Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1388: Several demigods

Next, the crowd encountered multiple resurrected corpses of the gods in the swamp. They adhered to the principle of the fastest way to get on the road.

That's it, three days have passed.

During this period, they basically fought online except for eating offline, drinking water, going to the toilet, and taking a few breaks. This is also the case for the remaining four teams.

On the third day, Huang Yi finally led his team through this vast swamp and approached his destination.

In front of it is a majestic mountain, and the coordinates of the array of eyes are in the belly of that mountain.

In front of this high mountain is a large flat land, wandering many huge corpses, limping and faltering.

There are many bone dragons circling in the sky. The flesh has decayed in the long years, and only the bones are left.

Such a dense group of monsters can only be killed by brute force.

"Everyone line up, push in!" Huang Yi exclaimed.

The crowd suddenly changed formations, with knights and warriors blocking the front and advancing steadily.

At this time, the bodies of the three trolls discovered the arrival of Huang Yi and others and rushed over.

The corpses of these three trolls are burly and strong, and they even shake the ground slightly, and they are imposing and powerful.

"Eh! Heh! Hey!" The dense spells and arrows flew over the bodies of the three trolls, completely drowning them, and slowing down their progress.

Several heavily loaded knight players, riding their respective high-level mounts, rushed towards the three trolls, the thick shields lined up to form a shield wall, blocking their way.

The following long-range professionals continue to maintain high-frequency attacks. What kinds of skill brilliance have illuminated this area.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!" At that moment, the sky suddenly became dark, and a strong air flow blew from the sky!

A huge bone dragon raided from the sky towards everyone, with huge wings covering the sky, and a **** light shining on the skeleton of the puppet.

"Yi" Huang Yi rode on that Mo Qilin, stepped up, and rushed towards the bone dragon, like the same black lightning.

The bone dragon opened his big claws and swiftly grabbed at Huang Yi!

But Mo Qilin's speed was faster, and his body fled away from the claws of the dragon as soon as he shook his body. He drilled from under the wings of the bone dragon and flew over the bone dragon!

Huang Yi seized the opportunity to raise the wrath of killing the gods, and severely split on the head of the bone dragon!

"嘭" The majestic power of the gods came out clearly, all crushing the bone dragon's body.

Suddenly unbearable, Bone Dragon fell to the ground, and it flapped its wings desperately, trying to fly high again.

Mo Qilin leaped on all four limbs, fell down with great force, stepped on the back of the bone dragon severely, and pressed it down again!

"Eh! Hey! Hey!" Huang Yi repeatedly cut out the wrath of killing God, chopped heavily on the bone dragon, issued a dull sound of bone impact, and the broken bones were scattered and scattered.

"Boom!" Finally, Bone Dragon couldn't withstand repeated attacks and fell to the ground. Huang Yi was chasing after him and never let it fly.

That bone dragon can only be like a chicken, and it will be chaotic on the ground.

Some team members transferred their firepower and began to besiege the skull dragon. After a series of attacks, Huang Yi's axe was split and flew out, and he could not die any more.

At this time, the three trolls were also killed under the attack of a group of experts.

In this way, everyone killed and advanced all the way, and finally came to the foot of that mountain.

"Look, there is a cave there!" At this moment, a sharp-eyed hunter player pointed at an area on the mountainside.

The crowd hurried towards there and found that there was a cave there.

There were still some destroyed trees around the cave, and the fracture was relatively new, and it should have fallen within a few months.

Moreover, the cave does not seem to be formed naturally, but it was opened up by human brute force.

"Someone has been here before!" Everyone speculated after seeing the scene.

Huang Yi thought about it and simply took out a few energy stones, which took several minutes to recharge the energy value.

Then he opened the eye of time and looked at the past of the cave.

The time in this area began to retrogress, and the past pictures quickly appeared. After a while, the people who opened the cave finally appeared in the picture.

This is consistent with his previous speculation. .T came to the land of falling gods and took away the five heroic auras.

"Let's go in!" Huang Yi said, taking the lead in the cave.

After walking for some time in the dark cave, the crowd entered a stone room.

This stone chamber was left in ancient times and was penetrated by this newly opened cave.

In the stone room, there is a neat tunnel leading to the depths of the mountain belly. There are still pots of bonfire hanging on the walls on both sides, which are immortal, apparently they have stayed here since ancient times.

The crowd continued along this ancient tunnel.

"Woohoo!" At this moment, there was a rhythmic breathing sound deep in the tunnel, and the breathing was very heavy, just like pulling a bellows.

Everyone is the top master in the world, and the perceptual attributes are very powerful. Everyone can perceive that at the end of the tunnel, there must be extremely dangerous things!

Everyone clenched their arms, raised their twelve minutes, slowed their pace, and moved on.

Gradually, the sound of that breathing became heavier, making people hear goose bumps, scalp tingling, and a palpitations.

The air in the tunnel also accelerated, and whenever the sound inhaled, the air rushed into the depths of the mausoleum, forming a gust of wind.

And every time that voice exhaled, the air blew from the depths of the tunnel, with a strong rancid smell.

It seems that the air was breathed by the evil being at the end of the tunnel, so it brought out a strong stench.

But the tunnel was crooked, and it was impossible to see what was at the end.

The crowd continued for a while, and after turning a corner, a huge stone gate appeared in front of them!

Above the stone gate, a line of **** characters is written in universal language.

"Those who break into this door without permission!"

Blood dripped from these words, forming a blood scar of all horrors, warning everyone who came!

This stone door was not completely closed, but a gap of half a meter wide was left, and the air flow induced by the breathing sound was circulated through this gap.

The crowd quietly looked in through the crack of the door, and saw that there was a spacious underground hall inside, densely lined with a team of soldiers, hundreds of them.

Each of them was wearing a purple armor, and the part of the armor that was exposed was Sensen white bones. The bones were white and greasy, and they had an ivory texture. .

More importantly, every soldier's body exudes the breath of the gods!

Hundreds of demigods gathered here to form an army!

And at the end of this army stands a huge throne, on which sits a tall tauren, like a hill.

He was covered in heavy armor, exposing the arm of the armor. It was not like the white bones of the soldiers, but full of flesh and purple skin.

He held a large spear tightly in the palm of his hand, slamming it on the ground like a pillar holding up the ceiling. The spear was covered with rust, and even with a spider web, I didn't know how many years it hadn't moved.

On top of his head, he wore a heavy helmet, covering his skull, and only two tadpole horns were sticking out.

He was wrapped in steel armor, exuding the scent of blood of war. In ancient times, he must have been an invincible general on the battlefield.

At this moment, he was breathing evenly, the magnificent body was undulating with rhythm, exuding a strong pressure ~ www.readwn.com ~ The breathing sound that everyone heard before was it!

With his breathing rhythm, the demigod legion was neatly marching, lining up, turning, etc.

It seems that his breathing sounds like a military order, and he can easily manipulate this demigod army without even talking.

This is a false god!

Only Xu Shen has such a magnificent momentum!

Only the virtual **** can order this demigod army!

"Damn! This is a demigod army!"

"I have never seen such a big scene!"

"Oh my god! What are hundreds of demigods gathered here for?"

"So many **** domains! Still playing hair ?!"

Everyone stared at the shocking scene in the stone room, and they were all upset.

This strength of their team, once entering the hall, I am afraid it will be destroyed in less than a minute!

This is simply not what players can handle! Only the guardians of the heroic empire can come to deal with it. However, the previous system prompt made it clear that these corpses resurrected from the fall of God's continent could ignore the NPC attack. Even if all the guardians of the heroic empire came here, they would not work.

"Kill God, what now?" At this moment, the Pope came to Huang Yi and asked in a low voice.

The rest of them also stared at Huang Yi tightly. In this situation, all of them could not cope with it. They could only see if Huang Yi could come up with a good solution.

Huang Yi pondered for a while, .t also came here, then they must also pass through this hall to face these hundreds of demigods!

So, how did they pass?

Huang Yi opened the eye of time again and watched the past of this hall.

Soon, time went back again. When .t came here, the picture of them entering the lobby appeared again!

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