Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1245: Powerful mystery exists!

I saw a strange bird appearing in the sky.

神 The divine bird is ice-blue in color, covered with huge pieces of feathers, like huge pieces of ice armor, smooth and bright, reflecting the colorful light in the sky.

Its flying body is elegant and light. Although its size is huge, it does not appear bloated, but it has a slender and slender feel, as if carefully crafted by the creator.

雪花 Snow flakes were also scattered around her, but unlike the ice dragon before, it caused a violent snowstorm, which seemed more gentle.

"Ice Phoenix!" Huang Yi immediately recognized the divine bird.

Now, he has seen all three phoenixes with his own eyes.

The cursed king is a black phoenix.

There is a fire phoenix in the wild **** temple of the First World.

Now he saw the third kind of ice phoenix.

冰 This ice phoenix also exudes the breath of the gods, which is obviously also a great creature hidden in the second world. It is estimated that like the previous ice dragon, it lives in a place like Antarctica. This catastrophe brought her out.

At this moment, she fluttered her beautiful wings and hovered back and forth in the air. The Phoenix Dance was like a strange dance for nine days.

As she fluttered, pieces of ice armor condensed from the void, hovering and flying to the highest sky at the top, piled up, and strengthened the last sky.

After the reinforcement of this ice phoenix, the last sky became more stable, and the boundary with the world extinction array no longer melted fiercely, but joined together calmly to form a stable structure.

Whether it is an ice dragon or an ice phoenix, they are all born and raised in the Second World. They have been growing and living in the Second World for countless years. He has left this world like that without breaking off his relationship with the second world, and more in line with the world rules of the second world. They defended the Second World by reaching out to the origins of the world, producing effects that the Guardians could not produce.

的 Souls in this world will have a stronger effect on this world because it conforms to the original rules of this world. If this Ice Phoenix and Ice Dragon go to other worlds, they will not be as powerful as they are now.

The emergence of Bing Binglong and Bing Phoenix has attracted the attention of almost all media, and audiences around the world who watched live broadcasts have enjoyed this great creature.

At this moment, they were soaring in the sky, casting huge shadows in the eyes of sentient beings looking up, as if this heaven and earth existed supremely.

However, they are certainly not the only mysterious creatures in the second world. There are definitely more and even more powerful creatures that have not appeared. For example, the wild turtle that Huang Yi saw some time ago has a stronger strength than this ice. The dragon and the ice phoenix are more powerful, and even turned themselves into a small world, but now it has not appeared.

"Boom" At this moment, in the ocean on the side of Moon City Harbor, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded.

The pope was the most sensitive to thunder and lightning, and turned his head and looked away.

The media reporters also turned their eyes away from Binglong and Bingfeng and turned to the dreadful ocean.

I saw the dark clouds there, almost connected with the sea surface. A violent wind roared from the depths of the ocean. From time to time, a thunderous thunder sounded from the dark clouds, and a thunder flickered from time to time!

Those thunders are not silver-white like ordinary thunder and lightning, but strange blood red, containing destructive power, far more powerful than the thunder and lightning caused when the pope appeared before, not an order of magnitude at all.

But those red thunderbolts are only contained in the interior of the black cloud. They do n’t penetrate out, only a burst of red flashes. It seems that there is something in them that gathers the energy, otherwise the violent energy is released, and Moon City has long been It has been ruined.

Walking in the boundless darkness, waves rushed towards Moon City, one wave higher than the other, seeming to have the tendency to engulf the entire Moon City.

Every wave hit, the whole earth seemed to shake, as if there was some kind of unknown beast coming from the deep sea.

At this time, the ice dragon and ice phoenix soaring in the sky, like

It was something that was felt, and they turned their heads and looked at the deep ocean. They shrunk their heads, their wings trembling slightly, and they seemed very afraid.

嗯 "Huh? So rich water elements!" At this time, Thor reached out his palm and held a sham in the air. The essence of water suddenly gathered in the palm.

"Elemental decomposition!" The pope uttered a noun.

"The seawater is broken down into elemental form!" Pharaoh was also shocked!

Sea water was originally formed by combining water-based magic elements with other trace elements. Although the ocean contains more abundant water elements than the mainland, those water elements have only escaped from the seawater over a long period of time. It is extremely difficult to decompose the seawater and directly extract the water elements inside.

But now, a large amount of seawater is actually directly decomposed into primitive water elements, which are everywhere in the air. People with water system capabilities like Thor can even directly absorb these water elements into the body, strengthen themselves, and get an unprecedented adventure!

"Pope, you are most familiar with thunder and lightning. What's in the deep sea covered by dark clouds? How could this cause such a big movement?" Kid stared at the depths of the dark ocean and asked solemnly. .

The Pope shook his head: "I don't know, but the kind of red thunderbolt reminds me of the horrible existence that belonged to legend in ancient times. That existence itself is a catastrophe. Encountered it once but could not help it. "

"What is that? Which species?" Thor asked, could not help but.

"Not a species, it has only one, or ... it is a species of its own." Tiandao took the words and said gravely, "In the life of the wild desolate **** split the sky, there are only a few failed experiences, and one of them is Its present life caused a horrific catastrophe, but he was unable to stop it. The barbaric deity split sky later called it Lei Qi, and since then, legends in later generations have also used this name to name it. Hope this time will not be Lei Qi, Otherwise, even if the World Extinction Array is broken, the Second World will be destroyed by Lei Qi. However, Lei Qi only appeared a few times in the ancient times, and there will be no other world in the future. So many eras have passed "Its existence, which is contrary to the will of God, should have died. Even if it does not die, it should have gone to other places in the universe. The Second World has fallen so badly that there should be nothing to attract it."

"Boom" At this time, a thunder blast rang from the depths of the ocean, the whole earth shook violently, and the sea surface suddenly swelled, shaking a mountain-like wave wall, sweeping towards Moon City.

The dark and dark sea surface was temporarily illuminated by this dazzling thunderbolt. I saw a huge dark shadow looming in the depths of the ocean covered by the dark cloud!

The huge black shadow was vague, unable to see the specific details, but could barely see its mighty shore towering into the clouds, looking up at his head, and snarling at the black sky.

Its roar is the sound of thunder!

I heard this thunder, and even the ice dragon and ice phoenix hovering in the sky trembled violently, as if frightened and frightened, trying to fall from the sky.

But strangely, the vague dark shadow did not emit any breath, and even Huang Yi could not detect whether it was a virtual **** or a false god, as if it was a kind of transcendence of existence, which belongs to a natural phenomenon.

This is even more weird than the peerless demon emperor of the heroic empire · Yekonghua!

"So ... what the **** is that? It's terrible!" Numerous reporters muttered in horror, but no one dared to fly over to observe it carefully!

That area is not accessible to players at this stage at all, and it has been shaken to death before it has passed.

"Boom!" At that moment, the huge dark shadow made another roar, and the thunder rolled!

A thick red lightning blasted into the sky from its mouth, struck fiercely on the black sky that had been covered by the mass extinction!

红色 That red lightning, like an irresistible red sword, was inserted directly into the black sky, and then burst out!

At that moment, it seemed that the sky had collapsed!

The black array of extinction was actually

A blast opened, revealing the sheltered sunlight!

A beam of golden sunlight penetrated through the crack in the black sky, pierced the darkness, and hit the sea.

The scene was as if the roof of a dark room suddenly broke through a tile and was illuminated by a sun!

"Oh my God! What the **** is that ~ www.readwn.com ~ It actually split the whole world out!"

"Even the ice dragon and ice phoenix trembled, what the **** is that?"

"It seems even more perverted than the strongest guardians of the heroic empire! How could such a thing exist in the Second World?"

"How could such a powerful strength still exist in the mortal world, shouldn't it be necessary to seal God to heaven?"

Countless people screamed!

Before, whether it was strange people and strangers from all over the world, or Huang Yileishen, the well-known super-class masters, whether it was the dozens of guardians of the **** domain, or the original creatures of the second world such as Binglong Bingfeng It was just trying to strengthen the last sky to counter the onset of the extinction.

But as soon as this mysterious existence appeared, it directly opened the area that had been covered by the World Extinction Array. It was a completely different level of power!

"Huh ?! This thing still exists in the second world, which is unexpected by the king!" Just then, in the sky, the voice of the **** king's surprise sounded suddenly.


I have become the twelfth ally, this is an old reader, and Ni Dongde's role is provided by him.

Thanks, v maybe v, zdidib, you know. . . , Cold spring 1a, book friends 20170402225037789 and many other book friends in the recent great rewards.

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