Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1230: 1 company with 3 heroes

In the black hole under the hood of the king of hell, there was a hasty voice: "Since you have reached the level of demigod, then I should let you complete that task. I will follow the progress of your task Situation, decided to set a specific time for the World Extermination Array method to refine the second world. "

After that, a roll of sheepskin flew out of the sleeve of the king of hell, and landed in front of the demon.

Tian Mo quickly took the sheepskin roll, opened it and looked at it, his face suddenly stunned, and said, "How can such a task? Does this have anything to do with our second world of refining?"

"Actually, judging by the current strength of those godsend people, it should be okay, but this time, I want to be more secure."


After Huang Yi's new incarnation was put into use, the first thing naturally was to go back to the falling **** continent and absorb the five heroic auras.

His previous incarnation was just unlucky and was sucked in by the turtles halfway, which is a very unlikely event. This time, he should not be so unlucky again.

However, just as he was about to leave, three solemn announcements rang out in heaven and earth—

"System announcement: Emperor Wu became a godsend hero."

"System announcement: Oda City has become a god-given hero, given the name: Holy Knight."

"System announcement: t.n.t became a god-given hero, given the name: Vulcan."

Suddenly, three god-given heroes were born together!

Among them are Miyamoto Musashi and Tnt, who have been disappearing for a long time. After being sealed by Huang Yi as the "public enemy of the world" in the national war of the heroic continent, they never made public appearances. I don't know where they went and what they were doing during this time, I thought they fell down.

But now the announcement of the system shows that they are not falling, but are busy exploring their adventures.

The three of them became heroes at the same time, indicating that this adventure was extremely powerful, and they got more heroic aura than any previous player!

There was a sudden uproar among players from all over the world, and the closer and closer to the fourth annual festival, the heroes of all walks of life were unwilling to be lonely, and crazyly achieved various feats. In a short period of time, five Abigail, Tiandao, Miyamoto Musashi, Oda City, and t.n.t heroes appeared. I don't know who else will come next.

Huang Yi, who was preparing to go to the land of falling gods, immediately cancelled the travel plan after hearing the three announcements.

These three people can become heroes, apparently absorbing the heroic aura in the eyes of the giants in the second world. The seven frontal eyes of the head have been completely absorbed. Then, the frontal eyes they found can only be the five frontal eyes in the continent.

And, since they can become heroes at the same time, it means that they should have taken all the heroic aura in those five arrays, but now they are only absorbed at the same time. They should still have two heroic auras unused.

Huang Yi decided to change the itinerary to return the avatar to the first world, while the body continued to brush the 290th floor of the Tower of the Gods.

Now, Huang Yi's body can hit the last boss on the 290th floor to 54 HP. But it is getting farther and farther from the world record.

If it was before, then he only needs to kill the last boss, even if he has set a world record for this layer, he does not need to pursue customs clearance time.

But after the genie first set the world record for this level, his clearance time must be shorter than the genie to be considered a world record.

The genie now maintains a record of more than 40 minutes of clearance. At this time, Huang Yi can only hit the last boss to more than 60 health, and must find ways to optimize his own play and shorten the clearance time.

Just as Huang Yi worked hard to smash the health of the last boss, an announcement suddenly sounded in the Tower of the Gods—

"Secret Announcement: The demon broke the world record on the 290th floor of the Tower of the Gods, and the clearance time was 7 minutes and 22 seconds."

7 minutes and 22 seconds!

Hearing this clearance time, Huang Yi suddenly lost all his motivation!

This is almost like a bug!

Before, the genie had set a world record of more than 40 minutes, and he found it difficult to break. Now, Sky Magic has madly compressed this record to single digits, only 7 minutes!

Huang Yi can't break this record anyway!

After the demons were promoted to demigods, their power was too terrible! He is the only demigod player in the world, and there is also a finished magic weapon, Dragon Wing, which is worthy of being the first player in the world today. This year's best newcomer award is definitely him, there is no suspense, his newcomer of this level is unprecedented, it is even more terrifying than the speed of Huang Yi's rise then! If he is not a newcomer, he can even win this year's best personal award.

Now, the power of the Demon side has risen again. In addition to the two new kings of the demon and the spirit demon, the two old-fashioned demon player leaders, Miyamoto Musashi and t.n.t, have also been promoted to the level of heroes, and the level of threat has increased significantly.

However, the territory of the heroic empire has spread to all continents of the Second World. The existing guardian forces are spread out, and they are still weaker.

There are only five virtual gods in his guardian. If there are only the avatars of the six demon kings in the future, it can still be blocked. But if the demons sent other false gods to come, there would be no way to stop them.

And these days, on the battlefield of the first world, the demons suddenly appeared twenty virtual gods and one hundred demigods. If this power was transferred to the second world, it would be an unimaginable disaster.

Huang Yi abandoned his intention to impact the world record on the 290th floor, left the Tower of the Gods, summoned the heroic prison, and began to release a new batch of virtual **** guardians.

This time, he will release as many guardians of the gods as possible, the number will exceed the previous total! At least make sure that after the demons transfer the 20 virtual gods to the second world, their hero empire can still carry it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi flew up and down in the stone room, the wings of the sunstrider and the freedom of freedom The wings fanned wildly, and shot again and again, grabbing a key into their hands.

After half an hour, he had already got the first 100 numbers, except for the keys he had obtained before, all the keys he could get!

Among them, the front key has reached the 22nd!

In the heroic prison, among the more than 10,000 criminals, only the criminals in the first 22 cells were left untouchable!

Next, holding these keys, he began to open the cells one by one, talk to the criminals inside, and collect them as guardians of the heroic empire.

A well-known master in the domain of history, in this way has become the guardian of the heroic empire.


I've been very busy this week, the updates will be unstable, and I can only update chapters of 2,000 words. I will finish it as soon as possible and re-stabilize the update. Sorry friends from www.readwn.com ~, you can search for "", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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