Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1395: A major breakthrough in blood hoof death!

Liu Yi smiled: "This question is actually very good answer! When I took out this thing in that heart before, I didn't find any incision in that heart! This is much like the ability of my glove! "

He said, shaking his right hand and showing everyone his magical glove: "My glove is not a physical entity, but a mass of energy. It is said to be a vanguard in the ancient times. Created by collecting a magical breath in the sky. It can ignore the physical barrier and enter the inside of an object without leaving any gaps. That is, after I put on this glove, I can put my hand Reached into a living person's body, pinched his heart without leaving any wounds on the surface of his body, and no one could see how he died. This shard of blue glass may be the same as my glove Ability."

The pope took over the blue glass-like shards that day and capped for a while, speculating: "The ascendant Bloodshoe and the god-savvy Nazarsh must have had a war, otherwise the ascender Bloodshoe The death kiss of Nashash could not be contained in the body. Could it be that when the two of them hit both defeats and wounded, this blue shard suddenly came and killed both of them at once? "

Huang Yi pondered for a while and said, "Let's wait! There are three groups of men and women investigating the other three formations, and maybe there will be new discoveries."


Time passed day by day.

Of the other three teams, the breakthrough was first made by the blade. They also found a few bones, and it was confirmed that they were also the bones of the Nazarsh strongman, which once again proved that the death of the Ascendant Bloodhoof and the Nazarsh could not be related.

A few days later, news came from both the team led by Thor and the team led by Giant Bear. They were all in the corresponding array of eyes, and they found several pieces of sky-blue glassy fragments, which were scattered on the ground and did not need to be extracted from the corpse tissue.

Those accompanying journalists have published the findings of Huang Yi and others on various media channels, which has caused speculation among players around the world.

But gathering the power of the world, I still haven't figured out what those fragments are.

Finally, things broke new ground after more than a month!

At noon that day, Huang Yi suddenly received a message from the Snow Queen asking him to see her immediately.

Huang Yi's incarnation immediately rushed to the meeting place, and finally met the Snow Queen in an invisible sea.

At this time, the Snow Queen was still riding the Ice Phoenix, raising her hands, exhaling some blue breath, and working hard to fill the sky. But her expression was obviously very dignified, turning her head to look around from time to time, as if she was watching something.

After seeing Huang Yi's arrival, her expression eased a little, she retracted her hands and paused the process of replenishing the sky. She said, "Kill God, that golden light has appeared again!"

"Oh?" Huang Yi suddenly became interested. The last time he led the expedition to the Land of Fallen Gods, he saw the golden light in the Central Port with his own eyes. At that time, the Snow Queen was making up for the sky, and the golden light suddenly attacked her, but she quickly avoided the blow. The golden light disappeared instantly and could not be chased.

At that time, Huang Yi realized that the golden light was related to the mysterious blood of the ancestor of the ancestral spirit that he absorbed, but there was no news of it later.

After many days passed, the golden light really couldn't bear it and appeared again!

"Do you see what it looks like?" Huang Yi asked quickly.

The Snow Queen shook her head and said, "Sorry, it's too fast, and it's covered with golden light. At that instant, I couldn't see what it looked like. But when it hit me , Just touched my make-up weather, then the whole sky suddenly flashed a blue light, split on it, knocked it back. Then, the blue light broke apart and became an entity. Fall down, I picked it up, you should be very interested. "

After that, the Queen of the Snow fluttered her palm and took out something--

It was a fingernail-sized, sky-blue glass-like shard!

Huang Yi was shocked!

This little shard is exactly the kind of sky blue glass-like shard they found in the Land of Fallen God these days, they are exactly the same!

It's just that this piece is very small, and the sky blue fragments found on the fall god's continent are not an order of magnitude.

The Ice Queen gently stroked the fragment and said, "I was surprised when I first picked up this small piece. I saw from the TV news before that you found some of these pieces in the falling **** continent. , So I immediately realized that you might be able to make a breakthrough in this matter. "

Huang Yi took the small azure shard from the Snow Queen, and looked carefully, and asked, "You just said that a blue light suddenly appeared in the sky and attacked there. Tao hit your mysterious golden light, and then that blue light broke apart and formed this little piece? "

The Snow Queen looked up at the sky and said, "Yes! I can be sure that there was no third party around at that time. The blue light appeared automatically in the sky. You can think of it as a condemnation or a natural phenomenon. Is not caused by man. "

"Heavenly condemnation ... natural phenomenon ..." Huang Yi muttered these two words and looked up at the sky. The blue sky was so high as to be endless, but there was nothing there.

"Kill God, I have some immature thoughts, you can refer to it." At this time, the Snow Queen suddenly spoke again, always staring at the distant blue sky, the cold face, a rare warmth exposed. With a smile, "Since these days, I have been busy making up for the sky. Although this experience is boring, it has allowed me to have a deeper understanding of the second world and to see it from a macro perspective. In fact, the second world Much like a conscious being, all of us, all races, animals, and plants are like bacteria parasitic on him. When I make up the sky, I can feel that the world is kind to me Yes, when I suffer from a tornado, those tornadoes will suddenly turn and will not interfere with the process of making up the sky. When I go to a sky with dark clouds and heavy electric flashes, those dark clouds will quickly disperse, and the lightning will stop quickly ... … I can feel that there is a huge existence in the deep, and I am grateful in this way. I think there is no other possibility than the Second World itself. . "

After the Snow Queen said, she waved slightly towards a beautiful cloud in the distance.

The next moment, a breeze blew up suddenly, blowing the white cloud slowly, to the side of the Snow Queen, surrounded by a mass of cotton candy.

The Snow Queen smiled brilliantly, and circled in the clouds. The white long dress floated slightly, sweeping the temperament of frost beauty, like a cheerful girl next door.

"Look, isn't it amazing? As soon as I showed my fondness for the cloud of white clouds, a gust of wind appeared immediately, blowing it to my side. Does this world look like a conscious being? When you are good to it When it does, it will treat you well. "The Snow Queen laughed.

Huang Yi stared at the group of white clouds and fell into contemplation, and unconsciously appeared the former creation ancestor—Sagittarius.

Sagittarius was originally a galaxy, but in fact, it is a conscious life. From this perspective, this possibility is also possible in the second world.

The Snow Queen continued: "I think it should be my behavior to make up for the sky these days, and finally it was slowly recognized by the Second World, making me a special case, so just when I was hit by that golden light, in the sky Then a blue light suddenly appeared to help me. The Second World can tell which people are harmful to this world. Under certain extreme conditions, it will fight back on its own! Of course, not every time it will fight back. , Just to say that under certain extreme conditions, this possibility will arise. "

The Snow Queen said here, and her face was right: "So I doubt ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ascendant Bloodhoof and the Nashash Power are not all killed together, but killed by the Second World. The Second World noticed that they would seriously endanger this world, so there was a condemnation. It was only then that the Second World was very powerful and not as declining as it is now, so the condemnation power at that time was far more than I just encountered The blue light is so strong that it can even kill the ascendant. Bloodhoof. This attack method has exceeded our usual attack category and belongs to a world rule. You are the king of the world and can to some extent To change the rules of the world, you should be familiar with this method. The killing of the world rules does not need to cause wounds, it can directly kill people, so those azure fragments will appear directly in them. "

"That makes sense!" Huang Yi nodded, "In fact, long ago, I had doubts about the Ascendant Bloodhoof. After three trials, I got a clear conclusion-Deng Heavenly Man, Bloodhoof, is a person harmful to the Second World! Killing him can make the Second World better. But this conclusion has nothing to do with how he died, but there are all kinds of signs , Naga and Nasha are most closely related to his cause of death. If these sky blue fragments are really fragments of the rules of the world, it can be largely determined that the ascendant Bloodhoof did not die of that Na The attack by Shashi was a condemnation of death in the Second World. "

"But there is still a problem that makes it impossible for the ascendant Bloodhoof to be a god-sealer, who is clearly the glory of the second world. Why is it harmful to the second world?"

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