Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1232: Peerless Demon Emperor

The two thick chains also lost that tense force, and slumped into the river.

All of a sudden the sky and the ground quieted down, leaving only the sound of water and wind.

"Roar" At this moment, a deafening roar suddenly sounded, the river surface rose rapidly, and a huge thing soared into the sky from the bottom of the river

It was a big mouth of blood, devouring towards the yellow overflow in the sky

Huang Yi's tiny body was like a mosquito in front of the big mouth.

In the big mouth of the blood basin, the sharp teeth were staggered, terrifying and stinking.

Huang Yi tried to retreat, but his body seemed to be sucked by the monster's huge mouth. He could not move no matter how hard he tried.

Seeing that monster's huge mouth was getting closer, but he could not escape, Huang Yi was anxious.

This is his being, not his incarnation. Once he dies, the consequences are very serious.

"嘣" Just then, a harsh chain sound suddenly sounded

The two chains by the river were stretched straight again, dragging the monster to death, unable to go any further

The monster's **** mouth was only a few meters away from Huang Yi's legs, but was dragged back into the river by the two heavy chains, and the huge body hit the river, causing a stormy sea.

Huang Yi also scared out a cold sweat, if it wasn't for the monster that was locked by the chain, now he has been swallowed into the monster's stomach.

And just then, he finally saw the image of this monster.

This is indeed an ancient Chinese dragon, with a dragon head, two horns on its head, and a pair of dragon beards beside its nose.

Huang Yi quickly flew up a distance, looking down at the river below, thinking about it.

Just now the monster has been struggling and roaring, showing no trace of wisdom, and seems unable to communicate. Huang Yi wants to take it as the guardian of the heroic empire, I am afraid it is impossible.

"Ah, I remember, just now that monster was locked by two chains, as if it was the dragon of the emperor's uniform." At this moment, a tender voice sounded from Huang Yi's shoulder.

It was a smurf, but the lower body was on Huang Yi's shoulders, and he had not completely escaped.

This is Qingyun among the six Smurfs, and Huang Yi planted it on himself.

The other four swans transformed into smurfs, he planted one on his own body and one on Xiaolong.

Two swan fungi were given to the skirt and Qin Shiyu.

"Yellow Emperor's Dragon" Huang Yi turned his head in surprise and looked at Qingyun on his shoulder. "How do you know"

"I've lived in the Turtle Island for so many years and heard the legend of Chen Long." Qing Yun held out his hand and touched his chin. "Legends, the Second World in the ancient times, often flooded, water monsters raged, Huangdi is the world Cang was governed by water, dredging some rivers and rivers, and suppressing and recaptured some monsters. In a large river, he once subdued a dragon and became a mount. Later, he locked it with two large chains and made it impossible. Then go out and make waves. The monster just now is very similar to the dragon in the legend. "

After listening to Qing Yun's words, Huang Yi faintly believed.

The savage tortoise is a mount of the savage deity. The indigenous people inside are descendants of the savage deity, and the savage deity is inseparable from the yellow emperor. The legend of the yellow emperor circulating in the savage tortoise island does Some credibility.

"I'll know if I go out and ask Tiandao." Huang Yi said, and glanced at the river surface, the monster had sunk into the river again and could not see the slightest.

Next, he left the hero prison, returned to the central continent outside, and sent a message to Tiandao asking where the other party was.

An hour later, Huang Yi found the Tao in the library of the Royal Academy of Oskan.

At this moment, Tiandao is buried in the library's sea of ​​books, looking through all the documents related to the barren desolation of the sky, looking for all clues.

"Yi brother, is there anything you need to come to me in person and find a clue about the barren desolation of the sky?" Tiandao saw Huang Yi and asked expectantly.

"You have a deep research on the wild desolate god, and you know more about his master Huangdi than I do. I want to ask you about Huangdi. I just saw a monster like a dragon. Huang Yi told what happened in cell 23 of Heroes' Prison.

"I know it must be the Peerless Emperor Night Sky," Tiandao said immediately after listening to Huang Yi's narrative.

The heavens paused and continued: "About one year ago, I found a lot of murals in a relic of the ancient period, depicting the desolate desolation of the sky and some deeds of the Yellow Emperor. Among them, a group of murals is the dedication of the Yellow Emperor to control the water. In that year, in a large river, a dragon was raging all year round, making waves and endangering life. That dragon is a mortal god, a hybrid of the night and dragon races, with the blood of the night and dragon races in the body, which is invincible. It can seal God to Heaven at any time, but hide in a magical space under the river, avoiding the pulling force of Heaven ~ www.readwn.com ~ Later, it was subdued by Huangdi, and it was taken as a mount Huang Di made two chains with the demon blood steel, locked the strength of that dragon, and took the two chains as a reins, driving it to water treatment elsewhere. After the water treatment was completed, Huang Di imprisoned the dragon. In an evil river. But then, that dragon and the evil river suddenly disappeared and disappeared, and it became a shocking mystery. I did not expect to get a clue here. "

"I can't communicate with it at all, how can we make it our guardian?" Huang Yi asked again.

"Try this," Tiandao said, smiling slightly, something suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

It was a crown made of thorns with a sharp spike on it. It is the item suspected to be the crown of thorns brought out by Huang Yi in the pretty turtle village.

Tiandao carefully held the crown, saying: "If this is really the crown of thorns, then after you put it on, that dragon will feel the breath of Huangdi, and obediently obey you, you can naturally be subdued as a heroic empire. The guardian of the dragon. If the dragon does not respond to this crown, it means that the crown is not the crown of thorns, or the dragon is not the dragon that Huang Di subdued in that year. "

"Well, I'll try it." Huang Yi nodded, took the crown of thorns, and put it directly on his head.

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