Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1406: Soul plague sweeps the world

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After visiting Longdu, the genie went to large cities on other continents. In one day, almost all of the largest cities in the Second World were stepped on by him.

No matter where he goes, people don't have any special feelings, they just sneeze, and soon there will be nothing strange.

The genie didn't do anything else. After visiting the day, he returned to the small universe where the demons were, and met the king of hell.

"Have you gone to the Second World and made it happen?" The King of Hell asked openly.

"It's done! Now the poison is still in the incubation period, and they don't know they have been poisoned." The genie smiled slightly.

The reason why he spent a day visiting major cities in the Second World was mainly to spread the plague!

This is a trick he learned in the Xuanhuang World, plus the poisonous power of the poisonous **** passed to him by the King of Hell, and the combination of the two becomes extremely scary.

The genie is very confident. His soul plague is not as good as the kiss of death in terms of toxic strength. It has no effect on masters who are at the level of virtual gods, but in terms of the way of infection and the speed of infection, he will kill the kiss of death!

However, this virus has a defect that it cannot infect NPCs, only players!

As long as it is a player below the level of virtual god, there will be nothing to do with this virus, and no player has become a virtual **** at this stage, so this virus will be unstoppable!

"Very good!" Under the hood of the King of Hell, a satisfied voice came out. "Next, you personally lead an army of demons and go to the first world to work with the demons to blood-wash the Naga tribe. They are The culprit who killed Queen Queen of Pain must destroy the race! Then we will return to the second world, when there should be no God-suppressed person to stop us. "

"Yes!" The genie nodded.

"Recently, there has been some movement in the underworld. I have to go to Hell to see what matters in the Demon Clan are discussed and decided by you and the other Demon Kings." After finishing the King of Hell, the black cloak seemed to have lost everything. Suddenly the support dried up and slowly fell to the ground.


Time passed day by day, in the second world, people still live as usual.

Before, the genie went to those cities and quietly spread the soul plague, which infected everyone who had sneezed.

But the viruses did not erupt directly, but instead lurked in their bodies.

On this day, the dragons are still as bustling and bustling as usual, and there are still people in and out of the city gate.

A few days ago, the stall where the genie purchased the statue was as usual, and the statue of the **** of killing was placed in the most prominent position, one of 500 gold coins.

The street vendor watched the passing pedestrians smartly, and if anyone was interested, he would sell it enthusiastically.

At this time, another pedestrian stopped in front of the stall, took the statue of the **** of killing and played with it, and asked, "How many gold coins is this statue of the **** of killing?"

"It's not expensive! Just ..." The stall vendor said here, suddenly trembling!

"Hey ~" His Qiqiao sprayed black blood and splashed on the pedestrian's face, then he opened his teeth and danced his claws, making a beast-like roar in his mouth, and seemed to want to come to this person.

The pedestrian suddenly took a big step back in fright, reached out and wiped the blood on his face, staring at him dumbfounded.

"Huh? Kobayashi, what's the matter with you?" At this moment, a street vendor next to him found something strange, exclaimed, and hurried over to see what happened.

But he hadn't taken two steps yet, his body trembled suddenly, Qiqiao sprayed black blood ...

Next, this street is like a domino effect, and all the street vendors have such symptoms!

Some street vendors were still bargaining with pedestrians, but all of a sudden they bleed, they jumped around like zombies, and made screams that were extremely scary.

They were all people who had been in close contact with the genie a few days ago. The virus incubation period had finally passed and the toxins had begun.

The strangeness of these street vendors immediately caused panic among the pedestrians on the street.

Some priest professional players soon determined that these people should have entered a certain bad state, and they have released their dispel purification skills, but they have no effect.

Soon, this situation began to appear in other streets, the whole dragon quickly permeated a layer of uneasy factors, and began to attract the attention of the senior figures of Longdu.

A guardian of the realm of the heroic empire soon came to the incident area, personally inspected those players who appeared strange, and finally determined that this was some kind of plague.

"Everyone, stay away from them immediately! Don't be infected!" Shouted the guardian of the **** domain.

Just then, a solemn announcement sounded between heaven and earth—

"[System Announcement]: [Genie] spread [Soul Plague ~ www.readwn.com ~ in the Second World] The first batch of infected people has been poisoned and will die within 48 hours. It will remain poisoned after resurrection. This is the first stage. It will be transmitted through the air. As long as the infected person breathes the air in the area where the infected person is, you can be infected. When the number of infected people reaches a certain level, the virus will mutate and add other modes of transmission. "

Everyone was shocked to hear this announcement!

The genie actually shot!

After the previous crisis of extinction, the genie disappeared and no one knew where he went!

Unexpectedly, it was not long before Huang Yi died, and he returned again, and a plague spread silently.

"Urgent announcement! There is an emergency outbreak in the dragon, please everyone immediately stay away from the infected! Please immediately go offline to isolate the source of infection!"

Between the heavens and the earth, a warning sound of Longdu's high-level officials suddenly sounded!

Everyone quickly evacuated the area at the fastest speed, and the streets were extremely chaotic. There were crowds of retreating everywhere, panic and chaos, and people's hearts were disturbed. Many of them have once breathed the same air as the infected person, and do not know whether they have been infected or when the toxin broke out.

Those who have already infected with the virus want to go offline to avoid infecting more people themselves. However, they soon received a system reminder that they were in a special state at this time. Even if they were offline, the characters would not disappear, but they would be left unmanned, and they would die after 48 hours.

The epidemic situation in Longdu was quickly notified to the forum, and it attracted great attention from all continents.

But soon, outbreaks broke out in the world's largest cities. All infected people had the same symptoms as those of the dragons, indicating that they were all infected with soul plague.

A plague that swept the world suddenly broke out!

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