Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1260: Knights Templar

Xi Huangyi and others have no flying ability and can only find another way to climb this cliff.

"Are you guys here? After this stream has flowed here, it has become a lot lighter than the black sea water at the foot of the mountain?" At this moment, Thunder God suddenly stared at the counter current waterfall.

Everyone couldn't help but take a closer look at the color of the counter-current waterfall. The waterfall was indeed lighter than the water in the black ocean. It was like the clear water diluted in ink, slightly translucent.

"Lightening of the color may indicate that the damage effect is also weakening. Abi Wang, you release a soul, try it out!" Huang Yi turned to Abigail.

比 Abigail nodded and reached out, releasing a shackled soul and directing it into the stream.

After the soul jumped into the stream, his expression was slightly painful, but nothing else changed.

He was quickly rushed to the cliff by the stream, and then rushed up the sky against the waterfall, then went to the top of the cliff and disappeared into sight.

"This stream is really weak, and it won't let the soul die in a short time. We can enter the stream and let the counter current waterfall rush us to the top of the cliff!" Abigail said.

Next, everyone jumped into the stream!

After touching the water of the stream, everyone's skin was slightly stinging, and they were being hurt at all times, but the effect of the injury was limited, and it would not endanger life in half.

They lay down flat, and let the stream rush them to the edge of the cliff, and then ascend to the sky along the counter-current waterfall, the surrounding scenery sinking, they were washed higher and higher!

At last, the vision was suddenly wide, and they were rushed over the cliff to a completely new area.

This is a huge lake. The streams come from the foot of the mountain to the river and converge into this lake.

The color of the lake water has become normal, no longer as dark as the ocean at the foot of the mountain. However, the surface of the lake is inclined, and it flows slightly toward the top of the mountain, and the mirror on the image is inclined.

"Boom" Just then, in the forest on the shore of the distant lake, there was a burst of noise, and people could still hear the shouts.

Everyone turned to look at it, the forest was veiled by the magic of the group, it seemed very dangerous.

"Let's go and see." Huang Yi finished speaking, swam up the lake shore, and hurried towards the area.

After anxiously traveling for some distance, the crowd finally saw some figures.

In the grassland in front, there were a group of soldiers wearing golden soft armor lining, chain armor leggings, and long swords hanging around their waists.

Some soldiers were all righteous, exuding a strong breath. But at this time, many soldiers with injuries were sitting on the ground and resting, looking from time to time to the other forest, their faces were full of fear.

森林 The forest they looked at was filled with black magic, and there were violent noises and screams. From time to time, there were injuries and injuries wearing frayed armor, and staggering out of it.

"The thirty-second squad is charging! We must break through this forest as soon as possible and go to the gate of Purgatory to rescue Lord Assassin!" At this time, a man on a high horse, who seemed to be the leader, gave a loud command.

The words fell, and the soldiers came to the forest, sorted out the armor, put on a helmet, and held a thick shield in front of them, rushing into the enchanted forest with a look of death. , Disappeared in the realization.

For a long time, there was another tumult in the forest, accompanied by screams.

After a long time, a soldier with two large holes in his armor stumbled and escaped from the forest, shouting hard: "The forest is too terrible, we can't run over!"

When the words fell, he fell dizzy to the ground.

"Damn it! Thirty-third team, ready to charge!" The leader cursed loudly and gave a loud command again.

I saw here, Huang Yi probably understood. This group of soldiers seemed to be going to a place called Purgatory Gate to rescue a person named Assassin, but helplessly blocked the way by this weird forest, damaged the soldiers, and failed to rush out.

This is a lot like a help task!

"Let's go! See if we can help them."

Huang Yi turned his head and said to a few people, relieved his concealment generously, and took the initiative to walk towards the group of soldiers.

After a short while, some soldiers showed the traces of the pedestrian Huang Yi, and rushed up with their weapons and surrounded them.

The horse's hoof sounded, and the leading horse came to Huang Yi and others beside him, looked around them, and asked condescendingly, "Who are you?"

Xi Huangyi said calmly, "We are a group of adventurers. You seem to be in trouble. You might as well tell us, maybe we can find a solution."

The collar pursed his lips, turned to look at the forest shrouded in magic, and said, "We are Templar knights ~ www.readwn.com ~ responsible for maintaining the security of Purgatory. Some time ago, there were The individual broke into the purgatory gate across the forest, and then we heard the scream of Lord Assasin, and it seemed to be in danger. Lord Assasin has been guarding the gates of Hell for many years, and is responsible for those who want to enter. The person at the purgatory gate purifies the soul. When he dies, the consequences are very serious. But after we came here, we were blocked by this forest. All the forest species are trees, which have a great harm to the soul. The armor of our Templars could have prevented the soul damage of these refining trees, but I do n’t know why, this forest has been demonized, and from time to time there will be magical gas shooting at our people. We have sent many soldiers to rush in. But all fell back, even those who retreated alive were injured. Is there any way you can lead us out of that forest? "

This discourse is actually a task Huang Yi and others who will take the Templars out of this forest to the gate of Purgatory to rescue the man named Assasin.

"We can try it." Huang Yi finished speaking towards the Templar's chief, turned his head to look at the others, and said, "Let's break into the forest and explore, if not, we will exit."

The Templar knight heard this, nodded his head, and said, "The refining of the forest will cause great damage to your soul. I will provide you with several Templar knight armors and put on them. You can keep your soul, but this armor cannot resist the magic arrows. Be careful yourself. "

Next, Huang Yi put on a set of Templar knights, and took everyone's eyes all over the world, into the strange forest.

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