Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1397: Assassinate Huang Yi! Agent action!

The prison guard quickly escorted Liu Gengxin into a cell, which was not a single room like Huang Yi's cell, but a mixed room of seven or eight people.

At this time, his roommates were lying on the bed, wearing virtual helmets to swim in the virtual world, no one found him at all.

After the guards left, Liu Gengxin came to the toilet of the cell and closed the door.

With a solemn expression, he stretched out one hand, spread his palms, put it on his mouth, and made a movement to pick things up, while the other hand put **** into his mouth.

"Nausea ~" His throat shook conditionedly, actually causing vomiting.

Soon, he vomited the contents of his stomach and was caught by the other hand.

He fumbled a few times in the mess, and then took out a sealed bag the size of a fingernail.

The tiny bag contained a fine white powder.

Liu Gengxin looked at the small bag, a grinning smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The white powder in that bag was a highly toxic substance, and it only required a few grams to put people to death.

This is what he thought of as the most likely successful assassination method.

Before entering the Rose Prison, criminals have to be searched repeatedly, stripped of the clothes worn outside, and even sprinkled with disinfectant powder, forcing the body to ensure that no foreign objects entered the prison.

In this way, things like the murder weapon cannot be brought in, and many assassination methods cannot be used.

Poisoning is undoubtedly the most suitable method. As long as a few grams of poison are sealed and packed in a small bag, and then swallowed in the stomach, they can escape the rigorous search procedures.

The stomach fluid couldn't corrode the little bag, so the poison would not pose a threat to himself. After entering the prison, he could induce vomiting again.

Even if vomiting fails, or if something unexpected happens, that's okay. The bag would squirm in his digestive tract, and eventually it would be excreted. He could still get it.

The tools of the crime have been obtained, and the next step is to implement the assassination plan.

Liu Gengxin washed his hands, hid the fingernail-sized bag next to him, and walked out of the bathroom.

He lay on an empty bed, holding his back, waiting patiently, like a poisonous snake hiding in the shadows.

Looking through the iron gate, it was just the Huang Yi's cell.

Liu Gengxin then looked up, his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes seemed to penetrate the obstruction of the iron gate, and saw Huang Yi in the cell.

He knew that this was the last assassination plan in his life. After poisoning Huang Yi, he could not survive.

No matter how clean he is, others will surely be able to detect some clues, and in the end he will still doubt him.

He was ready to die, the World Federation had trained him for so long, and it was time for him to repay.

However, he did not have any expectation for the impact of this assassination. The downfall of the world federation is the general trend, and it cannot be saved by assassination of a Huang Yi.

Even if Huang Yi is dead, the people in the free organization will continue to follow Huang Yi's footsteps, and there will be a second Huang Yi and a third Huang Yi, and the process of overthrowing the world federation will continue.

This assassination was more a dying struggle of the World Federation, the last straw caught by a drowning man, and a frenzy before the extinction.

"Zing Ling Ling ~" A rush of ringing rang through the dark prison.

This is the bell for dinner, signalling that the criminals should come out for lunch.

In each cell, there were movements of getting up in twos and threes, and many criminals took off their virtual helmets, came out of the cell with a smile, and began to go to the cafeteria in groups.

Liu Gengxin also left the cell and followed the crowd to the cafeteria.

He lined up to take the meal like everyone else, and then sat down in a corner honestly, eating alone.

He seemed indifferent, but in fact he used his ears to capture all the conversations of the surrounding people, and stripped out useful information from their words.

"Yi brother is not offline yet!"

"Brother Yi has been so busy. Sometimes he doesn't come for breakfast. I'll send it to him later!"

"The mystery of Bloodhoof's death has been investigated for so long, but no progress has been made. I heard that Brother Yi has disbanded the expedition."

"Yesterday, my daughter's twelfth birthday, and a 100-point test, I really hope that the World Federation will soon fall, I can't wait to go home from prison to see my wife and children."


"Hey! Are you new here?" Just then, Liu Gengxin was suddenly surrounded by a group of people.

He looked up, and five or six criminals gathered around him, stepped on the chair beside him, and stared at him unwillingly.

"Yes! The younger brother is new!" Liu Gengxin quickly put down his chopsticks, narrowed his head, and pretended to be harmless.

"The newcomer must understand the rules!" Said a criminal, took Liu Gengxin's chopsticks, slowly picked up a few chicken bones on the table, put them back in his bowl, and then moved the chopsticks to Liu Gengxinyi. Delivered, and commanded: "eat it."

Liu Gengxin bit his lip, his expression embarrassed, white and trembling, and he did not dare to snor.

"Huh? Don't you eat it?" The faces of the criminals suddenly cooled down, loosening the joints of their loose fingers, and making a crisp "snap" sound, as if they were about to hit someone.

"I eat! I eat!" Liu Gengxin quickly picked up the chopsticks, put the chicken bones in the bowl into his mouth, and choked hard.

A criminal smiled, reached out and touched Liu Gengxin's hair, and said, "Don't think this is a disgrace to you, we just give you a lesson to make you learn better. This is pretty good, before Lei Ge While here, newcomers like you are going to be beaten up. After the board goes down, you can't get out of bed for half a month. Now that Brother Yi is the boss, he is easy-going and doesn't like to do this.

"Now Brother Yi is still in the virtual world. He didn't go offline to eat. After he goes offline, you will see him!" Said another criminal.

"Yes, yes! I must go! I must go!" Liu Gengxin nodded hurriedly.

The criminals smiled, and then left without any further embarrassment.

Liu Gengxin bowed his head and ate the food tremblingly, until there was no one in the cafeteria, and he finally finished eating and left.

Back in the cell, the roommates were already lying on the bed again, wearing virtual helmets and entering the virtual world.

Liu Gengxin continued to lie on his bed, looking at the door of Huang Yi's cell upstairs across the iron bars.

Suddenly, he saw a criminal carrying a dinner plate and came to Huang Yi's cell door and put it in.

Liu Gengxin immediately calmed down. It seemed that Huang Yi did rarely go offline to eat in the cafeteria in person. Often, other criminals sent food to his cell. When he was hungry, he went offline and picked up the cell door directly. Dinner plate.

This is more convenient for poisoning!

However, Liu Gengxin held back and did not go to poison immediately. This is only lunch. If Huang Yi has not been offline for dinner, at night, the plate of cold rice and cold dishes must be removed and replaced with a new plate of hot rice. dish.

Therefore, he had to wait until night to poison his dinner. In this case, there is nothing to eat all night, Huang Yi can only eat that plate of dinner.

After a long wait, dinner time is finally here!

During the period, there was no movement in Huang Yi's cell door, indicating that he had never been offline to eat.

The criminal who had served him before went to the door of Huang Yi's cell again and withdrew the plate of cold dishes. The food above was still the same, without a bite.

Liu Gengxin shook his fist and decided to start the operation formally!

After having dinner in the cafeteria, he pretended to be careless, waiting for the criminal who gave Huang Yi dinner.

He shook his palm, took out the little bag, quietly opened a hole, and hid it in his palm.

"Hi ~" Liu Gengxin chased after, patted the criminal's shoulder from the back, put a smile on his face, and asked, "Brother, are you delivering food to Yi brother?"

The man turned around, glanced at Liu Gengxin, and nodded: "Yeah! Brother Yi hasn't gone to the cafeteria for dinner in the morning, he will definitely be hungry at night, and I'll send him over."

"Let me send it! I want to do something for Yi Brother." Liu Gengxin said flatly.

The criminal smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't matter, I live in Yi's cell not far away, anyway!"

While he was talking, Liu Gengxin's other hand quickly walked around from the other side of his back, and sprinkled the poisonous powder on the plate's dishes with lightning.

Since the criminal was talking back to Liu Gengxin, a visual dead end appeared, and he did not find the move at all.

"Oh, then next time!" Liu Gengxin smiled slightly and nodded casually.

The criminal continued to look back, walked towards the Huang Yi cell with the dinner plate, and soon disappeared into the dark place on the stairs.

Liu Gengxin returned to his cell, lying on the bed, looking up at the movement of Huang Yi's cell door.

After a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ the criminal with the dinner plate appeared in the corridor in front of Huang Yi's cell and walked step by step.

Liu Gengxin watched his footsteps a long distance away, and a heart went up and down with it, as if the man's footsteps stepped on his heart.

Finally, the man went to Huang Yi's cell door, squatted down, put the dinner plate gently in the iron bar, and then got up and left.

There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Liu Gengxin's mouth.

Plan to come to this step, already 99% successful!

This time Huang Yi will die!

He is an omnipotent killer in the virtual world, and he can repeatedly save his life, even if he is dead, he can be resurrected and continue to fight.

But in the real world, he is not a killer. He does not have so many skills and so many talents. He is just like all human bodies, and will be poisoned if he eats poison.

Huang Yi is destined to see the sun of tomorrow!

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