there are even some giant architectural wonders that can be clearly seen in outer space. The sea water in the ocean presents a beautiful dark blue 'color', with islands embellished like emeralds. In addition, there is a huge sky city floating at a height of 10,000 meters, relying on the mysterious array method to maintain operation.

The entire first world exudes a strong sense of civilization. Both magic and technology are highly developed, far from being comparable to the second world.

After some tracing, Zhuo Yehua came to the bottom of a desolate crater on the planet and entered a hidden mountain 'hole'.

After walking inside for a while, a giant basement appeared, and a mysterious pattern was carved on the ground. It is an interstellar teleportation array!

He has tracked several of these interstellar teleportation arrays before. They are all built in the corners of some barren planets. Ordinary people can't find it at all. It is estimated that someone built it secretly. He also discovered these teleportation arrays along the way with the secretion of secretions, and quickly got on the way. Otherwise, relying on manpower to cross the void, I don't know how long it will take to reach the first world.

Like the previous few times, he stepped directly onto the interstellar array, and then the light flashed and disappeared.

When Zhuo Yehua opened her eyes, she had already come to another place. This is a vibrant island. He was on a teleportation array on the beach. The islands behind them are towering, lush, and the call of unknown birds and beasts comes from afar. The ocean in front of it was lively, long whales sucked water, seagulls soared, fishes swarmed in groups, and strong spirits rushed towards the face, making people ‘fine’.

"Unexpectedly, the painful‘ female ’King is actually hiding in the first world to heal, and here is full of aura, it is indeed a good place to heal!” Zhuo Yehua took a deep breath and murmured to himself.

Subsequently, he continued to follow the breath of secretions and rushed directly to the vast ocean.

After flying for a while, the breath of that secretion suddenly faded, leaving only a trace of nothingness!

Zhuo Yehua looked around. There was a vast ocean everywhere, and there was no strange place at all.

Suddenly, his eyes fixed on the depths of the ocean below!

The secretion's breath quickly fades, it is likely that it sneaked into the bottom of the ocean and went to the bottom!

Zhuo Yehua turned the direction directly, plunged directly into the water, and dived towards the ocean floor.

Along the way, the secretion of the secretion is fine, but it has not been interrupted, indicating that he is indeed on the right path, and the secretion is on the bottom of the sea!

As the depth of the dive increases, the light becomes darker and the pressure on the sea water increases. The bottom is still deep and bottomless. There is only a vast darkness, and some horrible figures of deep sea monsters can swim in that darkness. I don't know how much danger is hidden in it.

Shao Yehua was not afraid, and continued to dive, the figure gradually disappeared into the depths of darkness.


There is a huge altar right below the burning night, on the deepest sea floor!

The patriarch of the Naga tribe, the snake-haired 'daughter' demon Medusa ~ www.readwn.com ~, is sitting with the tail of the snake, her eyes closed, sitting in the middle of the altar.

She had a beautiful face, but her hair was horrible. It was a living snake, and she was spitting serpents from time to time, but they were all weak at the moment. In addition, there are also some dead snakes that were broken in half, which were the snake-haired 'daughter' demon Medusa who was shocked to death in the previous battle.

Around the altar, there are eighteen demigods, who sit in a mysterious position to form a complex formation.

At this moment, they all stretched out their palms, sending out a steady stream of red light, connected to the body of the snake-haired 'woman' demon, delivering her divine power and treating her injuries.

This treatment has been going on for some time, but with little effect. The stronger the person, the harder it is to recover after an injury. The snake-haired 'girl' demon is already a powerful power of the virtual **** level. The consequences of this injury are far more serious than ordinary demigods.

At this moment, the sea above it was tumbling, and a naga with red 'color' scales dived down and landed outside the altar.


Thanks to Shu Luo Blood Song and many book friends for their rewards. Q

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