Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1267: Abigail's crisis

Tarnasha reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, preparing to make the next attack.

But at this moment, a sharp ray of light burst out from the air, and swept across her throat.

"噗" blood splattered, Tarnasa was blown out with strong force, and blood swelled in the throat, and was severely wounded.

Behind that sudden flash of knife light, Abigail's figure flickered away, reintegrated into the air, and disappeared without a trace.

Tnt sneered, the right fist suddenly burst into the burning black flames, suddenly squatted down, and hit the ground!

"Boom" centered on his fist, a weird black flame, spread out quickly in all directions!

The violent shock wave instantly lifted the earth and lit the vast wilderness, like an endless sea of ​​fire, and the space was distorted.

In a sea of ​​fire in the distance, a blurred figure was forced out of the air by the sea of ​​fire, and it was Abigail!

比 Abigail was extremely slow in the endless black flames, as if in the mud, unable to walk at all.

Musashiya Miyamoto quickly drew out the Toyo sword around his waist, slashed three slashes, and shouted at Abigail.

"Boom" Suddenly, a thunderbolt blasted from the sky and hit Abigail in an instant!

A blue and white current flashed on Abigail's body, and a series of electric snakes popped up, wrapping him firmly.

The next moment, Miyamoto Musashi's three knife-gas hit Abigail, and those blue and white currents converged on the knife-gas, and the two quickly melted and eventually canceled each other.

Abigail, unscathed, turned his head to the distant pope.

At this moment, the pope was holding the white lightning, and it was just that he cut off a protective thunderbolt, blocking Abigail's sword energy for Miyamoto.

"You can't get away!" Said the genie, his body suddenly flickered, split into thousands of identical genies, like an army, and swept over Abigail!

灵 The breath of these spirits is exactly the same, each one is extremely powerful, and can't distinguish between true and false, it seems that they are all true!

They ran on the ground, and every time they stepped down, the ground trembled a little. Thousands of spirits ran together, just like the beast tide running in the wilderness, unstoppable!

Musashi Miyamoto leaned forward and ran towards Abigail from the second direction. His right hand drooped slightly, holding the Toyo knife at an angle, and the tip of the knife followed him, shooting a series of Mars in the air.

Tnt chased Abigail from the third direction. He was burning with black flames, and volleyed in the black flames on the earth. It was like a ship riding the waves in the ocean. Leave a trail like a tail wave.

Tiantiandao immediately struck the spear-spear in his hand, and threw it vigorously in the direction of the genie!

The next moment, the spear of the sky flew into the sky, turning into countless spears, covering the sky and the sun and shooting down from the sky, like a javelin, piercing the army split by the genie!

"Oh!" A spear with the strength of a meteorite falling, nailed it to the area where the army of genie was located, blasting out huge pits, the earth was a mess, endless dirt and tnt Black flames were bombarded into the sky, chaotic.

灵 The split-up instances of the genie are extremely stubborn and will not die after being hit by the shock wave. They will only dissipate if they are directly hit by a spear.

In the end, hundreds of spirits rushed out of the spear bombardment area and chased behind Abigail!

Miyamoto Musashi and tnt also surrounded Abigail from their respective directions, and the long-awaited attacks will pour out!

At that moment, countless spectators around the world watched their hearts staring at Abigail's difficult body!

比 Abigail seems to have no way to escape, and the surrounding space is sealed by black flames, and is about to be drowned by death.

在 At this moment, a familiar figure suddenly appeared beside Abigail!

That's Huang Yi!

His thin figure, standing beside Abigail calmly, looked so vulnerable in front of more than a hundred swift pursuit of genies, as well as Miyamoto Musashi and tnt.


But his momentum is so firm, as if an unbreakable wall can block any impact.

The next moment, Huang Yi opened his mouth and spit out a spell of skill--

"Qing Jun side!"

In a moment, an irresistible impact energy swept away from Huang Yi in all directions!

Hundreds of spirits bear the brunt of it, and are directly swept away by this energy!

Followed by Miyamoto Musashi and tnt, they couldn't resist the power spreading from Huang Yi's body, like a disconnected kite, all the way back to a kilometer!

With Huang Yi as the center point and a radius of 1,000 meters, a super-repulsive energy field is formed!

The enemies of the genie side can no longer approach this area!

This is Huang Yi's last god-level professional skill. After the skill is used, all enemies below Huang Yi level will be excluded from a thousand kilometers away and cannot be closer.

The levels of these genie spirits are all lower than Huang Yi.

Among them, the genie is also level 297 as Huang Yi, but his percentage of experience value after level 297 is lower than Huang Yi, third in the world ranking list, Huang Yi is second, and also belongs to the level below Huang Yi. .

Now, Abigail is finally safe!

Suddenly, more than a hundred genies ~ www.readwn.com ~ who were blown into the distance suddenly merged into one.

He stared at Huang Yi remotely, and said in a cold voice: "Kill God, I have endured you for a long time! You don't know yet how terrible the God-given people will be after being promoted to epic heroes! Now, let me You have a taste. "

After saying that, the breath on his body began to become more and more intense, and the clothes on his body were flying wildly. The center point around him seemed to start brewing an unprecedented storm.

"Genie, you should know that I and the Naga clan have already formed an alliance!" At this time, Huang Yi said suddenly.

The spirit demon stunned for a while, and it didn't seem to respond to the meaning of Huang Yi's sentence. Suddenly, his body trembled slightly, and the cohesive momentum suddenly stagnated!

不好 "No! There is a kiss of death!" He looked slightly changed, and quickly turned to look at the others.

I saw four people, Miyamoto Musashi, Tnt, Tarnasha, and the undefeated, all pale, trembling, and showing symptoms of poisoning.

The world is suddenly shocked!

It turned out that I do n’t know when from the beginning, Huang Yi actually used Naga's potion of death kiss, and he was poisoned silently!

With a flash of his hand, Miyamoto Musashi took out five bottles of medicine and quickly distributed them to everyone, saying: "The concentration we inhale is not high. Drink these s-grade detoxifying syrups quickly. We ca n’t stop here any more. Quickly enter Go to Purgatory Gate to find the demon! "

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