Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1218: Heavenly Road promotes heroes

At this moment, Abigail's body suddenly disappeared like green smoke.

The next moment, he appeared again in front of Huang Yi.

"Kill God! I already wanted to see you for a long time!" Abigail held out his hand and made a handshake gesture.

Huang Yi also reached out and shook him.

"How did you see through my invisibility?" Huang Yi asked.

"I didn't see it," Abigail said, pointing to his nose. "I smell it. Everyone's soul has a different taste. Other people can't smell it, but I can smell it. "

Huang Yi looked closely at Abigail's nose, which was large, like a dog's nose. His nose is full, and his breathing is like a bellows, as if there is a momentum of swallowing clouds and mist.

"Aren't you leaving the Second World?" Huang Yi asked again.

Some time ago, many masters left the Second World and went to other parts of the universe. In terms of first-class masters, there are many people such as Blade, Frozen Lemongrass, Giant Bear, Ganges, etc. Abigail is one of them.

Abigail smiled and said, "Unfortunately, I stayed in the second world clone and realized that I had a heroic aura here, so I came back! Actually speaking, I have to thank you, if not for you When the queen of the Queen of Pain was killed and the God-given era was started, there would not be so many adventures appearing frequently. "

"But!" Abigail shrugged, helplessly: "You are one step late, the heroic aura here has been absorbed by me!"

"I'm out of luck." Huang Yi nodded, but there wasn't much loss. This array of eyes was gone, and there was another one.

"You are already a hero, this heroic aura is useless to you." Abigail said, touching his big nose, "I guess, you want to get this heroic aura and give it to Qin Shiyu or Tiandao! I've made your wish fall through, I'm really sorry. But in a few months, the fourth annual festival will be held in my hometown, if you can leave Rose Prison to attend the scene I would love to receive you personally and give you a gift. "

"First come, first served. Since you are here first, then it is destined to be yours. You don't have to give me a gift." Huang Yi shook his head.

"That's not necessarily true, what about Thor?"

"He didn't go out alive."

"That's right! He went out as the dead."

After the two talked for a while, Huang Yi said goodbye to Abigail and rushed to the next eye.

Abigail looked at where Huang Yi disappeared, squinting his eyes slightly, revealing a thoughtful look.

Then he shook his head, returned to the huge underground space, and began to explore the huge black hole.


There are six trick eyes in the head, six of which have been absorbed by the hero's aura, leaving only the last right eye.

After Huang Yi rushed to the island where the right eye was to personally investigate, he was finally relieved that the eyeball had not yet been spotted, and the heroic spirit inside was still there.

He reached out his palm and began to feel the heroic aura contained in the huge right eye with all his strength, and absorbed them into the palm.

Gradually, there was a hint of cyan in the air, pulled out like a thread, and converging from all sides onto the palm of his hand.

These cyan silk threads continued to flow, and more and more gathered on his palm, forming a ball suit, which became like a string of lines, becoming larger and larger.

When the mass of cyan breath spread to the entire palm, the cyan silk thread in the air was completely cut off, indicating that the heroic aura in this huge right eye had been completely absorbed.

The next moment, Huang Yi put this group of heroic aura into the storage ring.

On the other side, the central large 6.

Huang Yi's body found the heavenly way himself, took out the heroic aura, and handed it to him.

The reason why Qin Shiyu was not given is because Qin Shiyu is now focusing on management and is less likely to fight in person. This heroic aura is the most suitable for Tiandao.

"Hero Reiki ?!" Tiandao was slightly surprised when he saw the blue breath.

"Yes, you can take it away immediately! Since the National War, you have encountered overwhelming public opinion pressure. You have n’t done anything for a long time. Outsiders say you are depressed. This time you are promoted to a hero, The whole world knows you are not depressed. "Huang Yi patted Tiandao's shoulder and said.

"Okay!" Tiandao nodded, reaching out to take over the heroic aura, and immediately chose to absorb.

The group of heroic aura quickly melted into the palm of heaven, penetrated under his skin, and rushed into his limbs.

Soon, a solemn system announcement sounded between heaven and earth and spread throughout the Second World—

"[System Bulletin]: [Emperor] became a god-given hero."

In a hurry, the world is uproar!

The announcement of the system is a few hours away from the previous announcement of Abigail's system, but only a few hours!

In less than a day, two first-class masters were promoted to heroes, which seemed like good discussions.

However, this is also very reasonable. The closer the annual festival is, the more fierce the competition between players is, trying to improve their strength, to complete the adventures that they dare not do on weekdays, and to achieve each feat. Therefore, during this period, many people will often make announcements by accident, and countless people will become famous at this moment.


In that huge right-nosed cave, Abigail was studying the huge black hole.

He had tried countless methods, but couldn't detect what was inside the black hole. He even got a small clone to enter it himself, but when he touched the black hole, he was immediately smashed into pieces.

Just as he was distressed, he suddenly heard the announcement that Tiandao was promoted to be a hero!

"This ... how is this possible? How did God kill?" Abigail whispered in horror.

He met Huang Yi only a few hours ago. He thought that Huang Yi had unintentionally appeared on the island, and unintentionally showed that there was a heroic aura, and he wanted to collect it and give it to Tiandao or Qin Shiyu. But did not expect that only a few hours passed, Tiandao became a hero!

This shows that Huang Yi did not know this mysterious organ by accident, but that he had already researched it and had obtained great results. He knew more about the location of this huge organ! Just after he left here, he should have gone to the next organ, collected a heroic aura, and gave it to Tiandao, making Tiandao a hero.

"It seems that the **** of killing should have studied the secret of this black hole!" Abigail stared deeply at the black hole and made some guesses.


Distant Falling God Big 6.

Two **** figures stood side by side at the entrance of a canyon.

The blood on them was so dazzling that outsiders could see them far away.

These two were Miyamoto Musashi and T.n.T., who were judged by Huang Yi as "public enemies of the world" some time ago.

There are very few people in this fall god. Their two public enemies stay here, and there are no players to target them.

At this time, T.n.T held a sheepskin roll in his hand, looked up at the canyon in front, and said, "The fifth heroic aura is here!"

Miyamoto Musashi looked at the deep canyon in front of him, exposing a cheerful smile, and said, "This trip, we got five heroic auras. By then, five of us will become heroes all at once. It will definitely shock the world. My sister and I will be the only two heroes in Japan! "

T.n.T shook his head and said, "Don't be too happy, we can only become legendary heroes, and the genie is about to reach the conditions of an epic hero!"

"What about epic heroes!" Miyamoto Musashi snorted. "No matter how strong he is, he will always be the running dog of the king of hell, and we are different!"

With that said, Miyamoto Musashi shook his palms and took out two crystal bottles, each containing a drop of liquid.

The liquid is extremely weird, and it actually shows a spiral symbol, it seems that it is not a liquid anymore ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ but an ancient text.

T.n.T stared at the two **** crystal bottles, licked his lips, and said, "When I asked you to cooperate, I knew that you could make this thing according to the recipe."

"That is of course! After a while, we will be separated from the demons! At that time, we will no longer be the public enemy of the world." Tiandao said, putting away the two **** crystal bottles, with a wishful smile on his face, "It is also a rebellion. We will be the hero of the whole world after we rebel from the Demon Clan. The rebellion of Tiandao in the national war was disappointing. He has not been active for a long time, and he must be unable to bear the pressure of public opinion. Let's go down! "

As soon as his words fell, the announcement of heaven's promotion to a hero sounded in heaven and earth!

Miyamoto Musashi's complexion suddenly turned blue, his fists clenched, and his blue muscles exploded.

Seeing this, T.n.T shook his head and smiled, pointing at the canyon ahead, and said, "Don't be angry, let's go in!"

After that, he walked into the deep canyon, and the figure gradually disappeared into the deep mist of the canyon.


After Tiandao was promoted to be a hero, he stretched out his hand and shook his hand, feeling the majestic power in his body, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face: "It's really different after being a hero! A huge power has been added in my body!"

Huang Yi nodded and said: "Not only that, you can also get hero skills. In addition, you can fight regardless of the status level difference! Before, the reason why I could frequently kill the enemies of my status class, to a great extent It was because I was a hero that I ignored the severe oppression brought by status. "

At this moment, Tiandao pouted his mouth, drew his palm, took out the stone spear, and rubbed a simple groove on it, saying quietly: "Actually, what I want most is the clue of the wild desolate god. . "

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