Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1074: Brahma

"Seven characters like the Seven Demon Kings are by no means what we can resist. It seems that we have to invite those ancestors to move!" Said a naga demigod solemnly.

The snake-haired banshee sat on the formation, pondered for a while, and finally stood up slowly. This movement seemed to affect her injury, making her mouth twitch slightly.

She settled down and restored that calmness, saying: "You go back quickly and prepare all the people, we may soon have an unprecedented catastrophe. I will go to Fuyun Island in person to meet Several ancestors. "After speaking, she galloped away in one direction, and soon disappeared into the depths of darkness.

The eighteen demigods looked at the direction in which the snake-haired banshee disappeared, and rushed towards the sea above their heads. Several people looked at the red scales before they left, shook their heads, and their eyes were full of disappointment. .

Soon, there was only one man on the bottom of the sea, standing alone outside the altar, as if abandoned.


Outside the Queen's Nest of Pain, in the black wasteland.

The desolate wind blew hummingly and blew the black monk robe of Vatican. He fluttered tremblingly in the wind and looked around.

He had just been taught by the two demon kings in the Queen's Nest of Pain just now. He had already been wounded. This time he flew up and was not as flexible and fast as before.

At this time, a rock wall appeared in the distance, and the terrain was relatively hidden. He fell straight down there, sitting cross-legged in the shadow under the rock wall, holding the two dzi bead tightly, closing his eyes, and began to absorb.

Soon after, at the other end of the rock wall at Shangfengkou, a figure suddenly appeared in the air, and it was Huang Yi who followed all the way.

He looked at Fan Yu, sitting cross-legged at the mouth of the wind, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, reaching out his hand, shaking slightly in the wind, as if something was falling.

This is a brand-new ability he just acquired after he evolved into Naga-secreting the kiss of death!

This ability was his biggest killer after he evolved into Nazarsh. This is poisonous to the universe. It is colorless and tasteless. It is extremely difficult to detect. It is often discovered after poisoning.

The kiss of death he secreted has many forms. The strongest form is the liquid form. The toxicity is very strong, but it takes a long time to secrete a drop. He is now secreting a gas form, which is not as toxic as the liquid form, but Secret is very simple and fast to secret, and it flutters with the wind, and the enemy will be poisoned when it smells it.

However, the death kiss he secreted is far inferior to the death kiss of the Queen of Pain. The death kiss of the Queen of Pain is secreted by the god-sealer of Nazarsh, and Huang Yi is only 288. Even if the stage is not reached, the toxicity will be much weaker.

Huang Yi was on the upper wind, and the breath of death kiss he secreted soon drifted with the wind to the position of Vatican.


Vatican sat with her eyes closed and crossed her legs, not even aware that the air had been polluted.

At this moment, behind his back, there was a sudden sound of an axe breaking through the air, and it struck him like lightning!

"Oh!" Vatican spit out a large spit of blood, was hacked and flew out, and hit the rock wall severely!

"Who ?! How dare you blame me?" Fanyu hurriedly got up, staring around in tears!

But there was nothing in the air, except for the desolate sand.

"Huh!" Another breaking wind sounded from behind. Fan Yu instinctively wanted to dodge, but he was injured, and his dodging speed was much slower and he couldn't escape!

"Oh!" Vatican was spitting blood again, and he flew out fiercely, again aggravating his injuries.

Next, Vatican was blown back and forth by an invisible force, sometimes even before his body landed, he was once again hit and flew out, like a ball, flying in the air without any ability to control himself.

After being attacked more than ten times in this way, Vatican finally fell from the air, fell into the gravel, and was covered with blood.

The two-step ascendant to the sky is now like a dead dog.

Just then, a pair of shoes finally appeared in the air in front of Vatican's eyes. He looked up along these shoes, and suddenly saw a thin figure, holding a gorgeous axe, looking down at him, blood dripping down from the axe.

"Kill God ?!" Fanyu screamed in horror, looking at Huang Yi's condescending figure!

Although he has never seen Huang Yi with his own eyes, the name of the **** of killing is the whole Demon of Zhenzhen, which is almost deeply in the mind of every Demon!

"Yes, I'm here to kill you!" Huang Yi said looking down at Fan Yu. Just now he came behind Vatican in stealth and attacked the other side unexpectedly, and he succeeded.

Vatican's heart was stunned, and now he was physically injured, and Huang Yi was a god-given strong like Lei Guaner, and he did not dare to fight rashly.

And he is now holding two dzi beads, and he can not miss anything in this section. As long as he is given a little time to absorb the two dzi beads and be promoted to the strength of four steps to the sky, it is bound to complete the abuse of Huang Yi. No need to risk now.

Almost instantly, Vatican decided to avoid war and sneered: "I'm injured now and it's inconvenient to compete with you. Let's meet again someday!"

After speaking, he spit out a sudden burst of blood, his body faded quickly, and he seemed to have cast some kind of spell such as blood puppet, and he was about to run away!

But at this moment, a sound of death sounded as if from the underworld—

"I declare, Vatican—dead!"

Huang Yi opened his sentence to Vatican!

In the Blood Moon Continent, Vatican, a two-step super master, was once the presence of Huang Yi's eyes that could not be provoked!

But now, Vatican has been injured and has been poisoned by his death kiss. However, Huang Yi evolved into Nachashi, and his strength was improved again. In this situation, he is already confident that he can fight this two-step master!

"Boom!" The next moment, in the dark sky, a dazzling thunderbolt suddenly lit, and this black wasteland shook white.

Two thick lightnings pierced the sky in an instant and split directly towards Huang Yi and Fan Yu!

The two were struck by lightning at the same time, surrounded by an invisible force, forcibly dragged into the sky, entered a void battlefield, and isolated from the outside world.

Vatican, who is preparing to escape from the blood, has been locked in this void battlefield and can no longer escape!

Between the two of them, one must die in order to dissolve the void battlefield.

Fan Yu's face was gloomy, staring at Huang Yi, her voice was almost squeezed out of the teeth between the teeth: "I wanted to give each one a face, I didn't expect that you didn't know what to do, but you were so determined to kill me, do you think that, Do you really have this ability? "Vatican said at the end, his tone was getting higher and higher, full of vitality, and there was no more weakness like that before.

I saw a small twisted text symbol suddenly appearing on his bruised body. It looked like a strange scripture, exuding a mysterious and strange atmosphere, wrapped him all over his body, and quickly suppressed it. His injury!

The next moment, Vatican's body exuded a monstrous magic, and his body seemed to become taller and stronger. The breath on his body soared wildly. The super strength of two steps to the sky returned to him!

He shook his head, and the joint made a squeaking sound of "cracking," and an evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, staring at Huang Yi with disapproval, saying, "Just because you were just unprepared, I just attacked successfully. But now I have used the power of the Pain Demon to suppress the injury, but I want to see how you can kill me as a two-step ascendant! "

"You can suppress the injury, but you can't suppress the toxin!" Huang Yi stared at Vatican, smiling deeply, holding on to the wrath of killing God, and rushing towards Vatican.

"What toxin?" Fanyu frowned, a little puzzled.

Just then, his face changed, his body shook violently, and he almost stood still!

He finally noticed that he didn't know when he was in his body, and he had a very toxic substance, which had penetrated into the limbs and bones, and all of them started at this moment!

His strength is flowing away quickly, and the vitality in the body is spoiled by this speed, and the injury that has just been suppressed has begun to erupt again!

"Oh!" At this moment, Huang Yi rushed over, and the wrath of killing the gods fell on Vatican again!

"Oh!" Vatican's chest cracked a deep wound, spewing a high blood, his body flew away from a distance, and fell into the void.

Vatican struggled to get up, but the toxin in his body ate away his power, and injuries around him also affected him. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get up!

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, his face was bleak, his eyes widened, he stared at Huang Yi, pointed his finger at Huang Yi with trembling, said incoherently: "Poisoning ... Queen of Pain ... Original ~ www. readwn.com ~ It's you who poisoned the Queen of Pain ?! "

Huang Yi didn't say anything, and directly angered the killing wrath, and rushed towards Vatican again.

"I'm willing to abandon my body and turn it into omnipresent darkness, so that all sentient beings can experience the pain!" Vatican slumped on the ground, a flash of despair flashed in his eyes, and a hissing uttered a verse!

The next moment, his body burst suddenly, turned into a billowing magical energy, covered the sky, and spread throughout the void battlefield!

The only light between heaven and earth was completely obscured by these magical energies, becoming dark, and no fingers were visible.

This is absolute darkness. Without a ray of light, Vatican has turned into a dark magic without entity, and ordinary attacks can no longer hurt it.

"Kill God, you are too overestimating yourself! Now that I've transformed from intangible magic into an invincible place, you can't kill me! As long as I drag on, the anomalies here will always be the rest The Mozu found that it would be your time to die! "In the air, the sound of Vatican sounded. This sound had no direction, and I didn't know where it came from. Although his tone was still weak, he had settled down and seemed to have no fear. (To be continued.)

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