Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1427: Huang Yi's resurrection surgery!

"Brother, Huang Yi can be resurrected soon, right?" Li Jian's sister asked expectantly.

"It's still hard to tell!" Li Jian touched his chin and thought, "Actually, getting this award is good news for God of Killing, but the good news also has bad news-he is dead Now, I ca n’t raise my desire to resurrect myself immediately. Last time, I have already made a request for you to resurrect Huang Yi to Times, but Mr. Huang Sha did not give me a clear answer, he just said that he would give Huang Yi did his best when doing resuscitation surgery, using more precious equipment and drugs than other resuscitation surgery, even the new medicine just researched by the company. After all, his corpse situation is very complicated, and he needs a group of more senior medical experts. Formulation of a surgical plan, and the company's most senior medical experts are currently devoted to the research of genetically modified humans, and currently have no time to perform this operation. "

"Ah? What then?" Li Jian's sister opened her eyes wide, and tears filled her again.

"I can only wait slowly according to the normal process, unless ..." Li Jian said, then suddenly stopped, shook his head, and seemed unlikely.


After the initial excitement passed, Qin Shiyu finally rationalized and began to think about the later things.

According to what she learned, the top prize winners of the previous annual festivals were all personal wishes to Mr. Huang Sha, and no one exercised this right through others.

Therefore, after Huang Yi won the award, in fact, he could not change the situation.

But she always holds a silver lining, maybe Time will take Huang Yi's situation into consideration and transfer this right to the person closest to him. She and Huang Yi are husband and wife in the virtual world, and they are the most suitable people to inherit Huang Yi's rights.

For the next few days, she was waiting for news from Time.

This morning, she flipped through the forums, posted highlights, popular charts for 24 hours, bulletins of the Times ... eager to find relevant information about inheriting the rights of the Huang Yi Awards.

Flipping over, a brand new hot post suddenly popped up-

"Blades and others have made a major breakthrough in the tomb of God and hope to find a way to return to the second world!"

Finally, the Expedition of the Tomb of God made some progress.

Qin Shiyu immediately clicked in and looked in detail——

"Just now, the super-first-class exploration team headed by the blade, finally found a special demon soul in the tomb of the gods. They each showed their skills and finally trapped the soul of the demon. A clue to the tomb's secret ... "

This is the best news in recent times!

But Qin Shiyu was still not happy. As long as Huang Yi was not resurrected, all news could not cause her inner waves.

She sighed silently in her heart, absently entering the virtual world.

Soon, her translucent Miaoman body appeared at the gate of the Oscar Royal Academy in the Underworld.

The dark sky, the dark earth, the dark city, the dark buildings, all made her unhappy.

There are many souls of players around. They go down the mountain in pairs, or explore adventures, or kill soul monsters. Obviously, they have adapted to the life of the underworld.

Qin Shiyu has not adapted yet. What she wants is still the blue sky and white clouds, colorful cities, and rich oceans in the Second World.

Just then, the blade suddenly sent a message—

"Just now, the news came from the Chinese prison guards in Rose Prison. The Times Medical Special Aircraft arrived in Rose Prison and entered the refrigerator, and began to revive Huang Yi!"

Qin Shiyu froze immediately, then fell into ecstasy!

Happiness came so suddenly, without any warning, Huang Yi's resurrection operation started immediately!

She hurriedly asked, "What's going on? We haven't heard from the company in our organization!"

"It should be someone who won the top prize and helped you make this wish!" Blade quickly replied.

Qin Shiyu froze, guessing.

Among the people who won the top awards, in addition to Huang Yi, the rest are the Ice Queen who won the Best Newcomer Award, the waning moon that won the Best Charm award, the dream of the best individual award, and the spirit that won the Best Power award Demon.

The genie can certainly be ruled out, but the remaining three people have not explicitly stated that they would revive Huang Yi.

Among them, Can Yueyue and Meng Niutian have not even seen Huang Yi's face. The Moon family where Can Yueyue has no contact with the Second World. The dream people behind Meng Qitian have established diplomatic relations with the Second World.

The remaining Ice Queen is an ice beauty, keeping a certain distance from everyone, and Huang Yi is just a general relationship. More importantly, she did not die to the underworld, and did not need Huang Yi to rise to lead her out of the underworld.

Qin Shiyu couldn't guess who actually proposed the desire to revive Huang Yi.

But no matter what, this is all great news!

The only thing to worry about is whether the company's resurrection technology can revive Huang Yi's corpse to such a degree. His condition is far more complicated than any previous resurrection operation.


Pacific Ocean, Rose Island.

A medical vehicle was quickly driving towards the bomb shelter on Rose Island, and there was a prominent sign on the body-with both hands spread upwards, holding a lightning bolt.

This sign is very visually striking, and the signs with both hands stretched upwards are generally supported by small saplings and love patterns, giving a feeling of care and love. But these hands hold a destructive lightning, it seems that one accidentally will be destroyed by that lightning!

The symbol is rich in meaning, the palm represents humanity, and the lightning represents the power of technology.

Everyone knows this logo ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is the logo of Time Corporation.

The prison guards guarding the air-raid shelter, after seeing the sign, turned away on both sides, bowed and saluted, and watched the car drive into the air-raid shelter and disappear into the darkness.

In that dark depth was Huang Yi's frozen body.

Twenty minutes later, the medical vehicle drove out again and headed for a tarmac on Rose Island.

There was a huge plane parked there, and there was a sign on the fuselage with the same hands holding the lightning bolt.

This is Time's medical plane, which is equipped with the highest medical facilities. The resuscitation operation is performed in this aircraft, but Huang Yi will not leave Rose Island.

The medical car was parked under the abdomen of the aircraft. A hatch was opened on the abdomen of the aircraft. The medical vehicle slowly raised the mechanical support and raised an oval refrigerated compartment.

Through the glass of the refrigerated compartment, you can see Huang Yi's face with her eyes closed, lifelike, just like falling asleep.

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