Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1263: Purgatory Gate

"There seems to be something wrong!" Just then, Huang Yi suddenly had a new phenomenon.

According to the picture seen by the Eye of Time along the way, magic arrows appear in some areas of the forest are particularly rare. Those areas are connected and invisible become a path through the forest.

"Did Tianmen deliberately leave a safe way when setting up the Void Crossbow Aircraft?" Huang Yi suddenly made a guess.

At this time, the poet suddenly said, "An audience reminded us that just now, genie, Miyamoto Musashi, tnt, etc. suddenly entered the 3oo layer of the Tower of the Gods, and began to show progress records on the rankings, and their Very fast. "

"It seems that the **** of killing is a good guess. The 3oo layer of the Tower of the Gods is really the key to dissolving the world extinction. Otherwise, the genie wo n’t lead a few demons immediately after being promoted to epic hero At this point, they obviously came to help the demon. "The Pope said while releasing the power grid to stop those magic arrows.

After hearing the poet's intelligence, Huang Huangyi was more sure of his previous guess!

Spirit demons When they are so behind, they have to come in to help the demons, obviously there is some kind of dependence.

According to normal circumstances, when they catch up with the demons, they do n’t know when they will go. Unless they know that the demons have left shortcuts to help them climb mountains quickly, there is a reason to come in and catch up.

When setting up a barricade, 天魔 should reserve a hidden passage to facilitate later allies to climb.

The areas where the magic arrows were particularly scarce that Huang Huang just noticed should be the hidden passages left by the demons in this forest.

"Everyone, follow me all, I know how to get out of this forest safely!" Huang Yi said in a loud voice, and quickly hurried toward the path he had now.

All Templars are all reorienting and shifting behind him.

After a short while, Huang Yi reached that area, and the magic arrows shot really reduced.

的 The Templars who followed him were also obviously more relaxed, and the magic arrows they endured suddenly became sparse, and occasionally a "ding ding" sound was shot by the magic arrows in the armor.

"This area is relatively safe, but the range is very narrow. Everyone forms a line and follows me in a serpentine shape." Huang Yi gave a loud voice again.

Next, Huang Yi used his eyes of time to predict the direction of this safety road by predicting the number of magic arrows. In which area to turn and where to go straight, he analyzed it.

The Templars formed a long line and followed Huang Yi's path strictly, which greatly reduced the casualty rate.

"Everyone pauses for a while and rests in place." Soon, Huang Yi suddenly raised his hand and made a pause.

"What's wrong? Is there a great danger ahead?" Pharaoh stopped and asked.

"Nothing, I have no energy value!" Huang Yi said, took out a class A energy stone, and immediately absorbed the energy inside.

Although the Eye of Time is convenient to use, the consumption of energy value is very huge, and only a person like his wealth and status dares to consume energy value so frequently.

Next, after Huang Yi absorbed the full energy value, he continued to lead the people along the safe road, and whenever the energy value was exhausted, he stopped to replenish the energy.

In this way, after consuming more than ten extremely precious A-level energy stones, Huang Yi finally led everyone out of this forest.

的 The field of vision in front of me became wide again, and the dark clouds in the sky became clear. No magic arrows appeared in the void.

The Templars cheered with excitement.

"Great! Finally out of this **** forest!"

"Unfortunately many brothers have stayed in it forever!"

"We have waited so long to get here, and we don't know what happened to Lord Assasin?"

At this time, the leader of the Templar came to Huang Yi and others, and said, "Thank you for leading us through that **** forest. In order to reward you, I will put the Templar knight on your body , Smelt into your soul, it has no external form and can no longer have physical properties

Defensive effect, but it can protect your soul from harm. When you encounter a spell involving the soul and the like, it can protect you to a large extent. "

After saying that, the Templar waved his hand at Huang Yi's party.

The next moment, the Templar armor worn by Huang Yi and others melted into a mass of golden energy and penetrated into their flesh and blood.

Huang Yi suddenly felt that although he was no longer wearing the Templar's armor, the warm feeling did not disappear. It would always exist in his body and continue to protect his soul.

At this moment, there was a vast plain in front of everyone, and a tall city wall in the distance, extending to the left to the sloping lake that everyone saw before, and right to the end of sight, like a majestic Great Wall across the people Ahead.

Behind the Jain city wall is a city, with spires rising from high-rise buildings ~ www.readwn.com ~ The buildings were built along the **** of Purgatory Mountain, forming a certain angle of inclination.

There is only one closed portal in the stretch of majestic city wall.

"That city gate is the gate of purgatory, and Lord Assacin is there to guard it and purify the soul for those who enter the purgatory. Really entered purgatory. These areas before us belonged to the periphery of purgatory. Let ’s go over! See what Lord Asacin is doing. ”The leader of the Templar said, urging his steed to fly The gate rushed past.

观察 From a close look, the gate looks even more magnificent. The gate is covered with dense red door spikes, each of which has the normal portal size. Looking up, this gate seems to isolate a world.

However, there was a mess in front of the gate, and the earth was full of potholes, and there were traces of fierce fighting everywhere.

Walking in one of the huge pits, lying on a mighty shore body wearing a red robe, he fell in a pool of blood, motionless.

"Master Asacin!" The Templar's leader yelled after seeing the figure lying in a pool of blood!

He hurried off the horse, jumped into the huge pit, and hugged the man who was lying in the pool of blood, shaking his name while calling.

But that person has no sound, no matter how shake it no longer wakes up.

Assasin is dead.

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