Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1253: Message in the bag

上面 On the note, only four words were written—

"Tower of the Gods"

The Tower of the Gods is a place that almost every player goes to every day, a place so ordinary that it is almost forgotten.

But such a place is the countermeasures that his father, the beast god, leaked to him!

塔 The Tower of the Gods can indeed avoid the Second World. Many players have found it before. As long as it is teleported to the Tower of the Gods, it will not be disturbed by the World Extinction Array.

However, players cannot stay in the Tower of the Gods all the time. The reset time of the Tower of the Gods is 24 hours. Players can only stay in the Tower of the Gods for 24 hours in a row. After this time, they will be teleported back to the Two worlds.

The meaning of the Beast God is definitely not to let Huang Yi hide in the towers of the gods. This is a passive way to avoid, not a way to rob.

的 The message of this note is definitely to hit the Tower of the Gods!

"Is it going to hit the 300th floor?" Suddenly, Huang Yi made a guess!

The 300th floor is the last floor of the Tower of the Gods, the most mysterious place of the entire Tower of the Gods!

玩家 Countless players have guessed what the 300th floor looks like, but there is a door at the entrance of that floor, which requires a corresponding key to enter. Except for Tianmo, no one knows what it looks like.

In addition, the demons were busy during this time, but the heaven demons have been impacting the 300th floor of the Tower of the Gods abnormally, and have not participated in those activities of the demons. This is most likely because the demons already knew that the tower of the gods was a variable, so they let the demon attack the 300th floor of the tower of the gods and take this variable into their own hands.

If the answer is really on the 300th floor of the Tower of the Gods, then the time in the second world is very urgent!

At present, the third boss of the 300th floor has been killed by the demons, and the progress is far ahead, but the rest of the players have not even been to the 300th floor!

Even on the second world side, no one even penetrated the 290th floor!

At present, the world record on the 290th floor is maintained by the demon, which is only more than 7 minutes, which is almost a world record that cannot be broken.

Xuan Huangyi decided to immediately impact the 290th floor of the Tower of the Gods. He did not seek to break the world record, but only to clear this level.

He had long guessed that the key on the 300th floor entrance would most likely find clues on the 290th floor.

Next, Huang Yi came to the omnipotent teleportation array of the Holy Land and teleported to the 290th floor of the Tower of the Gods.

He took out the wrath of killing the gods and killed the past along the way.

The mobs didn't have the right combination. They were killed by him like the autumn wind sweeping leaves, and the bosses fell quickly in front of him.

Finally, Huang Yi came to the hall where the last boss on the 290th floor was located.

The last boss is an old man with gray hair. There are rows of bookshelves in his palace, like a huge library.

At this time, the old man was wearing reading glasses, sitting at a desk, holding a quill pen, and writing on a roll of sheepskin, like an old scholar harmless to humans and animals.

实际上 But in fact, he is a 300-level **** domain strong, it is very very difficult to kill him before the player has been promoted to **** domain.

Before his death, Huang Yi's best progress was to beat him to more than 50% of his health, which was very far from killing.

昨天 But yesterday, he drank Naga's poisonous wine, which has evolved into a poisonous heart. As long as the death kiss secreted reaches a certain concentration, even the masters of the gods must be recruited. It should not be a problem to kill the boss.

Huang Yi looked at the boss not far away and immediately used the Nazarsh language and read the names of the ancestors of Nazarsh: "zaisin ... zdidib ... diva ... alexdurex ... koniss ... shipnuderians ... darkwalker ... lkins ... vinham ... trafa ... "

The power of a ancestor of Naxash seems to have passed through time and space, all blessed on Huang Yi's body, which has improved his strength in all aspects, the most important of which is the secretion of death kiss.

A large number of Level 2 strengthened death kisses emanating from him, floating in the air, thick

The concentration becomes higher and higher.

After a while, the old scholar who was sitting at the desk writing a book suddenly trembled, as if the toxins had started!

He looked up at Huang Yi, and read the familiar opening line: "Do you know how much time I spent to study the secret of the 300th floor? I hate being disturbed ..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly waved his hand and threw the quill towards Huang Yi!

Huang Yi immediately fluttered the wings of freedom and dodged!

The quill banged with a quill and nailed it into the wall, leaving only the tail feathers trembling.

Xun Huangyi continued to secrete the kiss of death, carrying the wrath of killing God, and rushed towards the old man aggressively.

The old scholar hurriedly gathered up the sheepskin roll on the table, stuffed it into his clothes, raised a palm, and attacked Huang Yi!

"Boom!" The next moment, the wrath of the **** of killing and the palm of the old man slammed together!

Suddenly Huang Yi was hit by a brutal force and flew out, hitting a bookshelf, and the bookshelf fell to the ground and fell to the ground.

"Don't you dare to destroy my collection, let's die!" The old scholar looked at the bookshelf that fell to the ground, drew a corner of his mouth, read a familiar line, and rushed towards Huang Yi.

But at this time, Huang Yi showed a relaxed smile!

Before he was hit by the boss, he would directly knock down a row of bookshelves, and his force was fierce.

But this time, the boss's power was significantly reduced, only knocking him against a bookshelf.

强化 The death kiss strengthened at level 2 has indeed affected this godland boss and weakened his strength.

"Come out! Little dragon! The immortal imitation body!" Huang Yi reached out and used a 120 level Nefarem skill to summon both contract partners.

Some time ago, after killing the half-orc patriarch Savage, he obtained a copy of the hunting whip and handed it to the Savage Equipment, so that the Savage God no longer occupied the summoning place and could be summoned by Huang Yi at the same time as Xiaolong.

At this time, the immortal imitation body held the bone-bone staff in one hand and the hunting whip in one hand, fanned a pair of blood wings behind it, and rushed towards the boss.

Xiao Xiaolong flew in the air, spit out a golden holy flame, drowned the boss, and the hot flame spread to the rows of bookshelves, burning those treasured books to ashes.

"Ah! My collection! My collection!" The old man screamed in grief, his eyes flushed, and his moves were suddenly sharper with a single punch, and the imitation body of the Savage God was hit on the ceiling with one punch.

"Xiaolong, quickly use the power of the gods to deal with it, this time we must kill it!" Huang Yi commanded, and immediately rushed to the boss with the wrath of killing the gods.

"Howling!" Xiaolong issued a domineering dragon groan, and his body suddenly increased, looming to break through this hall, exuding a majestic demigod!

It twisted its body, flung the dragon tail, and hit the old scholar severely!

"噗!" The old scholar spit out blood and flew out, knocking down rows of burning bookshelves ...

After Xiao Xiaolong joined the battle with the strength of the **** domain level, this battle suddenly became much easier.

In this way, after a hard battle, the old scholar finally exploded under Huang Yi's axe in order to break up the sky.

Huang Yi finally successfully cleared the 290th floor! However, it took him forty minutes to reach the world record, and Xiaolong was about to get tired because of this battle. Then, he would not be able to fight with the power of God.

After the death of the old scholar, only one thing broke out—

Take that sheepskin roll.

That was the sheepskin roll he had put away on the desk before.

Xun Huangyi immediately picked up the sheepskin roll, opened it, and looked at it. There was a discourse on the sheepskin roll—

"The first way is to break the world record on this level. One-half of the chances are to get the keys. The conditions are harsh and the journey is difficult. It is the choice made by the strongest. Usually only a few people can do it. The key is not just strength. Every detail must be considered carefully. It can only be reached after a hard battle. The end of the layers of fog. "

Really related to the key of the 300th floor!

老 The opening line of this old scholar is that he is studying the 300th floor. This sheepskin roll is the research result of the old man.

The way to get the key is clearly written above--

Breaking the world record on this level, there is a one-half chance to get the key.

Before, only the genie and the demon in the world broke the world record of this layer ~ www.readwn.com ~ But the genie did not leave a footprint on the 300th floor, it is likely that he did not meet that half The probability.

Suddenly, the demon must have met the one-half probability, got the key, and entered the 300th floor.

However, this road will definitely not work for Huang Yi. It took him forty minutes to clear this level. To break the world record of just over 7 minutes of Sky Demon, it is simply impossible in a short period of time. Even if he optimizes his game, he cannot shorten this much. time.

Then he can only go other ways.

But what is the other way?

Xun Huangyi frowned, staring at the sheepskin in thought.

On this sheepskin roll, I only wrote the way to break the world record, but did not write the second way!

"Mr. Fei, when the old scholar was about to write the second way, I broke in and interrupted his thinking?" Huang Yi suddenly made a guess.

If he deliberately waited for a while before hitting the boss, and gave the old man enough time to write this sheepskin roll, would he write the second way?

"Every time, every time you defeat this old scholar, you have a chance to get a different sheepskin roll, and different sheepskin rolls write different paths?" Huang Yi made a second guess.

No matter what, he has to try again.

Next, Huang Yi reset the copy and transmitted it.

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