Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1274: Dead boss

Chapter 1274: Dead Boss

Next, Huang Yi and others re-entered the street and started moving in one direction.

This time they walked carefully, avoiding every soul that came in front, and avoid passing through them.

But the souls on the streets were too dense and torrential, and it was extremely difficult for everyone to dodge. They often had nowhere to hide if they had to dodge, and had to be forced to walk through those souls.

"Oh! Didn't dodge again!" Xiao Badou spat out her tongue, and looked back at a soul who had just passed her behind.

At this time, Kidd couldn't avoid a soul, and frowned, saying, "It's hard! The streets are so crowded, and they will inevitably pass by some souls!"

"Our footwork is not proficient enough. Practice more! I guess, as long as we have not passed through with any soul within a limited time, and the distance we have traveled reaches a certain standard, we can walk out of this. Infinite City! "Huang Yidao said.

The crowds twitched their spirits, and continued along the streets, moving through the dense flood of souls.

After making mistakes again and again, everyone became more and more proficient, the footwork became lighter, roughly grasped the speed of those souls, found a suitable sense of rhythm, and made fewer and fewer mistakes. Longer and longer.

Finally, after a ten-minute walk without a mistake, everyone saw the end of the street!

At the end of that street, there was an open city gate, and a forest outside.

But at this moment, the souls on the street suddenly accelerated, one by one, and it became more difficult to avoid them all at once!

A few players, such as Huang Yi and Dragon Spike, are okay. They have already experienced countless melee-like close-up battles. For this scenario, they are familiar with the situation and dodging is relatively easy.

But the rest of the players were in danger, and Dodging was very difficult.

"Sorry, I made a mistake!" At this moment, the poet suddenly apologized.

"I haven't been able to avoid it!" Xiao Badai said embarrassedly.

When the two of them made a mistake, the open gate at the end of the street disappeared without a trace and the street became infinite again.

"Come on again! We just saw the exit and proved that our approach is correct. You should be able to go out after a few more attempts!" Huang Yi encouraged.

Next, everyone continued to move forward carefully, meticulously, watching the six roads, footsteps as light as a cat!

Audiences around the world also held their breath, and as they moved forward, their hearts hung high, as if they were walking a tightrope.

Ten minutes after Enron walked, another open gate appeared at the end of the street!

The speed of those souls really accelerated again!

They opened their eyes wide, and even seemed to forget their breath, trying to dodge every soul that walked at a fast pace!

They shuttled between the narrow gaps between the souls, sometimes squatting or lying on the ground in order to avoid, regardless of the image!

It's close! That exit is less than 100 meters!

Those souls began to run wild like crazy, shooting like stray bullets. Everyone would be hit by these souls if they didn't pay attention!

At this moment, Huang Yi suddenly noticed that the poet was about to make a mistake, and reached out his hand with a flash of light, pushing him sharply!

The poet was pushed away, just passing by with a rushing soul!

At this time, Xiao Badai was also very flustered. Three souls rushed in front of her, and she was about to dodge!

Suddenly, Dragonthorn reached out her hand and pulled her over, holding it in her arms, just avoiding a soul!

But in an instant, the dragon thorn pushed the little bad away again, and a soul could pass through between them!

The two of them sometimes yanked and separated, as if dancing a weird dance.

In this way, everyone exhausted everything, and finally rushed to the exit with great intimidation!

"Ah! I'm exhausted!" Finally, Thor, who was at the end of the team, avoided the last soul, rushed out of the gate, lay directly on the ground on the ground, panting with breath.

Everyone was squatting, sitting, or bending over, all panting, as if out of breath!

At this moment, there was a dark forest in front of everyone, dead branches and dead leaves, no vitality, but it was so beautiful in everyone's eyes.

They finally walked out of that **** infinite city!

Just that journey, they were fully absorbed and focused, as if they were walking in the rain of gunfire in the battlefield, and now they can finally relax!

The audience watching the live broadcast all over the world also loosened their clenched hands, and their hands were full of sweat!

"Look, there seems to be a castle there!" At this moment, the entanglement caused a strand of hair to go to ~ www.readwn.com ~ staring deep into the forest ahead.

Everyone looked up, and there seemed to be some buildings hidden in the distant forest.

After a short rest, the crowd set off again, hurried through the forest, and came to the castle.

It was a Gothic-style castle, which looked gloomy in the dark forest, surrounded by carved iron fences, and the gardens inside were carefully manicured, which seemed to be the manor of the rich.

However, the gate of the castle had been destroyed by brute force and fell to the ground. Several guard-like bodies lay at the door.

Their bodies were covered with wounds, the wounds were black, and they were filled with a strong magical energy, apparently killed by master demons.

Everyone walked in carefully and made a circle in the castle.

Along the way, they saw no living people, no soul, only some bodies.

Eventually, everyone came to the building in the center of the castle.

At the end of the lobby of this building stands a throne with a corpse on it.

The corpse was a middle-aged man with fat and big ears. He wore gorgeous golden silk on his body, had white skin, and had a big belly. He seemed to be the owner of the castle.

At this moment, it was lying on the throne in the sky, and opened its eyes sternly.

Floating disturbances strode forward, walked to the throne, touched the body's forehead, closed his eyes and felt for a while.

Soon, she opened her eyes again and said, "My investigative method found the information of this npc. It is called the arrogant Duke Thor, the level is 300, which is the boss of this level. It is estimated that it was killed by the demon! "

"That just saved our time, let's move on! Although Tian Mo's progress is ahead of us, it is also equivalent to clearing the boss for us, we can catch up faster." Huang Yidao.

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