Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1225: Fairy Wonderland

Gradually, the three Huang Yis got deeper and deeper in this elf mountain.

Under Huang Yi's third eye, their collection speed was extremely fast. Within an hour, they collected a basket full of swan fungi, one after another, full of tenderness and fragrance.

At this time, they came to a large rock on the mountainside and sat down to rest.

The view here is wide, and there is an unobstructed view of the wild tortoise village below. From afar, you can see the other side of the island faintly.

"Before, my grandfather and I worked hard for one day, and I couldn't get so much!" Shuiyue said happily as he looked at a basket of swan fungi.

The old grandfather turned his head and looked at the direction to the right, and said, "There is a pond there, and there are a lot of this swan fungus nearby. Every time I brought a water moon to this fairy mountain, I had to go there to collect swan fungus But I ca n’t collect that much. "

Following the grandfather's gaze, Huang Yi turned his head to look to the right. Through a dense jungle, he could vaguely see a clear water pool like a gem hidden in this deep mountain.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Huang Yi stunned and stared at the pond.

The third eye on his forehead was always open. Just when he looked at the pool, the third eye also saw the bottom of the pool at the same time. There was a water hole at the bottom of the pool!

"What's wrong?" The old grandfather asked, seeing Huang Yi's expression.

"There is a water hole at the bottom of that pool, do you know?" Huang Yi said.

"A water hole ?!" Grandpa was startled slightly. "I don't know! The water pool is bottomless, and it is very steep on all sides. No one will go down to that water pool."

Huang Yi immediately became interested in exploration and immediately said, "You go back first! I'll go and see in the water hole at the bottom of the pool."

After speaking, he stood up and walked towards the pond in the dense forest.

"Be careful!" The grandfather yelled from behind him.

"Remember to come back for dinner!" Shuiyue also shouted.


Soon, Huang Yi passed through the dense forest, his eyes suddenly opened up, and the water pond finally appeared completely.

The water in the pond is calm, pure and clear, like a mirror reflecting the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, and the mountains and forests opposite.

The water pond is very steep on all sides, like a patio. There is no path to the water pond. If you want to enter the water, you can only jump off the cliff on the shore.

Huang Yi did not hesitate to jump forward!

"Flop!" His body slammed heavily into the calm lake water, splashing high splashes, and the waves were rippling out.

Huang Yi turned her head down, paddling her palms up, and quickly dived to the bottom of the pool.

The water pond was extremely deep, Huang Yi dived for a long time, and his eyes became darker. When the light became extremely weak, he finally saw the water hole with his eyes.

The water hole was hidden on the mountain wall at the bottom of the pool, and there were no traces of artificial excavation. It seemed to have formed naturally. The water hole was dark, and I didn't know where to go.

Huang Yi immediately swam into the water hole and disappeared into the darkness.

The water cave is crooked, and because it is full of water, it is more strenuous to move forward. Huang Yi took a breath and swam in the dark for a long time before finally swimming out of the water and raising his head.

There is no more water in the water hole. It is a land, and there is a faint light at the end.

Huang Yi stepped out of the water, shook his body water vigorously, and continued to move forward.

The more you walked forward, the more the air was fresher, and at the same time a breeze was blowing. Huang Yi speeded up his pace. After a turn, he suddenly opened his eyes and finally walked out of this winding cave.

Outside the cave is a valley like a fairyland.

All kinds of exotic flowers and plants flourish in this valley, and various unknown berries are hanging on the branches in crystal greenery, and dew drops hang on the soft grass, shining in the sun like pearls. A small stream flows through the valley, making a pleasant tinkling sound, and a butterfly flew around in the flowers, and the air was filled with fresh floral fragrance, which filled the heart.

If the wild turtle island outside is a paradise, then this valley is a paradise, never defiled by humans.

With a childlike curiosity, Huang Yi stepped out of the cave, stepped on the soft grass, and walked towards the center of the valley.

His steps were light and light, and he seemed afraid to step on the grass below. A butterfly in the flowers seemed to have spotted his arrival, flying around him curiously for a few laps, and finally resting on his shoulders.

Finally, Huang Yi reached the center of the valley and came to the edge of the stream.

Here is a large palm-shaped mushroom. The mushroom cover spreads like a small small umbrella, covering small houses with large palms. There are small doors and windows in the small house, which are delicate and lovely.

Just then, a small mushroom was moving towards a mushroom house in the lawn not far away.

The shape of this little mushroom is exactly the kind of swan fungus that Huang Yi has just picked outside. The cap is like a round hat. But under the hat, there was actually a blue guy. He was only the size of a thumb, the upper body was blue, and the lower body was wearing two white calf-like legs.

At this moment, a small wooden stick was being carried on his shoulder, and a snail was inserted behind the wooden stick, which seemed to be the prey he had hit, just to go home to enjoy.

Huang Yi curiously stretched out two fingers, gently pinched the blue villain, and carefully looked in front of him.

"Wow, oh wow ~" The little man struck his two calves immediately, and turned to look at Huang Yi's behemoth, opened his mouth and called out, his voice was as small as a mosquito.

Only then did Huang Yi find out that the cap on the blue villain's head was completely grown on the head, but it looked like its hat. It seems to be a swan fungus in itself, but it seems to have become refined and turned into a living creature.

Is this the legendary smurf?

Suddenly, Huang Yi remembered the legend about the smurfs that Grandpa and Shuiyue said before.

"Let me go! Let me go!" At that moment, the blue villain yelled again.

But this time, Huang Yi understood its words.

This little blue guy speaks the language of the first world!

It is not a creature of the second world, but a species from the first world!

I just don't know why, it came to this pretty turtle village and hid in this fairyland-like valley.

After Huang Yi evolved into Nazarsh, he just learned the language of the first world and asked, "Are you the legendary smurf?"

"Now that you know, why don't you put me down?" Said the little blue man, simply no longer struggling, throwing the snail on his shoulders, bulging his hips and staring anxiously Huang Yi Road.

Huang Yi spread his palm and gently placed the smurf on it.

After the smurf was free, he twisted his small arms and rubbed the place just pinched by Huang Yi. It seemed that Huang Yi pinched it.

"No outsider has ever been here. Why did you come here?" The smurf raised his small head and asked loudly towards Huang Yi.

But in Huang Yi's ears, it sounded like a bigger mosquito flying. Huang Yi lowered his voice, as if whispering: "There is a pond outside, and there is a water hole under the pool. I came in from that hole."

"Be quiet! Be quiet! Noisy me!" The smurf hurriedly covered his little ears.

Huang Yi lowered his voice again, and Qi Ruosu asked, "You speak the language of the first world. Are you a first-world creature? Why did you come here?"

"Ah! Yeah, you speak the language of the first world too!" Until then, the smurf didn't respond. But soon, he seemed to remember something, and suddenly trembled in fear, and said, "Are you here to catch us? Don't catch me! Don't catch me! It's all Green Leaf's fault, we were to be tributed to the Savage God. The temple is for the Savage Lord. But he ran away with us halfway! Later we were caught by a big man, and then that big man was caught by a larger existence, and we came here somehow. After so many years, I didn't expect you to come here, woohoo! "

At the end of the day, the smurf wailed like a kid who did something wrong.

"Oh! Don't cry, don't cry! I didn't come here to catch you, I just came here accidentally." Huang Yi hurriedly comforted and continued to ask, "Why are you being tributed to the Manshen Temple?"

"Are you really not here to catch us?" The smurf wiped her tears, and said tearfully: "Because we are noble and special smurfs! Listen to the elders, we are the most powerful smurfs One of the plant races is changed by swan fungi. We are the spirit of plants. After eating us, we can live forever, we can open our minds, and we can get countless benefits ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Lord Man of God has already sealed the **** and went to heaven. The avatar he stayed in the Man Temple of God has cut off the connection with the body and will lose his mind. He must eat a smurf regularly to keep that man wise. So every time we smurfs, we have to send a batch of smurfs to the barbara temple. "

"That's it!" Huang Yi suddenly realized.

He finally came to understand why the avatar of the Savage God could still remain in the first world after the body sealed God.

"How many smurfs are in your valley?" Huang Yi continued to ask.

"Now there are five left, and only the green leaves are dead! We wrapped him in a leaf and buried it, and now a swan fungus has grown in his graveyard. Can become a smurf, and he is reborn and resurrected! "


The appearance of this smurf is actually my QQ picture. My QQ is: 398115791. If you are interested, you can add me to see.

I go online once a week and send me messages, and I will reply as soon as I see them.

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