Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1212: Xiaolong's mind


Episode 1212 Chapter 112

"[System Tip]: You have absorbed the" Dragon King Stone ". Since you already have the two top dragon bloodlines of the Holy Dragon and the Blood Dragon, you have obtained the" Dragon King Constitution ", including but not limited to-always in magic Free state, special ability immune state, all attributes increased by 15% when facing dragons. "

In the past, Huang Yi had some magic immunity skills, such as Thunder Guard's accompanying skills [Thunderbolt Body], which can keep him in magic immunity status for 10 seconds. In addition, when he was just promoted to a **** class, he obtained a new exclusive performance [Interleaved Method] that consumes energy value and puts himself in a state of physical immunity and magic immunity in turn until the energy value is exhausted.

But these magic immunity skills are limited in duration. Now, after absorbing the Dragon Emperor Tianshi, he is always in the state of magic immunity. The equivalent is an innate ability that transcends the scope of skills.

In the future, the enemy's skills will not be effective for him, unless they are absolute skills that can ignore magic avoidance, but those skills are very few.

"[System Tip]: You have obtained the [Dragon King Constitution], and the evolution ability has been improved. In any case, you can freely switch to various dragon-types without any limit."

Suddenly, he received a system prompt again!

His dragon form can be switched freely!

In the past, he could only switch the form once in the combat state. For example, if he switched to Nazarsh, he would always be in Nasarsh. For example, if he switched to Sniffcat, he would always be in Sniffcat. Until break out of combat.

But now, he can ignore this restriction to a certain extent, and can switch freely as long as he is in the dragon form. Even in a combat state, he can switch back and forth to the four dragon family forms of white dragon, sea dragon, golden holy dragon, and blood dragon. There is no limit on the number of times.

For example, when he needs strong survivability, he can switch to the Golden Dragon; when the enemy is bleeding and he needs to increase the attack power, he can switch to the blood dragon; if the enemy escapes into the sea, he can switch to Hailong tribe ...

However, this is only limited to the Dragon form. If it is another form, it can only be switched once.

At this point, the benefits of this operation to kill the lord of **** are all over.

In this operation, he not only improved the secretion ability of death kiss, but also secreted the enhanced death kiss of level 1; he also increased the level by three levels, reaching the level of six steps; he also improved his evolutionary ability. Switch between various dragon forms at any time.

As a result, his combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.


In the first world, after Huang Yi's incarnation was resurrected, he teleported to a public teleportation array closest to the battlefield front in the ocean.

At this time, the sea was blue and the sky was blue, but the clamor of battle was faintly heard from the end of the ocean, and there were huge waves sweeping from there, showing a fierce battle there.

Huang Yi reached out and summoned the dragon again.

When Xiaolong appeared, he quickly turned his head and looked up, as if looking for something.

But after seeing the surrounding scenery, his eyes looked slightly lonely.

"What's wrong with you?" Huang Yi turned over and rode on Xiaolong, motioned to fly to the battlefield, and asked with concern.

"Master, I seem to like the Phoenix, what should I do!" Xiaolong's immature voice rang in Huang Yi's heart.

"Follow me if you like it!" Huang Yi patted his head.

"But she's much better than me! I'm afraid I don't look at me!" Xiaolong sniffed and fluttered with wings flapping forward.

Huang Yi pursed his lips and thought, saying: "Then you do the opposite, showing your weakness and helplessness, inspiring her motherly love, and making her want to stay by your side all the time. , Protect you. "

"Is that okay?" Xiaolong said unsurely. "Is she really willing to leave the Temple of the Savage and follow me?"

"So you have to cheer!" Huang Yi touched his chin. "So, I won't put you into the pet space in the future. You can always go to her and soak her in my hand. When I need you, call again you come back."

"Okay okay!" Xiaolong flapped his wings cheerfully and nodded again and again.

"I hope that when I call you back some day later, you have already brought a Phoenix back! This way our strength is even stronger!" Huang Yi said, expectant smile appeared on his face, "you have to work hard, even Coax and cheat her, and let her follow you desperately! "

"But I still want a beautiful and cute little female dragon, can I marry two wives? A sister Phoenix and a tender sister." Xiaolong asked expectantly.

"How can this work!" Huang Yi frowned. "Too few!"

Huang Yi touched Xiaolong's head and taught carefully: "You are a dragon. Unlike our human beings, the more your wife is, the better! You can deceive all who can fool you, no matter what species they are, what kind of phoenix , Dragons, Zergs, Star Giants, Tigress, Platypus ... can be brought back! "

"But as long as I'm beautiful! What a platypus is, I don't want it!"

"Being a dragon can't be so superficial, don't just look at the appearance, it depends on their strength! As long as the strength is strong, you can bring back whatever race she is!"

One person and one dragon said, and gradually came to the battlefield in the ocean.

At this moment, the sky can be seen from afar, dense figures are fighting in the sky and the ocean, countless skill brilliance, countless weapon reflections, countless attack roar, and huge waves mingle like a doomsday scene.

This battlefield is just an inconspicuous corner of the Devil and the First World ’s huge battlefield, without any masters above the demigods. All the participants are at the level of Tianyu ~ www.readwn.com ~ The strongest batch of masters are the Tiantang strong.

The first world side is mainly the masters of the Naga family, and the other player Huang Yi brought from the second world to the expedition.

With the strength of those players, they can only join such a small battlefield and hunt down some Celestial Demons.

At this point, the demons clearly had the upper hand, and they were fleeing in the first world.

Those soldiers of the Naga race escaped without any rules and systems, and were overtaken and killed by the demons.

And those player expeditionary forces set up a battle formation and stepped back in an orderly manner. The various professional teams cooperated exquisitely, as a whole, with a very low casualty rate.

"Howling" At this moment, a domineering dragon groaned through the world!

The crowd looked up in horror, and saw a golden dragon carrying Huang Yi's familiar figure, rushing into the Devil's camp recklessly, rushing back and forth to kill!

One person and one dragon are like no one, where they go, the sea of ​​fire is so high, and the piece is not left.

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