Heroes Prison

Chapter 144: Fairy Boy Winter Rain

For three days in a row, Huang Yi stayed in Hutton Mare, brushing up the 40 layers of one-player mode and five-player mode every day.

In fact, criminals in prisons are the most suitable for the Second World. They are held here all day long. They have nothing to do and no one to disturb. They can stay in the Second World 24 hours if they want. People outside are not allowed. They have to go to class, go to work, go out shopping, and there are all kinds of things every day.

But these days, Huang Yi is always watching the situation of the forum.

At present, in the Second World Awards for the Best Newcomer Award, he and Raytheon's support rate is far ahead, both surpassing 15%. Now that his enthusiasm for saving Longdu has subsided, the support rate has returned to normal levels, and Thor's support rate has begun to rise. At present, the support rate of the two people is equal.

The situation at Longdu is still not optimistic. The skeleton army is still silently besieged outside the city. It does not attack or retreat. I do n’t know what the Sand Pirate King is thinking. Looking at this situation, it should be a protracted battle Already.

On the third day, Huang Yi finally rose to level 45! This is a small watershed, you can learn new professional skills, and you can start breaking the world record on the 30th floor. In addition, he can usher in a second evolution at level 40, but evolution requires the use of a drop of essence blood from the target organism. He has no choice of where to evolve, and he has no suitable target, and can only be temporarily put on hold.

Xi Huangyi came to the Warriors' Hall in Huttenmar City and went directly to the top floor. The top floor of the Warrior Hall in each city is a place to learn rare professional skills. Most people can't get here, so there are no people here.

"Excuse me, is anyone there?" Huang Yichao asked, his voice spread to the large hall, forming an echo.

"Come here!" The voice of a teenager sounded from a room at the end of the hall. Then the door was opened, and a handsome young man came out.

少年 The young man has a long body, sharp ears, and graceful behavior. He should be an elf.

"Dear sir, I'm Dong Yu, an elf man. I'm in charge of receiving rare professionals to learn professional skills. May I help you?" The elf boy came to Huang Yi and asked politely.

"I'm here to learn skills, take me to the teleportation team!" Huang Yi said.

"Huh? Are you really a rare profession?" Dong Yu froze slightly, then flashed a strange blue light in his eyes, stared at Huang Yi for a while, seemed to confirm, and then his face was startled, Murmured: "I didn't expect you to be a rare professional. Hutton Mart has never seen a rare professional! You are the first rare professional I have seen in more than 500 years. ! "

"More than five hundred years?" Huang Yi could not help but look at him. This elven race really is a long-lived race. When he is more than five hundred years old, he can only be regarded as a teenager. "Then you should have a wide range of knowledge!" Asked thoughtfully.

"Yes!" The boy named Dongyu nodded. "I have traveled the mainland for five hundred years, and I have seen all kinds of people, and I have seen all kinds of creatures, but I have never seen a rare professional, you There are too few humanoids. "After that, Dong Yu looked at Huang Yi with a little excitement, as if looking at a rare animal.

既然 "Since you have seen so much, what do you think is the most useful ability of a fighter?" Huang Yi asked, he is now at level 45, but still has not evolved, because he cannot pick the direction of evolution. This evolution is irreversible. Once it has evolved, it cannot be degraded and reselected. Therefore, you must be very careful when choosing the direction of evolution. This winter rain is an elf who has lived for more than 500 years. He is well-informed. Asking his opinions can reduce many detours.

"A combatant's most useful ability? What a weird question." Dong Yu frowned for a moment and said, "I think the most useful ability should be resurrection! In any case, life is the most important thing, to survive. To continue fighting. "

"Yes, then which races have the ability to resurrect?" Huang Yi continued to ask, in fact, he also thought about the ability to resurrect, so that at least life has a great guarantee, after death, there will be no relegation and reincarnation, but He had never heard of any race that was capable of resurrection.

"There are few races with resurrection ability, and most of them are some rare races. I don't know. For the conventional or famous races alone, the most resurrection ability should be the undead creatures. The skeleton royal family can be full after death. The state is resurrected once. The Necromancer also has the ability to resurrect, but it takes a long waiting time. The resurrection ability of the zombie tribe is too disgusting. After death, he regenerates into a rancid zombie. Covering his nose, it seems that he has smelled the rancid smell. "But the resurrection of these undead creatures requires a very suitable time, and it is necessary at all times and places, otherwise it cannot be resurrected. In addition, ~ www.readwn.com ~ These dragons also have the ability to resurrect. For example, one of the three strongest king dragons, the sacred dragon, can be converted into holy light and resurrected after death, but it can only be resurrected three times in life. In addition, the white dragons also involve a little bit Ability to resurrect, but very reluctant, this will not be said. "

"Huh? White Dragon?" Huang Yi jumped in his heart. Dongyu said that he could not reach the other races. Only the White Dragon could reach him. The White Dragon King was still waiting for him to destroy the pair. Doomsday's legs, if he asks the White Dragon King for a drop of essence blood, it is difficult for the other party to refuse. Thinking of this, Huang Yi could not help asking: "What is the resurrection ability of the Bailong tribe?"

"Strictly speaking, the Bailong clan does not have the ability to resurrect, it is just a little bit of a touch. The ability of the Bailong clan is actually an ability similar to an avatar, which is to make an avatar from various extremely rare treasures. And incubate. This incarnation can be resurrected after death, not the resurrection of the ontology, so this is not a resurrection ability, after all, the ontology is the most important. "

Huang Yi suddenly thought of Bailong King and the ferryman. He always wondered why Bailong King turned himself into such a strange ferryman. He always stood by the ferry at Bailong Lake to wait for the passengers. Dragon King, how can you endure that boring time?

Now it seems that the old man who ferries to the ferry is likely to be the incarnation of the White Dragon King, not the body, so he can stay at that ferry all year round, which does not affect the body of the White Dragon King!


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