Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1248: Countermeasures

Xuan Huangyi retracted her eyes from the dark sky and looked at the storage ring worn on her finger.

A while ago, his father sent an emissary from heaven to Fanjie and gave him a bag, telling him that he must open it only when he could not cope with the catastrophe.

决定 He decided that if they did not make any effective response to the problem until tomorrow, he would open the bag and see what was written in it.

At this moment, the Moon City below has been calmed down again by Huang Yi's words, and the horrified emotions have been transformed into the enthusiasm for finding countermeasures.

百万 Millions of players and reporters in countless media are actively discussing ways to deal with it. From time to time, amazing words and countermeasures beyond the ordinary are born.

In the forum, there are also countless players expressing their own opinions. Just like encountering a puzzle, the whole people have brains to think of a solution.

"Everyone, I have a solution." Just then, a strange voice suddenly rang from the air near Huang Yi and others.

The utterance of the words fell, a ripple rippled in the void, and a weird man appeared, which shocked everyone.

的 All the players present were super-class masters, and their perception capabilities were top-notch, but none of them could perceive the man sneaking into his side.

男子 The man's nose is particularly large, and his nose is full. He can even hear the sound of wind.

It is Abigail New Zealand's superb master Huang Yi who I saw a while ago.

"Abi Wang, what can you do?" Tiandao asked.

Abigail inhaled deeply, his nose swelled, and looked around again, saying: "You heroes should have discovered a mysterious island with huge organs containing heroic auras. After absorption, you can Make a hero. "

"Yes, what's wrong?" The Pope nodded, and he became one of the heroes in this way.

"Then you should have discovered that there is a black hole above the mysterious organ." Abigail said, locking his eyes on Huang Yi's body. "I have studied that kind of black hole, and that black hole is very wonderful, even if It ’s the World Extinction Array, and they should not be able to destroy them. Killing God should know more clues about that black hole. If we can improve that black hole and connect it to the **** of the underworld, then I can be on the eighteenth floor of **** In Abi Hell, the method of cracking the world extinction array was adopted. "

Zou Shen raised his eyebrows and said, "You really have something to do with Abi Hell! The system gives you the name of Abi King, presumably you have a lot of energy in the eighteenth hell."

"I can really do a lot of things in the eighteenth hell, but in the second world, I can't use any of these methods." Abigail said uncritically, and then turned to stare at Huang Yi, "Kill God, share with us what you know about that black hole! "

"To this day, this secret should also be revealed to you." Huang Yi nodded heavily, then looked at the weak dean, and said: "In the history of the Second World, countless people are curious why the Second World The sharp decline after the ancient times? In fact, the reason lies above those black holes. Those black holes form a top-level giant formation of the first world, which continuously transports the heaven and earth aura of the second world into the first world. That's why the Second World will decline sharply. "

"The reason is this ?!" The Dean widened his eyes and was surprised!

原来 "Originally, is the First World absorbing our heaven and earth aura?"

"I have used countless methods before, I have not been able to successfully enter the black hole. It turned out to be the first world."

超 Several super-class masters have said suddenly.

"Do you think we have the ability to transform that black hole into Hell?" Abigail asked.

Huang Yi shook his head decisively: "Impossible! When I was in the first world, I once arranged a small giant array with twelve virtual gods and killed a clone of the king of hell. The king of **** came from the most The Dragons, who are good at formations, are themselves the top masters of formations in the universe, but even he has not been able to break that formation, and can only choose to reverse the effect of the formation. The giant formation in our world is far away. It ’s beyond the twelve giant gods under the cloth of the gods. This is not something we can change casually.

. "

"What? You have killed the clone of the King of Hell ?!" Everyone was shocked!

Xun Huangyi's involvement in killing the **** king's avatar has never been publicly heard. Only the few demons, demons, undefeated, and undefeated players have heard about them. These people were the first to hear them.

In a moment, everyone looked slightly differently at Huang Yi!

Although Huang Yi's strength was gradually overshadowed by the demon, genie, thunder, and even Pharaoh during this time, the matter of killing the King of Hell's clone made them have to re-evaluate Huang Yi's strength.

"I only did a little bit of effort. The one who really killed the **** king is the twelve false gods of the first world." Huang Yi waved his hands.

Thor touched his chin and suddenly said: "Since you have helped the First World so much, can you move soldiers in the First World? The first world is powerful ~ www.readwn.com ~ Master Ruyun , And also have resentment against the demons. It is a good way for us to fight the demons together with the first world! "

The Dean also nodded in agreement: "This method can be tried! When I went to the First World, I had seen the strength of that world. If they were willing to send a group of experts to interfere with the demons of the demons from outside the Second World Battle, then we have great hope that we can crack this catastrophe. "

"Okay! My incarnation happens to be in the first world, and I'll talk to them right away!" Huang Yidao said.

"I also have a solution." At this time, Kidd suddenly said, "I found an altar of life at the site of the World Tree, which was built in the ancient times when the **** of life planted the world tree. I can Go try to activate that altar of life and see if it can communicate with the Temple of Life in Heaven. "

"Okay, everybody has any good way, let's try it now!" Huang Yi looked around everyone again.

Then they left Moon City and began to implement their own methods.

Huang Yi's body went to the black hole of a mysterious island.

After he turned into Nashash form and entered the black hole, he discovered that the black hole had stopped working and no longer transmitted to the first world.

The transport ability of that black hole has been blocked by the mass extinction!

The second world is already a completely closed world, and any means to the outside world has been blocked! To be continued. .

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