Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1128: Drifting leaf

Huang Yi bent down and picked up this green leaf curiously, and looked carefully.

This green leaf is about the same size as the thumb. This leaf has enough water. It seems to be able to maintain the green and fresh appearance all year round. It will not dry and turn yellow due to loss of water. I don't know what the tree's leaves are.

"Good man, this drifting leaf is for you!" Luye said, looking up at Huang Yi.

"Drifting leaf? What a weird name!" Huang Yi muttered, "What is this leaf for?"

Green leaf said like a treasure: "This is a leaf collected from the holy tree Fengling tree of our smurf family, but after collecting it, it becomes a drifting leaf! You humans have a thing called a drifting bottle. This The effect of the leaf is similar, but it is more powerful. You write something on it, and then you take a breath, it can float for a long time, and it can fly for a long time, maybe for many years, even thousands of years. .It can take your traces across the mountains, across the ocean, and even float to other worlds. When a fate catches this leaf, he can see your traces and connect with you. "

Luye said, pursed his lips, and said, "This is my most precious thing. It is the only thing I brought with me in my hometown. Now it is for you! Write something on it!"

"Okay!" Huang Yi nodded, took out a pen, and wrote on the green leaf.

This green leaf was too small for him to write a single sentence.

When he finished writing, put the green leaf on the palm of his hand, and gently sighed at it.

Suddenly, the green leaf floated, as if supported by an invisible force, the higher and higher, and the further away, gradually disappeared into the sky, I do not know what year and month will fall.

When this wild tortoise reappears in the second world, this green leaf may be able to fly out of this wild tortoise island, to the second world outside, or even to the rest of the world, bringing the trace of Huang Yi there Unknown future.

Huang Yi looked up at the direction in which the green leaf disappeared, and an inexplicable rise in her heart felt that this green leaf would fly to a very important person. It was just a long, long time later.

At this time, Huang Yi looked back at Luye and asked, "How long will it take for your legs to grow?"

"About a year or two! Your legs are the slowest!" Luye said honestly.

"But I will soon leave this pretty turtle island. I can't wait that long. Would you like to leave here with me and take a look outside the big world?" Huang Yi asked.

"What? Can you leave this wild turtle island?" Qingyun aside could not help asking.

"It should be possible, but not entirely sure," Huang Yi pursed. His method of leaving was to abandon the avatar and use the brand new avatar made in Central Big 6. In this way, he is also equivalent to leaving here.

"Take me away too! I also want to take a look at the outside world, I'm already bored here!" Qingyun said quickly.

"And me! And me! I want to go rough!" Not far away, the blue sky that was sunning the snail also cried out.

Huang Yi nodded: "Okay! But I can only put you in the storage ring, so that I can take you away. There can be no living things in the storage ring, so you have to die once and become ordinary swan fungi, After I have taken you outside, I will plant you on us so that you will soon be resurrected. "

"Okay! I'll show it to you now!" Qingyun said, kicking her legs, tilting her head, and throwing her tongue out. There was no sound at all.

Huang Yi froze slightly, reached out and dialed Qingyun, but it didn't move at all, she was really dead and turned into a corpse.

Soon, its body began to change, slowly shrinking, and eventually turned into a little white swan fungus, which grew in the middle of this grass.

Huang Yi laughed absurdly, and gently collected the swan fungus and put it into the storage ring.

"I want to die too! But I can't bear this snail! I managed to hit it!" Blue said with a small mouth, and said in a loss, "Can you wait for me all night! We still have three young people The buddies are playing on the mountain outside! I will go to them later, come back and eat the snail together, and by the way ask if they would like to go out with you. "



Next, Huang Yi turned around in this fairyland and tasted some exotic flowers. When I left in the evening, I left the cave through that cave, returned to the Elven Mountain outside, and went down to the grandfather's house in the pretty turtle village.

At this point, Grandpa and Shuiyue were already waiting for him at the dinner table. On the table was a table of dishes, all made with swan fungi.

"Finally come back for dinner! I'm starving!" Shuiyue muttered with a small mouth, ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi sat down at the dining table and began to eat the last dinner in this pretty turtle village .

The cooking methods of these dishes are extremely simple, but they are very fresh and tender.

The swan fungus itself has a unique flavor, even if it is sauteed casually, it is delicious on earth.

While eating, Huang Yi thought of leaving here and told the grandfather and the little girl again.

"Do you really have a way to leave?" Old and young were a little unbelievable.

Huang Yi nodded: "I am a godsend, and I am different from those who were trapped here before. I have some unique methods."

"Then when do you leave?"

"Tomorrow!" Huang Yi spit out two words.

By tomorrow, his new incarnation will be fully made.


The next day, Huang Yi went online early.

As soon as he was online, he just heard a solemn announcement.

This is also an epoch-making announcement--

"[System Announcement]: [Tianmo] took the lead to rise to the level of 3oo, becoming a player who reached the full level, rewarding 1ooo points of public reputation, and obtaining the [Unique Achievement]-[Bit God Realm], China's national honor value +1."

Finally, the first full-level player was born!

Demon really leads all players in the world, and the first one reached the level of demigod.

Huang Yi was a little bit surprised. The ordinary player who was accidentally killed by him in Fenglinzhai would rush out of all beings because of him, and eventually came to this step. The more he became the world's first demigod Player.

This is the world, and everyone has an unpredictable impact on others.

An intentional or unintentional act can ruin a person's life, or achieve a person's life.

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