Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1410: Sword of Sword

At this time, Qin Shiyu and Tiandao were also in the underworld.

Before they died, they were originally in the Longdu City Hall, but now they are in the corresponding position after entering the Underworld.

But in front of it is not the familiar dragon capital at all, but the most primitive dragon capital a few years ago, without any player building.

The underworld is similar to the reflection of the mortal realm, and also contains the planets and worlds of the mortal realm, even the terrain and NPC buildings are corresponding.

However, the underworld will not contain players' buildings, so cities completely built by players will no longer exist, including the Holy Land built by the British Dragons on the central continent.

"I finally know why when Li Jian was promoted to heaven, there was no vision of heaven and earth! It turned out that he was promoted to heaven in the underworld, and he could not see his vision of heaven and earth at all!" Qin Shiyu soul, turned his head and said to Tiandao next to him.

Huang Yi found long and long ago that Li Jian did not have a vision of heaven and earth when he was promoted to Heaven, and later discussed with her for a while, but only made some guesses, and now finally got the exact answer.

Tiandao also nodded and said, "No wonder Yi Brother has always emphasized how terrible Li Jian is, and Yi Brother is really right. Who knows how many adventures Li Jian has had in the underworld. Seeing this, Li Jian is about to become Pluto. "

Qin Shiyu frowned and thought for a while, and said, "After all, it is not a long-term solution in the underworld. There is no our power here, no our territory, no guardian. The sword is the king here. We must Find a way to return to the second world, where it is our foundation. "

Tiandao shook his head and said helplessly: "As long as the plague of souls is still there, we cannot return to the second world! We have to think of other ways!"

Just then, they suddenly received a message at the same time, sent by the blade.

At this time, the blade is sending out an invitation letter calling on all the superb masters in the underworld and the leaders of the major forces to hold a meeting three days later at the Oscar Royal Academy in the underworld to discuss the future of global players.

Blade also particularly emphasized that he would work hard to invite the sword to the meeting.

The blade is bright and upright, and it is the oldest and most qualified super-class master. Basically everyone will give him face, and maybe he can really invite the great sword!

Qin Shiyu and Tiandao looked at each other, and they were full of anticipation for the meeting three days later.


Japan, Tokyo, World Federal Headquarters.

World Federation President Oster and Vice President Tojo Takeshi are standing side by side in front of a huge floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the sunlit ground in the distance.

The earth is green and full of life, just like the World Federation spent the winter and finally ushered in the spring.

"Our situation has finally improved a lot!" Oster said, looking at the distance, smiling slightly.

"Yeah! Several of our plans have been perfected recently! Huang Yi has been assassinated, and the second world has been solved by the genie. It is time for us to rise again!" Tojo also laughed with satisfaction. Smiled. Recently, a series of things were planned and promoted by himself. Now he has successfully completed them, and his heart is full of sense of accomplishment.

"It's a pity that the sword opened the underworld, which was beyond our expectations! His presence is not a good thing for us. Is there a way to get him out? I don't want to see this person." Oster turned his head. Take a look at Takejo Tojo.

Tojo Takeshi quickly shook his head and solemnly said, "You must not move the sharp sword! We have all kinds of information that the sharp sword is closely related to the time company. If we move the sword, I am afraid it will shock the time company. To At that time, there was no need for a free organization to fight against us, and no need for Ni Dongde to lead the rebel army to fight us, and the company of the time could directly solve us! And even if we forcibly assassinate the sword, we cannot do it on a technical level. Li Jian lives in Shengzhou, where the company's headquarters is located, which is the most mysterious and safe city in China. It is impossible for our agents to sneak in. "

"Time company!" Oster groaned with the name, looked up at the blue sky, and said quietly: "This is like a plot in science fiction, which controls the direction of humanity. It is not us politicians, but a company. What a ridiculous time it is! "

Tojo Takeshi also looked up at the sky, and his sight seemed to extend to the distant outer sky and the vast universe, saying: "We should be glad that Time's company has focused on the exploration of the universe and has no energy to care about us Or we wouldn't be able to support it now. "


A luxurious villa in Shengzhou, China.

A young man, sitting on the sofa, coaxed a delicate and cute little girl.

The little girl hugged a pillow with the image of Huang Yi and was sniffing, her tears were flowing.

The young man is a sword, and the little girl is his best sister.

"Sister, don't you cry, okay? You haven't met the killer at all, but you are so sad when he dies! Would you be so sad if I die someday?" Li Jian coaxed.

"No!" The little girl said very simply.

Li Jian twitched at the corner of his mouth, dejected, "What's wrong? I hurt you so much, but you are so ruthless to me, and God of Slayer has a sister. He hardly spends time with his sister, but his sister still He is very close! This is not fair! "

"We women all like cold men!" Said the little girl, sobbing.

Li Jian was immediately teased ~ www.readwn.com ~ shaved the little girl's nose: "How old are you! Are you a woman? Alright! I will stop talking to you, I will go to Times Company soon, You just stay at home obediently. When I come back, will I bring you your favorite macarons? "

"Not good!" The little girl beaked her mouth and stared at Li Jian with tears in her eyes, and said, "Since you're going to Time, I want you to help me with one thing."

"What's the matter? More important than your favorite macarons?" Li Jian curiously.

"Of course!" Said the little skirt, hug Huang Yi on the pillow, and then spoke her request.

After listening to the request of the skirt, Li Jian frowned, wondering: "I'm not sure whether the company will agree to this request."

"What do you mean?" The little girl flattened her mouth, tears rolled down instantly, and she was about to cry.

"Well, don't do this, don't cry! I promise you it, I will do my best to fight for it!" Li Jian suddenly reached out his hand, wiping away the little girl's tears.

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