Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1437: Not afraid of death

In the holy pool, in front of the smashed head statue, Huang Yi grasped Taroyag's poisonous heart and dragged it out a little bit.

But only half of the poisonous heart broke away from the statue's restraint, and the other half was still tangled with the silk thread of the formation.

Collection progress is only half way through!

"Boom ~" The sky enchantment above the head suddenly heard a loud noise!

Huang Yi looked up and saw that the sky curtain enchantment was swaying violently, and various attacks were pouring wildly on it, causing the enchantment to undulate, casting light and shadow in his eyes.

Amidst the swaying chaotic light, a python was looming around, raising its snake head high, spitting out various attacks, and trying to brute force to break the sky.

It seemed that Huang Yi's gaze was noticed, and the python also stared at Huang Yi under the enchantment with its sharp eyes.

Staring at those eerie eyes, Huang Yi raised goosebumps, as if covered with snakes.

"I don't care where you came from, Nazak, stop and die!" The python said a hoarse warning.

Huang Yisong bowed his head, clenched his lips tightly, silently, and focused on collecting the poisonous heart of Taroyag.

On the other side, Ghost Sky Bead is guarding the magic tower in the Holy Land, staring at the magic furnace.

There was only one spar in the furnace burning, and the energy transformed into majestic sky soared to the sky, supporting the consumption of the sky curtain enchantment.

But its light has become more and more dim, obviously it will not last long.

Ghost Sky Bead pouted, and eventually the figure flickered, disappeared into the magic tower, and came to the enchantment.

With his hands on his back, he stared at the Nazarsh outside, exuding his majestic breath.

After seeing Ghost Dzi Bead, Nashash, who was called "Blood Ring", sagged a little bit, and spit out the serpent letter: "Gid Dzi Bead, don't be a turtle with a head in it, come out and fight me! I want to let you know that in the face of pure strength, all your resistance is futile! "

"Huh! Lord God is just teasing you. Do you really think you can conquer us Naga?" Gui Tianzhu sneered.

"Did you use the savage **** to lie to me again? That's why Xuanxuan!" Blood Ring sneered, opened the mouth of the snake, spewed a spit of blood, and fell on the sky curtain in front.

The enchantment suddenly made a violent "Zi Zi" sound, as if it had been strongly corroded and burned, and bursts of blue smoke, quickly becoming thinner!

After the blood ring spit out the essence of blood, his body shook slightly, and his eyes dimmed.

"啵 ~" At this moment, the sky screen enchantment was corroded by the essence and blood.

Gui Tianzhu's eyes changed, and he rushed forward and blocked the mouth with his own body.

The blood ring seized the opportunity, and the coiled snake body bounced towards the mouth like a spring.

The two figures hit the tiny mouth at lightning speed.

"Boom ~" After the two men collided, as if two planets collided together, the majestic energy stirred up and stirred the sea frantically.

Above the waves of the sea, a huge wave was suddenly set off, and numerous seawater was shaken into the high-altitude clouds, poured down, and turned over the river.

The ghost dzi was hit and flew away from a distance, even if he is a virtual **** level strength, is not an opponent of the blood ring!

The blood ring also receded a little distance, the scales on his body were lifted a few pieces, and a blood shed from the corner of his mouth.

"Ghost dzi, you should be glad that this is just one of my avatars. If it came from my body, you were seriously injured just now!" The blood ring licked the blood from the corner of his mouth and laughed proudly, "Although I am also an imaginary god, but our Nasha is the top race in the universe, and it is not comparable to your small derivative race. Even if all your imaginary gods are together, they are not my opponents! Do n’t struggle! meaningless!"

"You dream! Even if I die today, I won't make you feel better!" Gui Guizhu said, flying forward firmly, plugging the gap in the enchantment again, not paying attention to his injury, showing his fate. The momentum of life.

There was a slight look of surprise in Blood Ring's eyes. I didn't expect Gui Tianzhu to be so hard-hearted that he didn't even care about his life. This is not like the style of a false god.

"Very well, since you want to die, then I will complete you!" Blood Ring said, and his body began to glow with blood red light!

The surrounding seawater was immediately polluted by the blood light and turned into a scarlet sea of ​​blood.

Surrounded by red blood and blood, the celestial enchantment suddenly trembled violently, and the strong **** smell penetrated into it, permeating the entire Naga Holy Land, and the virtual gods such as Gui Tianzhu felt great pressure!

In the holy pool, Huang Yi anxiously dragged the poisonous heart of Taroyag, and most of it had broken out of the ban. It only took a little time to fully collect the storage ring. But the **** breath made his face change dramatically, he could clearly feel that this would be a shocking blow!

At this time, the outer sea of ​​blood began to spin violently, forming a huge vortex!

Under the friction of the vortex, the sky enchantment suddenly faded!

"噗噗 噗 ~" There were numerous bursting sounds in the enchantment, and the blood sea swirled to the ground, so many blood and water poured from the hollows, and a **** rain began in the Holy Land.

"Boom ~" Finally, the entire enchantment can no longer bear it, and it is completely broken!

The monstrous sea of ​​blood pours down, the ghost bead bears the brunt, and is instantly drowned!

Huang Yi tried his best to control the ghost dzi, pouring out all the virtual **** power to stop those blood and water.

Ghost Tianzhu's body is like a pillar in the torrent, and the old figure is very firm in the raging blood. The direction of the sacred pond of the guardian would rather die!

Soon, his body was corroded by blood and water, and the **** body began to suffer great damage. If he continued to resist this way, he would suffer irreversible trauma.

However, he didn't mean to retreat in the slightest, as if to die here!

The blood ring was surprised!

Every false **** has come to this stage after numerous life and death ordeals ~ www.readwn.com ~ Treasures for life, almost no one will be like Ghost Dzi, knowing that he will die or not escape!

"For the future of the Naga tribe, even if I explode, I will spare it!" At this time, the ghost dzi in the sea of ​​blood suddenly issued a decisive sound, the body began to swell violently, blooming a dazzling light, impressively It's a prelude to self-explosion!

An empty god's self-detonation is enough to have the effect of destroying the world, even the first world planet will be affected!

"What? You, are you deliberately trying to die ?!" The blood ring changed dramatically, and finally felt a little panic!

Although this is only one of his avatars, he is not particularly afraid of death, but he who is not afraid of death is afraid of death!

Ghost Dzi is obviously trying to die!


Sorry for not updating last week. I went back to Shanghai for a review on the 29th. I returned to Hangzhou the day before yesterday, and I am now renewed.

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