Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1455: Dream Against Sky

Huang Yi has been online for a long time. He left the virtual world and went to the forum to take a look.

As soon as he entered the forum, he received a private message from the forum, which was sent by Qin Shiyu--

"Brother Yi, I just heard that your consciousness has entered the virtual world, is it true? I have been waiting for you to wake up, you must wake up quickly! You are now in a vegetative state, and I think of a way to make dreams Help Sky, let his father introduce your consciousness into the virtual world, but Dream Sky has made a request, he wants you to release the criminal No. 14 in the Hero Prison, I have promised him. Dream Sky I tell you, tomorrow morning, he will look for you in the sky garden of the heroic mainland Longdu. Go and talk to him in detail ... "

This private letter is very long. Qin Shiyu briefly explained the situation these days, what happened in the free organization, and so on. From her lines, Huang Yi could fully feel her thoughts of herself, but she was restrained very well.

I haven't seen her in such a long time, and Huang Yi misses her very much. During her death, she must have been distraught. I don't know how she survived this miserable life.

Huang Yi immediately responded to a private letter, so that she and the free organization do not have to worry about her, she is in a good state of mind now, and specifically told her to comfort her little skirt.

Next, Huang Yi searched the forum for relevant information about Meng Tiantian. However, all the posts about Meng Tiantian in the forum are mostly news that he received the best personal award in the fourth annual festival. There is no more information.

Huang Yi browsed for a while and returned to the second world.

He is now in a vegetative state and can't go offline. He can only stay online forever, just like those who are chillers.

The next morning, Huang Yi, as Qin Shiyu said, came to the Hangdu Garden in Longdu, waiting for the arrival of Meng Qitian.

The Hanging Garden is the highest point of Longdu. Huang Yi stands among the flowers and overlooks the whole city.

The city is empty, there are few people in the streets, only some NPCs. There are still a lot of merchandise on the roadside stalls, but the stall owners and players are no longer there, which is very different from the past bustling scene.

This bustling city has almost become a useless empty city.

The distance beyond the Dragon City is even more tragic. From time to time, huge fireballs can be seen falling from the sky, dragging a long tail flame and crashing to the ground, blowing up a cloud of mushrooms.

"Kill God, are you missing the original look of this city?" Just then, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded behind Huang Yi.

Huang Yi was startled. This was his territory, and his perception ability had reached the peak, but he did not notice that someone was behind him.

He turned back and looked behind him.

Behind him stood three hazy figures, each surrounded by a layer of colorful light, like a dream, as if it was not real.

The two people next to each other were burly, with muscles knotted, their bodies were straight, their hands drooped naturally, exuding a strong momentum. Huang Yi can clearly perceive that these two people are extremely deep-level masters of the Divine Realm and cannot estimate their true strength.

But the two of them were like bodyguards, guarding the man in the middle.

The man standing in the middle was wearing wild long hair, and his face was wild and handsome. However, his face was pale and he seemed to be ill. His body was slightly hesitant. He was holding a crutch in one hand and a handkerchief in the other. He coughed from time to time.

Seeing them, Huang Yi thought of Mengling for no apparent reason. These three people had the same breath as her.

"You are dreaming against the sky?" Huang Yi asked, staring at the man with a cane in the middle.

"Yes, I am dreaming against heaven." The man in the middle covered his mouth with a handkerchief, coughed, and continued: "Of course, I came here by dreaming. This is not my true body."

"This ability of your dream clan is really powerful, you can go to all parts of the universe just by dreaming! Presumably you are the first player to enter purgatory!" Huang Yi said sincerely. Some time ago, when he climbed Purgatory Mountain, he met Mengling, which was the first time he saw this ability of Mengzu. He, Tian Mo, and others, both entered purgatory through the Tower of the Gods, and need to get through the 290th floor first. But the Mengzu can directly dream to get there. If anyone else enters purgatory earlier than them, it is likely that this dream is against the sky.

Meng Ni Tian nodded, and said hoarsely: "About two years ago, I did go to Purgatory, but I did n’t get on the ladder in the Garden of Eden, and I could n’t get into the gate of heaven. But I came to you today, but with Celestial is a bit related. "

"You want me to release the No. 14 criminal in Hero Prison! The strength of the criminals in this number are all at the level of the gods, and they will indeed be related to the heavenly realm, but you also know that the realm can't accommodate this level of power." Road. The top 15 criminals in Hero Prison did not lose too much strength because of their long years. Therefore, he could only release the criminals after the 15th at most, and the more criminals could not come out.

"We have already considered this issue!" Meng Nitian waved his hand and said, "This criminal ranked No. 14 is a female god-setter of our dream family. Her name is Mengxi. She was caught by the **** of death that year. When entering the heroic prison, the dream ancestor of the dream clan [Mengzu] once sought death, but it was not negotiated. Now, the owner of the heroic prison has been replaced by you, and we will pick up this plan again. "

"Then what is your solution? Would you let me go to heaven to release her?" Huang Yi asked.

"No!" Meng Qitian shook his head. "Some things have happened in Tianjie recently, and it is very unsafe. We plan to let her stay in Fanjie for a while, complete some of our dreams, and then let her return. Celestial World, this will be good for both our dream family and her. "

Meng Guitian said, coughing a bit, and continued: "Even if you let her out, I have a way to temporarily seal her personality and reduce her strength to a level that can be accommodated by the realm, and I will take her back to dream The dream of the tribe, in that sealed space, I can seal her deity more thoroughly, and she can get more freedom. "

"What? You can seal even the gods' deities? You have such strength ?!" Huang Yi was suddenly shocked. If this ability appeared on the NPC, he could barely accept it, but appeared on a player ~ www .readwn.com ~ That's incredible.

Meng Guitian shook his head: "I don't have the ability to other gods, but Meng Xi is an exception because ... she is my daughter."

"Your daughter? What do you mean?"

Meng Nitian smiled slightly: "Actually, I am Mengzu!"


The following words are free of charge:

I said it many times before, let's say it again! Do n’t wait for updates every day. The update of this book is not stable. I write very slowly. Sometimes it ’s not updated for a few days. When there is no update, please look at other book handles, and you can read it at any time. This book has been broken for a long time, and the ideas cannot be connected, and it is written in the later stage. There are too many clues, and if you pay little attention, you will write inconsistencies. But I don't want to end in a hurry, because some foreshadowings haven't been revealed. If you don't write these foreshadowings or forcefully fill the pits with bulldozers, it will end up being bad. This book can't get much manuscripts anyway. I just hope that I can finish it well. It is worthy of those foreshadowings in the front, but it will take longer.

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