Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1251: Evolutionary poison heart

Time passed minute by minute, Huang Yi still looked good, even with a smile on his face and a good mood.

Seeing Huang Yi's appearance, the ghost ghost dzi was extremely puzzled.

Sealing the god-level death kiss, even the virtual **** must win. It stands to reason that Huang Yi should have made it, but Huang Yi has not revealed anything unusual after such a long time.

The ghost dzi finally couldn't help it, pretending to chat easily: "Our Naga wine tastes good!"

"Yes! It's really good, the aftertaste is long, and you can still feel its fragrance until now." Huang Yi nodded, closed his eyes slightly, licked his lips, a look of aftertaste.

"So, what's so special about the taste of this wine?" Gui Tianzhu asked.

"I can't say, I like it anyway, if you don't mind, I want to drink two more." Huang Yi laughed.

"Haha, this ..." Gui Tianzhu's mouth twitched and grinned. Even if he had the intention to ask Huang Yi to drink two more glasses of poisonous wine, each drop of the kiss of the god-level death was extremely precious, and he could not waste two more drops on Huang Yi's body.

At this moment, Huang Yi clearly felt that the godly death kiss was swimming in his body, and gradually penetrated into the limbs and bones.

Instead of feeling uncomfortable, he seemed to be getting a huge amount of nourishment and was in a state of extreme comfort.

After a while, the toxins in the limbs flowed back to the heart with his blood, and entangled in his heart.

His heart beats violently a few times, like a sudden infusion of some powerful energy, the beating force is so strong that his body trembles slightly and keeps shaking.

Seeing Huang Yi's body trembling, the ghost ghost Dzi bewildered and asked, "Kill God, what's wrong with you?"

This sentence was originally a word of concern and concern, but the expression of Gui Tianzhu was full of excitement, and I was very looking forward to Huang Yi's words such as "I am uncomfortable" and "I am very painful".

"Nothing, I'm fine!" Huang Yi smiled.

"Is that so? Well, I thought something had happened to you." Gui Tianzhu's eyes darkened, slightly disappointed.

在 At this moment, Huang Yi finally received the long-awaited system prompt

"The system reminds you that you have absorbed a drop of a god-level death kiss, the ability to secrete a death kiss has a qualitative leap, and your heart has evolved into a poisonous heart. You can currently secrete a death kiss with a level 2 enhancement, the strength is: It can directly poison the enemies under the **** domain, and also has a certain effect on the strong ones in the **** domain. The higher the concentration of the toxin, the stronger the enemy can be affected. "

Sure enough, Huang Yi drank a whole kiss of death-level death kiss, and this ability was once again improved!

Last time in the Dragon Valley, he absorbed the breath of death kiss left by the Nazarsh Sealer, so the ability to secrete toxins was strengthened.

This time, he directly absorbed a whole drop of death kiss!

This is not a residual breath, nor is it diluted into the air. It is a whole drop of precious stock solution!

Such a drop of the original solution, even the strong ones like the Queen of Pain must be recruited, now all absorbed by Huang Yi!

As a result, his heart evolved directly into a poisonous heart!

Among the three treasures inherited by the Nagga tribe, one of them is Taroyag's poisonous heart!

In the Nashash family, only the strongest with the most poisonous ability can have a poisonous heart, and the general Nashash will never have such a good fortune.

现在 And now, Huang Yi got this great creation!

With this poisonous heart, he will secrete a kiss of death in the future. As long as the concentration reaches a certain level, all under the **** domain will die.

If the secretion time is long enough and the concentration is high enough, even the masters of the **** domain will be affected.

This is the first ever way Huang Yi has been able to threaten the masters of the God Realm!

Even before, he had battled with the masters of Divine Realm, but those methods were not used arbitrarily, and there were great restrictions.

以后 But in the future, as long as he is alive, he will be able to secrete the kiss of death. There is no duration limit and no consumption limit. It can be secreted forever!


At this time, Huang Yi turned his head and looked at the ghost dzi, and said loudly: "We have waited long enough, it is time to go out! Hurry up and lead all your **** masters to help the second world! We just signed Those who promise the contract, the representatives of all the forces present are witnesses, wouldn't you want to repent? "

The powerful men of various forces in the market also coaxed

"Yes! Ghost Dzi, you swear by yourself, there is no need to deny it as your identity!"

"When you Naga and us drank alliance wine, you said it very sincerely. If something happens to your allies and you don't help, then we must be chill."

Uh ...

Although the representatives of various forces present at the scene did not wait to see Huang Yi, they wanted to see if Naga really wanted to help his allies.

之前 Before they drank alliance wine with the Naga tribe, they were forced by the severe situation of the First World and had to unite against the demons. If Naga really wants to help Huang Yi, this ally, then they will really believe Naga's sincerity.

Under the pressure of the field, the ghost ghost Dzi beaded rightly and said, "How can we repent when we say that?

As he said, he turned to look at Huang Yi and said, "Don't worry, our masters of God's Land are scattered around the oceans of the First World. It takes time to convene them. You can give us a day, this time tomorrow Definitely come out! "

"Okay! Then it's settled. At this time tomorrow, if you still haven't come out, then I'll treat you as breaking your promise." Huang Yi nodded.

"We can't violate it!" Gui Tianzhu smiled confidently.

虽然 Although he didn't know why Huang Yi hadn't done it for such a long time due to any special reason, he had absolute confidence in sealing the death kiss of God. Even if Huang Yi was so special, it would not be able to delay a day.

溢 At this time tomorrow, Huang Yi must have been poisoned. By that time, that commitment contract will naturally expire.

Uh ...

Huang Yi went online early the next day.

This is the first day that the Second World has been blocked by the World War II. The forum must have been loud.

After Huang Yi entered the forum, it was all news that the World Extinction Blockade the Second World!

"Unprecedented catastrophe! The demons set up a world extinction, completely blocking the second world!"

"Declaration of Killing God as the Guardian of the World, unite all forces in the Second World to resist the annihilation of the world! The whole people will discuss countermeasures!"

"The annihilation of the world caused a massive tsunami, flooded more than 3,000 intermediate-level cities around the world, and killed and injured more than one billion people!"

"The 6 largest ports in Bova have started to freeze, and tens of thousands of ships are racing to leave!"

"On the first day of the world's extinction, the Second World lost its sunshine and the average temperature dropped by 12c! It is expected that in one week, the temperature in all regions of the world will fall below oc, and individual regions will drop to minus 1oobsp; The highest peak in the world, Mount Everest, collapsed! The average elevation of the Tianmai Plateau, the roof of the world, dropped by 23oo meters. "

"The geographers of the Royal Academy of Oskar reckon that the length of the Second World's equator is shortened by 13 and the size of the Second World planet is shrinking."

"The mass extinction has begun! Large-scale deaths of animals and plants around the world have been severely refined!"

"The second world is at stake, and the Demon players are enjoying it! The progress of the demon on the 300th floor of the Tower of the Gods is reinventing. The high spirits smiled when they were interviewed on television ..."

Uh ...

A shocking post, listed in front of Huang Yi's eyes.

The Second World was just the first day that it was blocked by the World Extinction Array, and various tragic events occurred. The geological structure was greatly changed, the biosphere was extinct, and the fruits of civilization were rapidly destroyed.

In contrast, the influence of the previous player on the second world is so insignificant.

"The Second World was devastated and devastated. Many masters who are traveling in other worlds have made declarations and will return to save the Second World immediately!"

At this time, Huang Yi suddenly saw an excellent post with a very high reply volume, and couldn't help but click and look.

"After the Second World suffered the devastation of the world, the masters who traveled to other worlds have made declarations,

Expressed concerns about the parent star and said it was returning from various worlds. The earliest cloth declaration was the famous first-class master, once the world's first master blade. Subsequently, well-known players such as the Ganges River in Melva World, the Snow Queen in the Ice and Snow Plane, and the Giant Bear in Tianlin World made a declaration that they would return to the Second World immediately ... "

Seeing this news, Huang Yi finally had a touch of relief. Those masters who travel to various worlds are a powerful player force that cannot be ignored.

Some time ago, the blade traveled to the Third World to find some clues about Takasma, one of the strongest gods in the Third World who had pointed to the Blade Emperor ~ www.readwn.com ~ Inheritance, and later cited the shock of the Third World, it seems to be very rewarding.

The frozen lemongrass was ordered by the Royal Academy of Oskan, and went to the ice and snow plane to perform an important task.

The Melva World to the Ganges River has a deep connection with the World Tree. There is a giant tree on the bottom of the Melva World, which is a seed of the World Tree. The Ganges has been there for some time, and the branches of his World Tree should have improved a lot.

The world of Tianlin, where the giant bear went, is the world where the god-sealer hunts the gods, and it is also one of the ten strongest universes in the known universe. Some time ago, it was reported that the giant bear has already found the treasure trove of the hunting god, and will soon be able to perfect his inheritance of the hunting god.

In addition to them, there are many masters at the first level who have perfected their adventures in various worlds.

If all these masters return, they may be able to cause some unexpected disturbances to the World Extinction outside the Second World.

After all, they went to various strange worlds, and there must be some new and different means from the Second World to interfere with the world extinction, which can produce some magical effects.

Some readers said that drinking this way is not very good, it is too blunt. In fact, my previous thought was that while Huang Yi was waiting, a maid brought tea to serve. At this time, poisoning appeared normal. The way to write the alliance wine now is mainly to ridicule. Naga spoke loudly about the alliance relationship, but in fact she spoke wrong.

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