Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1375: 3 unicorns

[Title: Heroes Volume rose Prison Prison Chapter 1375 three of the unicorn: Huang Hua overflow]

The latest chapter of "Heroes of Prison" Pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the rebirth of the last-day double-pets, the strongest cooking champion, the heart of the best stoves, the Internet supplier of the future, the energy of the future, the chronicle of the League of Legends, the professional life of black feet is very fast, and there are three unicorns in the sky .

All three unicorns have a head that resembles a lion, with two majestic horns on their skins, and the skin is covered with fine scales, majestic and imposing.

"Boom!" The three unicorns fell heavily on the square at the top of the mountain, setting off a powerful shock wave, sweeping across the crowd.

They hold their proud heads and walk around, as if all beings are ants.

"You are friends of the Kirin tribe! But we haven't invited the Kirin tribe. Who are you? Why are you here?" At this time, a member of the etiquette team of the Royal Academy of Oskar flew in front of the three Kirin, Asked.

"Get off!" A dark black ink-like unicorn raised his claws and slapped the student out, "Dare to block my way, I don't know if I live or die! You all listened to me, I'm Mo Yan, from The king clan of the Kirin tribe-Mo Qilin! "

"My name is Shui Han, and I am from the Shui Qilin Clan!" The second Kirin said lightly. It is ice blue throughout, with a thick layer of strong ice on its scales, and long ice skates hanging from the two corners of its head, like an ice sculpture.

"I'm Lin Yu, the butcher in the fire unicorn!" The last unicorn took a step forward and said with a grin. His body was red, his claws were burning with a golden flame, and between his breath, a string of Mars spewed out of his nostrils.

Their arrogant voices penetrated the world of the Second World, and passed on to the ears of countless viewers around the world through a live broadcast of a number of reporters.

The Kirin tribe is indeed an unruly race. This appearance is so arrogant and overbearing, no one is in sight.

"Friends of the Kirin tribe, you are not polite like this!" At this moment, the dean stepped out of the crowd, staring grimly at the three unicorns. "Our second world is far away from your Tianlin world, There has never been any communication, and there is no grudge with your Kirin tribe. Now you are so arrogant and come to our territory and hurt our people. Do you want to cause hatred between our second world and your Kirin tribe? "

Mo Qilin Mo Yan stared at the Dean for a while, his eyes were slightly surprised, but he calmed down quickly: "You are the Dean of the Royal Academy of Oskan! I didn't expect to have been promoted to the level of virtual gods. To our surprise! You should be the last false **** in the entire Second World! "

"Huh? Countless players in the field are stunned.

The Kirin people ’s understanding of the Second World seems to have remained many years ago. I do n’t know that the Second World has undergone tremendous changes in recent years. The heroic empire has already had many virtual gods, even all gods. Bit up.

"Haha ~" At this moment, the red carpet on the stairs suddenly came up to a laughing man and asked loudly towards the three unicorns: "Hey! Haven't your unicorns come out for a long time?" Tianlin Although the world is far away from our second world, we should usually come out to learn about the latest news! "

The crowd turned their heads and looked at the man who suddenly came up from the red carpet.

The man was tall and thin, wearing a jacket and a tattered bucket hat, holding a fishing rod in his hand, like a fisherman.

"Ni Dongde!" After a while, countless people recognized the man.

This man is the number one wanted man in the world Federation in the real world-Ni Dongde!

The rebel army he led defeated the World Federation's army steadily, and Huang Yi in the virtual world was listed as the two hegemons of the World Federation.

Mo Yan turned to look at Ni Dongde, and snorted coldly, saying, "In fact, we don't want to come to your broken world at all, but some time ago, a god-given man named Giant Bear in your world was in Tianlin World. Offended our Kirin family. He escaped very quickly, but it was useless no sooner. Today we personally came to the second world to kill the giant bear. Who dares to stop it and die! "

His voice was as loud as a thunderous, deafening, forming echoes between heaven and earth.

Mo Yan turned his head, and his eyes glanced across the crowd. He finally stayed in the VIP area, locked on the giant bear, and said in a cold voice, "Giant bear, you must die well! Don't think about the struggle, the more you struggle pain."

After speaking, it stepped on the hoof and stepped towards the giant bear step by step.

Water Kirin [Water Cold] and Fire Kirin [Lin Yu] also followed behind it, staring coldly at the giant bear, the turbulent momentum rushed into the VIP area.

"Today is the ascension ceremony for killing the gods. Let's go to other places to resolve our personal affairs!" The bear smiled slightly, stood up from his seat, and left the VIP area.

The group of God-hunting descendants behind him looked at each other a few times, finally gritted their teeth, and stood up, looking like they were moving forward and backward with the giant bear.

"You are blatantly provocative here, and it is not just a personal grudge against the bear!" At this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Huang Yi's voice suddenly sounded, and the figure suddenly appeared in front of the bear, and shot Pat him on the shoulder to signal that he doesn't have to leave.

"Where's the miscellaneous hair, dare to take care of our gossip?" Shui Qilin [Shui Han] stared at Huang Yi, and his words were full of chills. "You thought that with the dean sheltering you, we would not dare to do anything to you This is the private affairs of our younger generation, and the older generation ca n’t intervene! I am here today, if your dean dares to block us, then very soon, our group of virtual **** ancestors of the Kirin tribe, They will come and settle the whole second world! If you are acquainted, get out of me immediately! "

"Oh? Somewhat interesting, I was threatened on my own site!" Huang Yi shook her head and smiled, carrying her hands slowly, "What if I don't roll?"

"Go to death!" Huoqilin [Lin Yu] roared violently, his body suddenly turned into a phantom, and quickly stepped out of a large circle around.

With every step he took, he would leave a burning footprint on the ground and raise a high flame.

The dense footprint of fire was surrounded by a large closed circle, surrounding Huang Yi and the giant bear, and the others were all outside the circle.

These fire footprints are actually a mysterious formation, which separates Huang Yi and the giant bear from the outside world.

"This is the Tianlin formation. Only the people of our Kirin tribe can come in and out. From now on, no one can save you!" Mo Yan shook his huge head and said arrogantly, step by step towards Huang Yihe The bear came over.

Countless eyes stared at the formation, the Dean was still standing there, and did not mean to help Huang Yi.

The guests in the VIP area, such as the elders of the night clan, are full of interest and want to see how Huang Yi will solve the immediate crisis. n166 novel reading network

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