Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1271: Purify the soul

Without a clear answer, Huang Yi slightly regretted it.

He thought of the sword again, and the sword is also a player who knows the Underworld very well and may be able to know some news.

However, no matter whether it was the last sky that was guarded before, or now everyone is working together to climb the top of this Purgatory Mountain, the sword did not appear. I don't know if he is blocked from the second world, or if he doesn't want to care about the life and death of this world at all.

Finally, Assasin took everyone to the lake.

The water in this lake came countercurrently from the black ocean at the foot of the mountain, but after flowing here, it has become clean.

The lake is deep and crystal clear. The grass and fine sand at the bottom of the lake seem to be within reach. Some small fish with long fingers swim in the water peacefully and peacefully.

Assasin came to the lake, squatted down, stretched out his hand, and came to the side of Huang Yi and others. They nodded on their foreheads and touched some of the lake water.

Later, he took out a shining sword, stood upright on his chest, and sang to Huang Yi and others.

With his chanting, the lake water on Huang Yi's forehead quickly penetrated into their bodies, turned into a series of energy, and walked in their bodies.

Huang Yi and others just felt itchy all over their bodies, as if hundreds of millions of bugs had crawled through their bodies, and the body began to evaporate a plume of black smoke and emit a rancid smell.

After a while, everyone's side became dark and hazy, and the smell was soaring.

Those black smokes converged towards Assina's swords, gradually dyeing the sword black.

Gradually, the black smoke evaporating from the crowd became less and less, the odor was getting weaker, and eventually disappeared, while Assacin's sword became as dark as ink.

Huang Yi and others felt that their bodies were refreshing and their bodies fluttered, as if all the dirt in their bodies had been cleaned up.

Assasin stopped chanting, her face was solemn, and she slowly lifted the darkened sword into the forehead of the recent Huang Yi, suddenly a stroke!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!" The sword draws a sharp sword, and the sword is overflowing!

There was a line of horrible black characters on Huang Yi's forehead--

"Sin, sin, sin, sin!"

These seven black "sin" characters are written into three points of flesh, and they are sharp and sharp, and they embellish Huang Yi as if they are really a wicked sin with unforgivable sin!

Huang Yi was startled, could not help but reached out and touched his forehead. There was no bleeding on his forehead, but those seven words were really carved in the meat!

Next, Asacin engraved seven "sin" words on each forehead one by one, not even the little girl who was so beautiful and beautiful!

All of a sudden, Huang Yi and others all changed their looks, with seven large 'sin' characters engraved on their foreheads, like slaves and criminals in ancient times.

After doing all this, Assasin took away the sword in his hand and solemnly said: "Your souls have been temporarily purified, and you can enter purgatory more safely. Generally, those souls in purgatory will not attack you. But This is not true purification. There are seven obstacles on Purgatory Hill. Corresponding to the seven deadly sins, each time you pass each level, the word "sin" on your forehead will be washed away, indicating that you have redeemed the corresponding sin. When You will always purify your soul when all the seven sin words have been washed away. In the future, it will be easier for you to seal God to go to heaven than others, and your soul will be stronger than others when you go to the underworld. "

"Thank you so much!" Xiao Badou pouted, thanked Assasin, stretched out her hand, and touched the words on her forehead, and finally suppressed the slightest unhappiness. Compared to the benefits, it doesn't matter if you become ugly for a while.

"Did the demon who had killed you before go through this ritual?" At this time, Huang Yi asked thoughtfully. The genie and other people did not experience this ritual, they directly entered the gate of purgatory, so even if they climbed to the top of the mountain, their souls would not be truly purified, and the benefits are far inferior to those of Huang Yi and others. But the demon may be uncertain.

Assin nodded regretfully, and said, "I purified his soul for him, but after taking him back to the gate of purgatory, he suddenly shot and killed me."

"We will try to get revenge for you!" Thunder God said.

Next, everyone returned to the gate of purgatory.

After returning to the purgatory gate, Huang Yi looked up at the tall purgatory gate.

The billion heads inlaid on the gate of Purgatory, such as the neat door nails, all looked down at him, pouring down with majestic oppression.

Huang Yi took a deep breath, stepped forward, put his hand on the huge stone door, and pushed forward hard.

A heavy feedback suddenly came from the palm of the hand, the huge stone door slowly blasted and was pushed open a gap, like a world opened a narrow channel ~ www.readwn.com ~ a red light Poured out of the gate of purgatory, seeing nothing inside, full of strange atmosphere.

"Let's go in!" Huang Yi finished, walked in through the door first, and disappeared into the strong red light.

The others stepped forward and stepped into the gates of purgatory one by one.

After entering the gate of purgatory, everything around him turned blood red, and nothing could be seen clearly.

It wasn't until a long time before that red light slowly dissipated, and things reappeared before him.

At this time, they were standing in the streets of a city, and the buildings in the city were all blood red, as if they had been exposed to blood. The streets are full of translucent souls, walking back and forth, but unlike the normal city, there is no daily life here, there are no shops on either side of the street, no sales, and all souls walk back and forth aimlessly.

The body of Huang Yi and his party was flesh and blood, not transparent, and stood out among the souls.

Behind them is the tall purgatory gate, which cuts off the outside scenery.

Huang Yi's eyes suddenly glowed with a strange light, which opened the eye of time.

He wanted to see the direction of the genie and others, and follow it the same way. The genie and others may follow the signs or breath left by the demon, and take shortcuts to catch up with the demon. If Huang Yi can find their path, it is also equivalent to taking a shortcut.

However, his eyes of time did not see the past of this street. It seems to be a place isolated by time, not in the long river of time.

The Eye of Time is completely useless.

"Let's go directly to the top of the mountain!" Huang Yi looked up at the mid-mountainside covered by dark clouds in front, and walked quickly along the street.

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