Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1424: Best Dragon Player Award

"Then what should we do?" The genie frowned.

"The underworld is not our place. We have nowhere to go. It is important to deal with the second world first. The dean of the Oscar Royal Academy has sent a signal to the entire universe through his artifact [Time of Georgia], calling on allies in the second world. They came to help. During the ascension ceremony of the god-killing, the races that established diplomatic relations with the Second World have sent masters to the Second World to prevent the Destruction King from destroying the resurrection point. At present, Dream, War The clan, the dragon clan, and the night clan have all sent their elites to the second world, and we must send corresponding staff to stop them. "

The King of Hell said, holding out his slender white hand, pointing at the painful star in front of him, saying: "This painful star has become our burden, I decided to refine it and inject the power inside you The bodies of the two of them allow you to reach the level of virtual gods. Then, you go to shock the forces who dare to assist the second world, even the elite sent by the Dream, it is difficult to get over your block! "

The demon and the genie stunned for a moment, then exulted, and quickly said: "Thank you Lord Hell! Thank you Lord Hell!"

"Let's get started now!" The King of Hell stared at the Star of Pain ahead, stretched out his white palm, and began to seal.

"Then I ordered the spiritual sects of the world to harass the small strongholds of these forces and warn them." The genie said, immediately reaching out and patting his chest.

Suddenly, the ghost images of ghosts flew from him and disappeared into the void.

After two hours.

Among the many worlds of the universe, the boundless army of spirit religions went to the strongholds of the Dream, War, Dragon, and Night forces scattered around the universe to make sudden attacks.

Those small strongholds were not strong and could not stop the offensive of the spiritual army and fell.

The tide-like emergency battle reports were reported one by one, and finally passed to the high-level hands of these ethnic forces.

They understand that this is a warning from the demons!

They either immediately withdraw their support to the Second World or ignore the warning and continue to assist the Second World.


On the fourth day of the annual ceremony, the Snow Queen personally announced a bad news in the forum-

The number of resurrection points in the second world fell below 100,000! And it's decreasing dramatically!

A group of Demon God Realm leaders, led by the King of Destruction, has destroyed most of the resurrection points in the Second World. For the most damaged continents, the number of resurrection points has even dropped to double digits.

However, in the underworld, a group of super-class masters such as the blade, but still exploring in the tomb of God without any clue, did not find any valuable clues.

There are haze on the heads of players all over the world. They seem to be staying in the underworld forever, and it seems they can no longer return to the familiar and beautiful Second World. Those heavily built player cities and heavily built ships It seems that airships and cozy homes built with hard work will never belong to them.

That night, Qin Shiyu went offline to watch the live TV again, waiting for the award of the fourth top award, the Best Power Award!

Among the top five awards, the difficulty of prediction is also different.

The Best Charm Award is the most difficult to predict. It has too many evaluation criteria. It must comprehensively evaluate the strength, influence, influence, popularity of all female players, the number of feats done, the players ’evaluation of her, and even Their behaviors, etc., have many indicators, making prediction difficult.

For awards such as the Best Newcomer Award, Best Personal Award, and Best Power Award, the judging criteria are very clear, and basically all can be predicted.

Therefore, countless people believe that the heroic empire won the best influence award is no suspense.

Huang Yi was promoted to be the queen of the world, and the entire Second World has become the domain of the heroic empire. Other guilds and nations have become its affiliates, and it is unlikely to pose a threat.

At this point, the awards ceremony has been more than halfway, and several more awards will be awarded, and it will be the best power award.

Qin Shiyu took a milk bath at this time, sprinkled a layer of rose petals, took off his clothes, and slowly laid Miaoman's body in the warm bathtub.

A few rose petals floated to her chest, and she picked up a piece gently, sandwiched it between her lips, fantasizing about Huang Yi's resurrection and taking a bath with herself.

She seemed to feel his heavy breath, blowing through her delicate ears, and a flush of flushing on her face.

"Brother Yi, you must be resurrected! I can't imagine life without you, I need your hug, your touch, your breath, everything ..." Qin Shiyu closed his eyes and muttered to himself. With.

"Audience friends, the next thing to be awarded is this year's new award-Best Yinglong Player Award!" Just then, the host's voice rang on the wall screen of the bathroom.

Qin Shiyu opened his eyes and looked up at the live broadcast.

"The Yinglong tribe is a race created by the king of the world, God of Killing. It is also the only race created by players and has been recognized by the system. At present, the number of Yinglong tribe players has exceeded 600 million, becoming the crown of all races! So This award is the most competitive of all the best race awards. The gold medal of this award is specially produced by Time. The front of the gold medal is the portrait of the King of the Dragon, the founder of the world, and the opposite is Time. The company's logo. The gold content of this award is extraordinary in every respect. "

The host paused and went on to introduce: "Most of the players in the British Dragons are from those races where the sacred place is destroyed. They are homeless and they have used the British Dragons as their new homeland. This part Players are eligible to compete for the Best Dragon Player Award, while some players, who already have a race, join the Dragon Dragon and do not regard the Dragon Dragon as the main race, they will not be able to compete for the award , Such as players like Dragon Spike, Little Bad Bad ... "

After the host introduced the situation of Yinglong, he invited a heavyweight guest of honor—Zhang Ruyue, the head of the company's virtual world department, to present the award.

After Zhang Ruyue came to power, she first praised the feat of killing the gods to create the Yinglong tribe, and then officially entered the awards session, and began to broadcast the finalist promotion video for this award.

The reporter from the TV station explained while following the promotional video.

"The first place on the shortlist is the famous American teenager [Zero White]!"

"This is [Loebunk] who won the second annual festival 'Best Elf Hunter'!"

"[Tea Bubble Fish] used to be the # 1 Mountain Elf player in South Korea!"

"[Bearded] was formerly the chief mad soldier of Her Majesty's replica group [France]!"

"[Dadizi], who is known as Africa's first flame giant, has also entered the shortlist!"

"Malaysia's famous twin masters [Cannon Gray Rabbit] and [Rogue Rabbit] are both shortlisted!"

"The net red player [Wu Mo] is a promising seed player!"


These 100 finalists are all core players who have been calling in other races. Even three of them have won the best player awards of those races in previous annual festivals!

But now they are all members of the Yinglong tribe, fighting for this honor together.

When the nomination list was also announced, Zhang Ruyue opened the envelope, took out the electronic card inside, and announced the winning results above--

"I announced that the winner of this year's best heroes is the Chinese book addict! Congratulations to book addicts and congratulations to China again for winning a gold medal!"

The Chinese audience on stage immediately screamed in ecstasy! The gold medal list also updated immediately, China once again won a gold medal and continued to lead.

The player named "Book Addict" happily hugged the people around him, walked quickly to the podium, took the gold medal and flowers from Zhang Ruyue.

He looked around the audience and excitedly delivered a winning speech: "I am very honored to receive the first Best Dragon Player Award! First of all, I would like to thank Brother Bros. God for creating the Dragon Dragon, let us these races The destroyed, homeless people have a new place. Some time ago, Huang Yi was assassinated. My brothers and sisters of the Yinglong tribe were distressed, but we believe that the Yinglong tribe will not be defeated because of this , It will continue to grow ... "

After the book addicts gave their award speeches, two hosts, one male and one female, returned to the stage again.

They looked around the audience first, then took a deep breath, and said solemnly, "Then, the highlight of today's award ceremony-the best power award!"

"Hero Empire!"

"Hero Empire!"

"Hero Empire!"

In a short time, the audience in the audience immediately boiled, almost everyone was shouting the same name, interrupting the host's voice!

The host smiled, raised his hand and pressed a virtual button, to signal the audience to keep quiet, and continued to say: "In fact, like you all, I also like the heroic empire, whether it is from the performance of the king of the heroic empire, or from the heroic empire. From the perspective of sphere of influence, population, influence, and guardian lineup ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hero Empire is enough to win this award. But there are variables in everything, and only the company system of the time can determine the final result. Next, Mr. Huang Huapeng, CEO of Time, please give us this heavyweight award! "

The words fell. A man in his thirties, wearing a suit and glasses, who was slightly weak and walked out from the background, was Mr. Huang Huapeng, the CEO of the company.

He came to the podium, nodded slightly towards the audience, and said, "In the previous annual festivals, no matter whether it was the best guild or the best team, the competitors were quite strong, but This situation has changed since it was merged into the Best Power Awards this year. In view of the disparity in strength between the finalists, we simply skip the finalist and nomination stages. After the party is over, you can watch it on the forum by yourself Shortlisted and nominated promotional videos, now let ’s announce the final winner directly! "

After all, he took out a red envelope, slowly opened it under the attention of the world, and pulled out the electronic card inside.

He glanced at the contents of the card for a moment, then gave a hint of playful smile, and said, "I announced that the winner of this year's best power award is-"

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