Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1197: Indigenous meeting

The man stared at Huang Yi and said, "You don't have to worry too much. The Lord Beast God sees only the fate of the second world, not your destiny. God-given people have no fate, even if there is no god-given in the book of fate. The fate of people. You are the variables of the Three Realms. Neither the gods nor the demons can see your future. You can change a lot of things. "

"I know!" Huang Yi nodded. It's like his Eye of Time. Although he can see the short-term future of npc, he can't see the future of players.

Huang Yi asked with concern: "Is the beast **** okay in heaven?"

"Master Beast God is the number one enemy in the heavens. The gods and monsters are chasing him. Where do you think he will go?" The man's face was heavy. "Master Beast God can only lurk now and wait for opportunity. But now the whole heaven It ’s very chaotic. The previous war has fallen too many gods. Now the number of gods in the demon world and the demon world is not as great as before. The heavens have long been ruined, and they are no longer glorious. The pressure on the beast **** is much reduced. "

"What about death? Still missing?" Huang Yi continued to ask.

The man nodded and said quietly, "Death has disappeared for countless years, and the temple of death is also very silent, and has not done anything for a long time."

Huang Yi suddenly thought of the soul spar. He just learned that this thing seems to come from heaven. Now there is a person from heaven who can't help asking: "I heard that soul crystal will be produced in heaven. Something like stone? "

The man glanced at Huang Yi a little unexpectedly, and said, "Yes! Every time a **** dies, a soul spar is produced. However, this death is not a real death. The **** is more and more alive, as long as the **** is still Now, they can be resurrected quickly. Only when the godhead is completely broken can the gods truly die. "

Huang Yi stretched out his hand, took a piece of soul spar from the storage ring, rubbed it, and asked: "I have several pieces of this soul spar. I heard that this thing can only play a real role in the underworld. , Don't know what exactly it is? "

"I also don't know. The underworld is too mysterious. Only the dead can go there. Maybe when I die, I will know!" The man said, shook his head, and put on the wolf-head mask again. "I Go! Master Beast God will wait for you in the future, I hope you will not let him down. "

After all, the man suddenly disappeared into the air, as if he never appeared.

If it weren't for the actual bag in his hands, Huang Yi would even suspect that everything just was not true, it was just a sudden dream.

He held a tight pocket tightly. The mouth of the pocket was tied with a red rope, and one end of the rope dangled, exuding endless temptation.

Just pull that rope to open this secret bag and see a message about the future.

But he couldn't, he put away the bag, and waited honestly for the time to come.


The first world, in the general altar of the gods.

This is a dark virgin forest, with tall ancient trees covering the sky, vines hanging from the trunks, moist ferns everywhere on the ground, full of barbaric and primitive atmosphere, and no encroachment by civilization.

In the dim forest, a bonfire was burning, and more than a dozen figures were sitting around the bonfire, like a primitive tribe.

These people have different shapes, some have wings, some have snake tails, some have two heads, and some have long tentacles.

However, these people exuded an unfathomable breath, swaying the yellow light, making these figures erratic.

Sitting in the middle was a man dressed in animal skin and painted with a color picture on his face, as if it were an indigenous savage man.

A python was wrapped around his neck, and the python lazily laid his head on his shoulders, his eyes staring coldly at the bonfire.

At this moment, the python vomited a snake snake.

The indigenous man picked up a piece of dry wood and threw it into the bonfire, saying: "To defeat the demons as soon as possible, we have to point our weapons at the **** king Yanmo, the seven devil kings."

"Killing other demons is just tickling, and only by killing the clone of the king of **** can it cause serious damage to the demons!" An old man with wings and a dark face nodded.

"Since your Savage has this plan, then we are involved, just don't know, what is the specific plan? The King of Hell is different from the other demon kings. It is not easy to kill his avatar, and we must make careful arrangements." A figure with a tentacle on his head shook the tentacle and snorted.

The Aboriginal man with a python around his neck said Shen Sheng: "We have twelve virtual gods here. Three days later, we will work together to arrange a formation to introduce the **** king's avatar into it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Kill him! "

"What array can trap the King of Hell? He used to be the dragon blood dragon supreme, and the Dragon is born to be good at array! I don't know where in the world there can be an array that can trap the king of hell!"

"You don't have to worry about the formation method. Recently we have a sacred **** who has returned. His formation method can help us." The native said, and stretched out his hand and stroked the python wrapped around his neck, slightly exposed. A smile.

The flickering fire light was intertwined with the paintings on his face, and matched with the python on his neck, making him more like an evil god.

"Can you add another person?" At this moment, an old naga suddenly said in a deep voice. He was an old Naga ancestor who had battled with the six Demon Kings in the small glass world not long ago.

The indigenous man still touched the python around his neck and asked without raising his head: "Who else?"

"Kill God." The old Naga spit out a name.

"People of Godsend? Don't be kidding. They are just a group of little dolls. The strongest of Godsend is the stage of ascension. What strength can they have?"

"People in the second world don't come here for fun. That world, only the president of the Royal Academy of Oskan, deserves our attention."

The big men shook their heads one after another.

At this time, no one noticed that the boa snake wrapped around the neck of the indigenous man suddenly blinked.

"Yes!" The next moment, the indigenous man nodded suddenly, staring at the python's eyes, and said quietly, "The role of God-given people is not their strength, but their identity. God-given people represent Variables. This time our beheading of King of Hell may not be successful. King of Hell has stood on the top of the world for countless years, which is almost a fixed number. Only by adding variables to the action can we change the fixed number. "

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