Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1243: Pope

At this moment, the entire world is responding to Huang Yi's call and coming to support from all corners of the world.

Moon City is gathering more and more people, and there are flying players in the sky. The vast majority of players can only fly at low altitudes, and only a few masters can withstand the pressure from the mass destruction and fly to a higher sky.

At this moment, suddenly a dazzling red light shone from the sky, temporarily staining the whole sky with blood. The devastation of the World Extinction array plummeted, and those boiling spirits slowly calmed down, as if disturbed by some force.

"The dean is delaying time!" Huang Yi suddenly understood it!

Georgia's time has a wonderful time ability, but in front of the seventy-two Demon masters, you certainly can't get too much time.

Huang Yili looked around at the densely packed players in Moon City and shouted, "Everyone, use your own means to defend this sky! This is our last chance!"

The words fell, and the entire Moon City instantly boiled!

玩家 One by one, the players used their own methods towards the last sky.

Various skills Guanghua, covering the sky and flying towards the last sky, shining the earth in all colors.

A little boy took out a huge kite. After the kite flew high, he cut off the line immediately, and the kite flew into the cloud suddenly.

玩家 A player took out a small flag and waved it towards the sky, and a blue light flew from the flag, and meandered toward the sky.

漂亮 A beautiful female player danced a graceful dance similar to ballet in the high air. The light movement was like a swan. With her dancing, a piece of feathers condensed from the void and flew towards the last sky.

A biologist put his finger in his mouth and blew a whistle. Immediately, in all directions, countless pigeons with burning flames flew on, flapping their wings and flying towards the sky.

Countless players are doing their best, no matter what area he is from, or what strange methods he has mastered, all of them are used to defend the last sky of the second world.

As I looked around, the entire Moon City had become a sea of ​​light, and countless lights soared into the sky and disappeared into the vast clouds.

"Slohot, the Mexican player leader, responded to the call to kill God and came to defend the last sky of the Second World!" At this moment, a group of imposing players suddenly flew from the teleportation array of the Moon City, the stars and the moon. The ground surrounds a strong man.

The brawny man was a middle-aged man with a beard, a barb-bearing axe on his shoulders, and the armor on his body was covered with spikes, muscles were knotted, and the skin was pale gray. It is a barbarian race from one of the top 100 ordinary races.

壮 The strong man is the famous Mexican master Slohot. He founded the largest guild in Mexico and won the best barbarian player award of the year. Both the strength itself and the forces behind it are very good.

Some reporters were immediately attracted by this group of people, and they set their sights on Slaughter, explaining, "Dear friends, Slaughter led the Mexican army and followed the three war giants, Miyamoto Musashi, N, and the Pope. , Invaded Heroes 6 together, is a character who has resentment against the **** of killing, now let go of the original grudges and join hands to defend the last sky together ... "

Tan Sluohot and others had a great pomp, and their group penetrated the rest of the densely populated low altitude, flew up to the vast empty altitude, and then dispersed, forming a strange array.

Everyone in the array stretched out his palm, sending out a shot of energy on Slaughter, and then Slaughter took out his huge axe, struggling to split it again and again towards the sky.

Every time I split it, a strange energy was injected into the last sky.

"The famous Turkish werewolf kills wildly, in response to the call of the **** of killing, come to defend the last sky of the second world!" At this moment, another reporter exclaimed from the direction of the teleportation array!

The voice fell, and a man with black head and yellow skin flew up into the sky from the direction of the teleportation array.

He is a Turkish

Overseas Chinese, in the contest, had the best result of Turkey and entered the round of 64.

Now, he came so alone, without saying a word, soared directly into the sky and disappeared into the vast sky!

Next, a master from all over the world comes out!

A lot of reporters even stood by the teleportation team, specializing in reporting on the master players who transmitted to Moon City.

"Snow Maple, Canada's No. 1 Master, responded to the call to kill God and came to defend the last sky of the Second World!"

"The Australian player leader Denosque, in response to the call to kill God, came to defend the last sky of the Second World!"

"Arthur Artoria, Britain's first female player, responded to the call to kill God and came to defend the last sky of the second world!"

"Purple Star, a famous Indian master who was fighting for the Best Newcomer Award with Killing God and Thor, also came to Moon City!"

Uh ...

"Boom" At this moment, lightning flashed in the sky, and countless lightnings burst out from the void at once, forming a huge power grid that instantly covered the last sky.

The sparkling electric light shone the whole world, covering over the means of countless players, as if nature was showing its power.

After the huge grid covered the sky, it blended with the blue blisters of Thor, the golden text of Pharaoh, and the light of the heavens, revealing that it is the same level of power.

Everyone looked up, and in the thunder of the sky, there was a vaguely breathy man.

He was wearing a robe and was walking with thunder and lightning, holding a lightning in his hand.

Lightning is a natural phenomenon that has passed away, and it is a thing full of violent destruction, but it is actually held in his hands, as if holding a scepter, a weapon.

"Kill God, I haven't seen you for a long time." The man looked at Huang Yi below and said faintly, then landed in front of him, in the same small circle with Thor, Pharaoh, and Heaven, and outsiders could not approach.

"Pope, long time no see." Huang Yi looked for a moment, nodded solemnly to the person.

Here comes the pope!

The pope had been close to Miyamoto Musashi and n before, and was one of the three major planners to invade the heroic empire. But he did not join the demons like the first two, but always walked on the edge, his attitude was very vague. Huang Yi also only listed Miyamoto Musashi and n as public enemies of the world, but did not consider the pope.

After the end of the National War for Heroes 6, the Pope disappeared, perfecting her thunderbolt heritage.

Among the top ten artifacts of the Second World, his lightning scepter is the one with the slowest repair and the least power. To this end, he did not hesitate to dive into the Fermat Trench, the most dangerous sea in the southern hemisphere, to find a palace left by the thunderbolt queen to perfect his heritage.

The Fermat Trench is the deepest part of the ocean in the Second World, and even the library of the Royal Academy of Oscar can not find specific information about this trench. Many famous adventurers in history have dived into the Fermat Trench, but have never returned.

The return of the puppet pope this time, the momentum is magnificent, apparently very rewarding.

At this time, Thor patted the pope's shoulder flashing with thunder and lightning, looked at the thunder bolt in the hand of the pope, and smiled: "How do I think you are more suitable to be called Thor?"

Wu Tiandao also stared at the thunderbolt in the hands of the Pope, saying: "The thunderbolt in your hand is the half-scepter of your signature treasure at that time! Now it has become like this, I don't know how much it has recovered?"

The pope stabbed the lightning in his hand into the sky, and immediately cut a large blade of lightning, soared up into the sky, plunged into the high-altitude clouds, and burst into a thunderous thunder. This was said: "This scepter of thunder and lightning has returned to the level of the sub-artifact, similar to your spear of skybreaking, and only the last inheritance can be promoted to the finished artifact."

After that, the Pope stared at Tian Dao, his eyes narrowed slightly. "Www.readwn.com" said: "Tian Dao, the heroic battle of hero 6, we lost because of your surrender. Regarding this, , I have been very unconvinced, I always thought that even if I want to lose, I will lose it through battle in the battlefield

And not this way. This time I came just to defend the second world, not to reach a settlement with you. "

Wu Tiandao nodded: "I understand, if you want to get revenge on me, I can always be with you."

Huang Huangyi looked at Tiandao and the Pope, and said, "Don't talk about this first, you can survive the crisis and talk!"

The pope took a look at Huang Yi and stopped talking.

Next, Moon City gathered more and more masters, but most people with heads and faces responded to Huang Yi's call and came here to use their own means to defend this last piece of sky.

With the full assistance of countless gifted people, this last piece of sky once again stabilized and blocked the invasion of the world.

At this time, the sky has become colorful, like an Impressionist oil painting, all kinds of abilities are blessed on it.

What can't play the main role is still the guardians of the **** domain of the dozens of heroic empires in the high air. The breath of divine power released by them has withstood most of the impact of the world extinction.

But no one can be completely sure that this sky can always stop the world extinction. The dean is in outer space, using Georgia's time to fight for the time for everyone, if life or death is unknown, the consequences would be unthinkable.

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