Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1457: Criminals, Mengzu, Emperor Huang Quan

Chapter 1457 No. 14 Criminal, Mengzu, Emperor Huang Quan

Huang Yi continued to chase up, through the various exotic flowers and plants in the garden, and finally came under a windmill.

At this point, Mengxi has changed from a girl to a beautiful and elegant adult woman, leaning on the base of the windmill, the wind blowing her long hair fluttering backwards. Her body exudes a strong breath of divine power, and she is already a powerful **** domain master.

That young man has also become a mature boy, but the breath on him is still ordinary, showing that he is still a mortal, and there is an invisible distance from Meng Xi.

The man stood next to Meng Xi, chatting and dancing about the sky, and seemed to be telling a joke. Meng Xi smiled from time to time.

Every time she laughed, the young man showed a warm expression, his eyes were always on her, it seemed that she was the only person in the world.

At this moment, Mengxi looked up at the sky and was talking about something, the man listened very carefully.

Huang Yi stepped forward a few steps, and finally heard Mengxi's voice clearly--

"... I have gone to many places and seen a lot of scenery in the years since I left you. I have been to the Golden Scale Pond of the Dragon Clan, and countless young dragons have leapt from the deep pool water, and have been baptized by Thunder, and become real. Dragon; I have been to the Moonlight Spring of the Moon clan, where the spring water is as clear and clear as the moonlight, the beautiful Moon clan dreams and plays with the moonlight gauze, playing and laughing in the spring water; I have been to the battlefield of the war clan, billions The flags fluttered in the sand, the fallen broken swords covered the earth, the powerful warrior remnants still slain in the air, forming an exquisite aurora; I have been to the Aurora's Skyhawk, the lonely Aurorian warrior Leaping from the cliff, tightly winging the wings, who will fall longer in the competition, the most powerful warriors often flap their wings and fly to the sky when they are about to fall to the ground, and colorful feathers slow down from the air Falling slowly, like a colorful snow ... "

The man listened to Meng Xi's words, and his expression of longing was revealed on his face, saying, "If we can go and see these scenery together, it's a pity that I can never go, but now I can hear you tell you these years. I am also very happy! "

Meng Xi bowed her head, a shy flash on her face. This powerful **** domain master is like a most ordinary woman at the moment.

A gust of wind blew off the silk scarf on her head, and her hair drifted with the wind.

The man reached out his hands subconsciously to fix her hair, but after reaching halfway, he seemed to feel something wrong.

He touched the back of his head and said tentatively, "Your hair is messed up, can I help you braid it? It's the kind of braid you wore when we first met."

"Okay!" Mengxi nodded, turned obediently, turned his back to the man, and presented a hair in front of him.

The man held his breath and braided her delicate pigtails intently, but the movement was slightly messy, showing his inner nervousness.

"Actually, I, I've always wanted to tell you something." Finally, the man gathered his courage, and stuttered slightly.

"What is it?" Mengxi asked pretending to be normal.

"All these years, after you leave, I always think of you, I think ... I should be ..." The man stopped talking and seemed difficult to speak.

"What is it ~" Meng Xijiao whispered, dragging a long ending, as if she was coquettish.

"That's, um, all these years, I've always wanted to tell you ..." The man talked and swallowed again, but still couldn't say it.

At this time, the braid was completely tied, and Meng Xi turned her head again, staring at the man.

The man was more urgent, avoiding her gaze, turning his head to look elsewhere, his mouth clenching tightly, without saying a word.

As soon as Mengxi's eyes turned, a hint of slyness flashed in her eyes, and she smiled and said, "Since you don't say it, let's play a game!"

After speaking, she drew a green leaf in her palm, handed it to the man, and said, "I have been to the Smurf's site while I was traveling in the First World, and I picked a leaf of the Wind Spirit tree. You took What you want to tell me is written on this leaf, and then you can breathe for a long time, and it will float for thousands of years, it will float far, far enough to reach the universe The end of it. Maybe someday someone else will get this leaf and they will know what you wrote. "

The man thought for a while, and finally nodded, taking over the leaf.

He turned around, took a pen from his pocket, and started writing on the leaves, turning and looking at Meng Xi while writing.

But Meng Xi was watching the clouds all the way, and showed no signs of peeping at him.

"I'm done!" Finally, the man stopped his pen, glanced at Meng Xi, and then placed the leaves on the palm of his hand, taking a soft breath.

The leaf suddenly fluttered in the wind, as if without weight, fluttered into the sky, eventually turned into a tiny black spot, and disappeared into the clouds.

Meng Xi glanced at the leaf, and a little smile was revealed at the corner of her mouth.

After that, they talked again.

A huge windmill was spinning over their heads, dandelions fluttered in the air, the fragrance of flowers and their laughter permeated the air, surrounded by a sea of ​​blooming flowers.

Suddenly, Mengxi turned her head and looked at the distance, and said, "My father is looking for me. I'm going back!"

After speaking, she smiled at the man, rose into the air, and flew into the clouds like a fairy.

The man looked up, staring blankly at Mengxi's back, farther and farther, until he disappeared into the depths of Baiyun.

Huang Yi also took off in the air, flew into the clouds, and followed the dream.

Soon, Huang Yi caught up with Mengxi, at which time Mengxi was stopping on a cloud, holding a leaf in her hand, and looking at it, her mouth full of smiles.

That leaf is exactly the drifting leaf that the man just wrote the secret.

After watching the content on the leaf, Mengxi blew it again and flew away with a smile on her face.

Huang Quan couldn't help but flew over, grabbed the leaf that fluttered, and saw a few lines of small words written on it--

"I'm by your side,

It ’s like traveling around the world,

Every gesture you make is landscape,

Every time I speak, I take risks. "

These lines of words express something hazy, like the mental activity of a man when he was chatting next to Meng Xi.

From the scene seen by Huang Yi, it is speculated that the man and Mengxi should have love for each other, but no one has broken it. After all, the huge status difference makes it difficult for them to love each other like ordinary young men and women.

Huang Yi blew the leaf, followed Meng Xi's flight, and finally flew over the dream castle.

In the building's roof garden, Mengzu's body is carrying his hands and looking up at the sky.

"Father, what do you want me to do?" Mengxi landed and stood beside Mengzu.

Mengzu turned and stared at Mengxi with a burning gaze, and said, "I want you to seal God immediately and go to heaven."

"What? Fengshen ?! Why do you want me to Fengshen?" Mengxi was astonished.

"Because, I want you to go to Heaven to do a very important thing!" Mengzu said, taking a deep breath, staring at the sky solemnly, "A major event happened in Heaven recently. The strong men from various quarters captured the emperor Huang Quan and imprisoned him in one of the strictest cells in the forbidden prison. Even if there is a means to reach the sky, he cannot come out. Huang Quan's father was an important person in the underworld. Finding a way to rescue Huang Quan, I decided to let you do it. "

"How can I do that?" Mengxi froze and shook her head, "You should be very clear, don't say it's me in a place like the Forbidden City Prison, even if a group of God-sealers go under siege, it can't be forcibly broken! "

"I don't need you to break the forbidden prison." Mengzu said, shaking his palms, took out a ring, handed it to Mengxi, and said, "You just need to find a way to enter the forbidden prison, and put this ghost Quit secretly giving it to Huang Quan. You shouldn't have difficulty doing this. Our dream abilities are inherently good at doing such things. "

Mengxi did not take the ring, but asked: "Why did you want me to go? Brother, they are already gods, isn't it better to let them go?"

"Because of this task, it can only be done by women!" Mengzu touched his head, and said softly: "Heaven will regularly arrange a group of women to go to the forbidden prison, enter Huangquan's cell, and implement them. A crazy plan. As a woman, as long as you use our dream abilities, you can mix in a little disguise ~ www.readwn.com ~ and see Huang Quan. "

Mengxi bit her lip, and it took a long time to gather her courage, and said, "I don't want it, I don't want to seal it! I want to stay in the world!"

Mengzu shook his head heavily and said irresistibly, "No! You must seal God and go to heaven! Huang Quan's father once helped me, and I must help him this time!"

"But have you considered it for me? You just think about your plan, but I also have my thoughts, I have grown up, and I have what I have to do by myself." Mengxi's emotion suddenly excited, Tears rolled in the eyes.

Mengzu stared at Mengxi for a long time, then turned to look at the direction of the windmill, and said, "I know why you want to stay in the mortal world, you are reluctant to leave him! But you must understand that he is just a mortal , You will die in a few decades, and you are a person who can seal God, there is an insurmountable distance between you. As a dream, you should know that some things are just a dream, do n’t indulge in that kind of It ’s in an illusory dream. The dreamy empty flower makes you worry. "

"Don't say any more, I don't want to go, I don't want to go!" Mengxi burst into tears, turned around, flew up into the sky and left, leaving a string of tears falling in the air.

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