Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1257: Purgatory volcano

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Soon, the huge tail collided with the Godship!

"Booming" Shenship was a little shocked, as if it hit the iceberg, and everyone on the deck was stunned, taking a few steps forward to stabilize the body. ??

However, the Godship was extremely sturdy and did not suffer any damage, and continued to move forward.

The huge tail slowly submerged into the black ocean and disappeared.

"This monster has such a power with just a tail, it's terrible!" Shen Pharaoh said.

"There is more ahead, you see!" Tiandao reached out and pointed forward.

Deep in the black ocean ahead, looming giant monsters can be seen faintly. They do not show the whole picture, but only occasionally a tentacle and a tail are exposed on the surface of the sea, causing the water to stir up.

Occasionally, some giant monsters slaughtered in the ocean, the blood and the water were soaring, all kinds of residual limbs and flesh splashed out, and the sea water was stirred upside down.

This is not an ocean, but a pool for breeding monsters. I don't know how many giant monsters inhabit it.

Without this ancient godship, they could not hide these huge monsters, even if they had escaped these black sea waters.

"Hisse ~" At this moment, there were huge monsters like yellow owls in front of them. Their long, slippery bodies shuttled in the sea water, and their mouths were huge suckers.

One of them rushed towards the Shenship, and the sucker at the mouth was firmly sucked on the Shenship, like a huge bloodsucking worm, which dragged down the ship's degree.

More monsters noticed the Godship and swam over them. The densely popped part of the sea surface was frightening.

"Looks like I have to do it manually." Thor looked at him, his figure flickered, and he disappeared on the deck and went to the cockpit.

Next, the ship ’s trajectory became erratic, the angle turned, and extreme turns and sudden additions often occurred.

The crowd stood on the deck, just like sitting on a roller coaster, daring through the gap between giant monsters, and the monster's teeth and claws passed by from time to time.

Finally, after a bumpy voyage, the ancient Godship finally rushed to the reef beach at the foot of Purgatory Mountain under the pursuit of a group of monsters.

The monsters behind stopped at last, and a pair of huge eyes stared at the Purgatory Mountain in front of them, roaring unwillingly for a while, and finally retracted into the black ocean.

The crowd then jumped off the boat and looked back at the black ocean, feeling scared for a while.

Thor also came out of the cockpit, and waved the palm of his hand to re-pack the ancient Godship.

In front of the crowd was the towering Purgatory Mountain.

This purgatory mountain is much taller than when they faced across the sea before. From the foot of the mountain to the mid-mountainside covered by the dark clouds and lightning, there are countless topography and things. Roughly, there are forests, lakes, deserts, Grasslands, snowy fields, volcanoes, cities, caves, etc. are like a small world.

Everyone understands that the demon is somewhere on the mountain at this time!

However, because this Purgatory Mountain is too big, even if you know that he is there, the possibility of the two sides meeting is very small, unless both sides go straight to the same Boss, so it is possible to encounter.

"Let's go!" Huang Yi said, taking the lead to climb towards the top of the mountain.

After walking for a while, a volcanic lava area appeared ahead. Red magma flowed from the ground like blood, and some of the older magma had cooled down and solidified into black stones. However, in the gaps between the stones, the dark red lava was still visible below.

They lost their ability to fly and had to walk on this magma on foot.

"I'm afraid it's not ordinary magma. I'll let a soul explore the road first." At this moment, Abigail said, reaching out a wave and releasing a translucent soul.

This soul, like the previous soul, wore a yoke and shackles and kept mourning.

Abigail reached out and pointed at the lava mountain ahead, and the wailing soul staggered and floated forward.

The soul climbed onto the cooled black lava first, and nothing strange appeared.

Suddenly, the soul's footsteps fell into a gap of black lava, and it touched the dark red magma under the gap, and suddenly a scream came!

Its feet touching the magma were melted away.

Abigail simply directed the soul and rushed directly into the uncooled boiling magma. The soul was burned into nothingness in a sharp scream.

"It really is not ordinary magma," Abigail said solemnly.

But a large area in front is the volcanic area, especially the core area, which is full of boiling magma, and there is no place to fall.

And there is no end to both sides of this volcanic area. It is impossible to make a detour and can only cross it.

"The key to this area should be on those lava rocks that have cooled." The pope groaned, staring at the boiling magma in front of him, and groaned. "If we have a way to cool these magma, it will be easy to pass. Now. "

"I'll try a water-cooled method!" Thor said, reaching for the magma in front of him, as if a general was calling for soldiers to charge forward.

The next moment, a sound of horseshoes suddenly sounded!

I saw transparent marine knights appearing in the void. They wore transparent armor made of sea water, holding spears made of sea water, and riding transparent war horses made of sea water, rushing toward the magma ahead. In the past, the sound of horseshoes shook the ground slightly.

The marine cavalry rushed to the volcanic area in front of them. When they touched the red magma, they could no longer maintain their shape, and they evaporated into white water mist and disappeared into the air.

And the magma was still red, still boiled and not cooled at all.

Thor shook his head and regretted, "The water-cooling method is not good! These magmas are too weird. After my marine knight's death, they will turn into a lot of seawater, but these seawater have no cooling effect on this magma."

Everyone was silent, staring at the red magma, thinking about the response.

"Will your seawater be too ordinary?" At this time, Huang Yi suddenly said, "Of course the ordinary water can't cool these strange magma, but if it is the same strange seawater?"

After Huang Yi said it, he looked back at the black sea they came to before, and said quietly, "If you use the strange black sea water to cool these strange magma, it should be effective!"

"Good idea! But the black sea water can't be touched at all, how can we get it? And this volcanic area is so wide and the amount of seawater needed is also large. It is difficult to get so much seawater by ordinary means." Pharaoh said.

"Isn't Thunder God equipped with a water system? His artifact of the Poseidon seems to be able to absorb seawater! When he was promoted to an artifact, he absorbed a lot of seawater, which caused the sea level in the second world to drop a lot." Abigail Seoul turned to look at Thor.

Thor touched the pillar of Poseidon in his hand and smiled helplessly, saying: "My pillar of Poseidon can indeed absorb seawater, but it has absorbed a large amount of seawater from the Second World. The seawater is the source of power for this artifact and cannot be polluted. If I absorb the black seawater, the seawater already stored in this artifact will be waste. "

At this time, Huang Yi suddenly remembered something and said, "I'll try it."

After that, he turned around and rushed towards the sea.

After arriving at the beach, Huang Yi stretched out his hand and summoned a long-term unused contract partner.

This is a demon imitation, a giant octopus, a small sucker covered with tentacles.

It's called Water Demon!

The Water Demon is a God Sealer from the Third World. His body is a deep-sea octopus, because in the deep sea, he swallowed an ss-class treasure called "deep-sea jade slurry" ~ www.readwn.com ~ One of the 108 great deities. Water Demon is good at water magic. It has the most powerful combat ability in the water and can have various water abilities.

Huang Yi ended from the 6th round of the Singapore Grand Slam, and when he went to the Central 6th stage, it was this imitation of the water demon that led to the huge deep sea demon flesh.

"Water monster, try to see if you can absorb these black seawater and store it in your body. Remember not to be near the deep sea, where there is danger." Huang Yi pointed to the black ocean in front, and gave the water monster an order.

"Okay! Master!" The water demon squirmed its tentacles, and quickly climbed into the black sea. All the suction cups were opened, and they absorbed the black sea water.

After the water demon touched the black sea water, there was nothing unusual. It was originally an extraordinary individual in the marine life. This black sea water would not hurt it.

After absorbing for a while, the water demon finally returned, and its belly did not become significantly larger. It seemed that the seawater was stored by it in another way.

"Let's go back!" Huang Yi said, and returned to the volcanic area with the water monster.

When they came in front of the volcanic area where everyone was, their eyes were all on the water monster, full of curiosity.

"Water Demon, open your way in front of you and use the black sea water you absorb to cool these magma!" Huang Yi issued a command!

The water monster immediately obeyed the order, wriggling a tentacle, and climbed into the volcanic area in front.

Its suction cups constantly spray the absorbed black seawater and pour on the boiling magma.

When those black seawater drenched on the magma, the magma instantly cooled and solidified, turning into black stones.

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