Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1382: Reform and establishment of diplomatic relations

[Title: Hero prison reform and the body of Chapter 1382 of the establishment of diplomatic relations: Huang Hua overflow]

The latest chapter of "Heroes of Prison" Pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: League of Legends ’professional life, the best furnaces, the strongest cooks, the rebirth of the last-generation dual-petal online goods supplier, Blackfoot, and my name is Britz. In reincarnation, they were surprised to find that with Huang Yi's amnesty, their reincarnation punishment ended instantly, and they returned to their original level!

"My reincarnation punishment is eliminated!"

"I wasn't able to end the reincarnation until next year! Now I am back to the original level earlier!"

"Oh my God! Killing God can really modify system rules!"

In a hurry, surprise screams were heard from time to time on the field. Those reincarnation players excitedly told the people around them. `` Shi

Soon, the audience was a sensation!

The previous system announcement only said that Huang Yi could modify the system rules, but did not say to what extent.

But now, they really appreciate the horror of this ability!

Who can be Huang Yi's opponent in the future?

The premise of player competition is to have a unified rule, but now Huang Yilian's rules can be changed, who can compete with him?

At this time, Huang Yi's voice sounded again--

"I, kill God, declare as the king of the world-amnesty! All those who have the divine gift of sin value, immediately eliminate the sin value and return to normal state!"

The words fell, and all those who had previously maliciously killed other players and red names with guilt values ​​were all surprised to find that they had eliminated all the guilt values ​​and became good people!

They can start again, and they will never blame it!

"I, kill God, announce as the King of the World-Amnesty! All criminals wanted by all races, countries, religions and other forces are immediately restored to freedom and no longer wanted."

At that time, Huang Yi offended the half-orcs, was put on the wanted list by the half-orcs, and was hunted forever. Finally, Huang Yi destroyed the half-orcs.

Now that Huang Yi has unified the Second World, naturally such a tragic incident will not be allowed to happen again, so he wants to pardon these wanted criminals and relax the relationship between the forces of all parties.

Next, Huang Yi made more in-depth and meaningful system rule modifications--

"I, kill God, announce as the king of the world-unified text! Universal language is the official language. All races in the world must use universal language in formal occasions, and only use this ethnicity in informal occasions. Language and text. "

"I, kill God, declare as the king of the world-the unified currency! Gold coins are the only currency, and spar, spar and other items no longer have currency qualifications. All auction houses in the world must settle with gold coins."

"I, kill God, announce as the king of the world-unified weights and measures! All races around the world must adopt various rules customized by the Royal Academy of Oscar in formal occasions."

"I, kill God, declare as the king of the world-the world is connected! All continents no longer have exclusive territorial waters, all seas are open seas. All God-given people can circulate freely, can send messages across continents, and enter all continents. No city has to pay! "


In this way, Huang Yi revised the rules of the world one by one, and carried out reforms like the great founding emperor, unifying the currency measurement ...

These reform measures have greatly promoted economic and cultural exchanges around the world, enhanced relations between various ethnic groups, and are conducive to the unification of the world.

The second world will develop into a unified, harmonious world with a decentralized, multi-ethnic, multi-powered divided world. Inner fighting will be minimized, and the entire world will be united and united to work together.

These reforms of Huang Yi will be written into history, will have a profound impact on the Second World, and lay the world structure for countless years to come.

However, Huang Yi was not able to modify the system rules arbitrarily, and involved some rules that were too perverted, and he was powerless. For example, the level of all players in the world is adjusted to 300, so that each player has an artifact, so that each player becomes a hero, etc. These are not possible.

No matter how strong the crown of thorns is, there are limits.

Huang Yi looked at the countless people in front of him, looking at the excited faces, listening to the cheering sound of Zhentian, feeling heavy in his heart.

In the future, these people will become his people and accept his rule!

He couldn't help but feel the crown of thorns on his head, feeling the pain that pierced the scalp, and the pain kept him awake all the time.

He remembered the words of Heaven's Word about the crown of thorns--

"The crown of thorns is both a pain and a glory. Those who wear the crown of thorns are kings, but they will also be stabbed by it. They can enjoy its glory and endure the pain brought by this identity. It always reminds those who are superior—becoming a leader is not an enjoyment. "

In the future, Huang Yi will lead the entire Second World. His words will determine the fate of countless people, and he must stay awake at all times.

The king of the world is definitely not a relaxed identity, it is more a heavy responsibility.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

"Congratulations on killing God to become the King of the Second World!" At this time, the sacred Supreme, one of the three Supremes of the Dragons, suddenly stood up in the VIP area, and congratulated Huang Yi. "Since ancient times, the Second World is us One of the worlds most valued by the dragons. In ancient times, even the three dragons of the sacred dragon · Georgia, the gold holy dragon · the gold holy scales, and the dark moron · moyu were born, which proves that our dragon and the second world blood A relationship thicker than water. We believe that under the leadership of the **** of killing, the Second World will soon rise and stand on top of the universe again. Our dragons are very willing to establish friendly diplomatic relations with the Second World! "

Huang Yi nodded and smiled: "The Second World is also very willing to establish friendly diplomatic relations with the Dragon tribe! The Dragon Emperor and the Xiao Badai of the Dragon tribe are very outstanding God-given people, and they did it in the previous calamity. With great contributions, I also have the blood of the Dragons. Our diplomatic relations are a natural match! "

The leaders of both the Dragon and the Second World have sent clear signals that the Second World and the Dragon will establish strong diplomatic relations! Formal alliance!

This is exactly the same as the real world. After the new dynasty is established, the first thing the leaders do is to establish diplomatic relations.

The Dragons are the oldest forces in the top races in the universe. They were even the most powerful top races in the universe. It was only later that the King of Hell rebelled. The Dragons were greatly injured and eventually the Dreams took the first place.

Pulling the Dragons into their own camp, then the Second World will undoubtedly have a powerful helper against the demon in the future. If the crisis of extinction occurs again, it will be much easier to resolve it.

At this time, Meng Lan Yaoji Meng Canglan, one of the five oldest men of the Meng tribe, also stood up and yelled, "Although our Meng tribe valued the third world, they had not developed any forces in the second world. But starting today, our dream group is willing to establish friendly diplomatic relations with the second world, promote exchanges and common development. The dream spirit will serve as the link between our dream group and the second world. If you need to kill God in the future, you can always let Mengling communicates with our dream people. "

The Dream Group also sent a friendly signal to Huang Yi!

"Very welcome!" Huang Yi nodded.

With the leadership of the Dragon and Dream, the distinguished guests from all over the world rushed to Huang Yi and expressed their willingness to establish a diplomatic alliance. There are many small worlds who even want to hold the thigh of the second world. As long as they reach this big backer, their world will be much safer in the future.

Among the voices of the alliance establishment, the Xia Meng princess of the Xia tribe always sat in the same place, motionless, without any intention of forming an alliance with the second world.

Due to geopolitical factors, the Xia people have always been a little bit calm, staying neutral and not participating in any alliance. It is precisely because of this that they are rarely involved in battle disputes, and have been strong until now, even the demons do not want to offend them.

"In the Second World, it is invincible to kill God!" At this time, several superb masters in the VIP area talked softly.

"He can modify even the rules of the world. Who else can pose a threat to him in the future?" Pharaoh held his arms and smiled a little ~ www.readwn.com ~ In fact, he is not considered the king of the world. With his strength, No one in our group can kill him! "Eiffel shook his head, looking at Huang Yi who was in the distance discussing with the world to establish diplomatic relations and alliances.

"That's not necessarily true. The sword hasn't come yet! Besides, there are some players from the top races in the universe outside the second world. They are not small characters." Thor said soberly.

"Say something else outside the Second World! At least Killing God is invincible in the Second World. In the universe, even the virtual gods dare not guarantee their absolute safety!" Ronald solemnly said.

"Speaking of which, we were both at the same level and killing the gods, and we had fought against each other, but now the killer has left us, the gap is getting bigger and bigger!" Dante smiled wryly.

"Killing God is different from us." Blade shook his head. "He is a member of a free organization and is still being held in Rose Prison. What he does in the virtual world is related to his life, and even The lives of countless members of the free organization, he has to desperately rush forward. And as we all live in a good environment, it is more a virtual world as a game, naturally will not be devoted to it. From this level, We must not be compared to him. "

"That's right!" At this moment, Ni Dongde suddenly interrupted, with soldier-like resilience on his face, "I and God are fighting to overthrow the World Federation. You have also seen, this How miserable the World Federation was fought in the past few years. If it were not for God to have such power in the virtual world, it would not be possible to threaten the World Federation, and I would not have led my rebel army to fight so many victories. Public opinion is everything, when When the public opinion is on our side, it is the end of the World Federation. Now, this time has come! "

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