Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1460: Pursuit of Destroyer

In outer space of the Second World, the Lord of Destruction turned his head to look at the moon, and the flames in his eyes swayed slightly, muttering to himself: "Which moon family, despite our orders, dared to privately in the Second World? Promoted on the moon? Moon demon? Moon clear sky? Moon frost? Who is so bold? "

Just then, a wave of mental shock suddenly came from afar.

He immediately turned his head and looked in that direction, two long flames spewed from his eyes, and then sneered: "Kill God, I didn't expect you to be assassinating me. The crazy devil is not the one you can assassinate. , Let alone! My king will send you to the underworld! "

After speaking, his body disappeared in a flash.


At this point, Huang Yi's body was teleported to the next Master of the Demon Race with the help of the Snow Queen.

As those Demon masters backed a long distance, Huang Yi needed to leave the Second World farther to sneak in on them.

This time, the demons he was about to sneak up on was a small child. This child looked weird. He had no childlike innocence in his eyes, but was full of bloodthirsty and madness.

He was releasing drops of blood, pouring down towards the second world, and at the same time he was making crazy and weird laughter.

The vacuum universe could not hear sound at first, but his kind of laughter was extremely clear. It was disturbing and could not concentrate after listening to the ear, which was obviously a kind of brilliant spiritual magic.

Huang Yi fanned the dragon wings day by day, and his body suddenly appeared in front of the child. The wrath of the **** of death brewed the surging divine power and poured down the mountain.

However, the child seemed to have expected the sneak attack, flashed away at a faster speed, turned his head to stare at Huang Yi, and gave out a sharp weird laugh.

This weird laugh came into Huang Yi's ears from all directions, trying to disturb his mind.

However, Huang Yi absorbed the Dragon Emperor's Sky Stone, which is already the Dragon Emperor's constitution, and exempted from any bad state. This kind of mental interference will not affect him at all!

His movements were still fierce, and as the dragon wings flickered day by day, he teleported, and the wrath of the **** of killing continued to slash at the child.

"Hey ~ you can't kill me ~" The child screamed sharply, his limbs, head, and trunk suddenly separated automatically, flying out in different directions, drawing a black trajectory.

"Wings of Death ~" Huang Yi fanned the flame-flaming wings behind him, releasing a sea of ​​flames, flooding the square starfield, and igniting the child's limbs.

However, the child's limbs were not fatally injured, and they were still flying fast, and they laughed the same while flying.

"Kill God, playing with fire in front of me is not wise!" Just then, a domineering voice sounded.

Subsequently, Huang Yi's massive sea of ​​fire was ten times more violent and the color became darker. He rolled from all directions towards Huang Yi.

The temperature of these black flames was extremely hot, and even the void was burned into cracks, squealing, and infinitely powerful.

Huang Yi quickly fanned the wings of the dragon day by day, his body moved a few moments and fled in the direction of the second world.

However, an invisible barrier appeared between him and the second world, no matter how hard he tried, he could no longer approach the direction of the second world.

"Kill God, you can't go back!" At this moment, the domineering voice sounded again.

The black sea of ​​fire has been gathered before, slowly forming a body of a violent shore, this body is made of cooled lava stones, covered with thick cracks, and through the cracks, you can see the slow flow below Red magma.

"King of Destruction!" Huang Yi looked dignified and slowly spit out his name.

"My King said last time that when I see you next time, I won't give you any chance to escape. You are dead this time." The eyes of the Destruction King were burning with raging flames, Staring directly at Huang Yi.

"That's not necessarily the case. Now I'm not the same as I was. Since I can't return to the second world, I'll go to another place." Huang Yi said, smiling slightly, and disappeared suddenly.

He was fanning the dragon wings with the fastest frequency, and his body flickered thousands of times instantly, heading for the moon of the second world!

The Dragon Wing is a mutation artifact and a space-like artifact. He can freely shuttle through the world in the vast universe, and now he is using it with all his strength, greatly exceeding the speed of light!

"You can't escape." The Destroyer smiled indifferently, the figure suddenly flashed, disappeared in place, and chased towards Huang Yi.

However, he does not have a space-like artifact like the Dragon Wing, and even if he is more powerful than Huang Yi, he can only gradually narrow the gap and cannot catch up.

Huang Yi hurried through the space, the moon in the distance became larger and larger, and the second world behind him became smaller and smaller, and the stars in all directions had become a chaotic background, which could not be seen clearly.

At this moment, the King of Destruction stretched out his hand and shot a burning javelin in the void, piercing the space instantly, piercing Huang Yi's back.

"Boom ~" Even though the dragon wings have not been able to escape this attack, he was shot by the javelin in an instant, and his blood almost reached the bottom!

His strength is too weak in the face of the King of Destruction, or he will be killed after a few attacks.

He made an instant decision, his body swelled instantly, and soon turned into a magnificent golden holy dragon!

In the form of the Golden Holy Dragon, his health will soar 100 times, and he can withstand multiple attacks.

He forcibly carried the attack of the Lord of Destruction and rushed to the moon in the second world at full speed.

"Kill God, are you rushing to the moon? Do you think you can scare me away just now that the moon and sky have appeared? You are so naive!" The Destroyer said slowly, "You I don't know yet ~ www.readwn.com ~ What does this moon in the second world mean to our demons? If you go there, you will only die faster ... "

The voice of the Lord of Destruction turned into a spiritual attack, rushing towards Huang Yi from all directions, but all were saved by his Dragon King constitution.

He ignored these words and continued unhurriedly to the moon.

Finally, after fanning the number of day-to-day dragon wings, Huang Yi came to the moon, and the second world has become a planet hanging in the distance.

As soon as he came here, his body shivered violently, and a red light emerged into the sky, spreading out, just like the heaven and earth vision of the previous incarnation.

His body has also been elevated to the level of the virtual god!

His body is stronger than the avatar. After being elevated to the level of virtual god, he has more powerful power.

He finally did not run away anymore, but turned to face the direction of the Lord of Destruction, took out the wrath of killing the gods, and posed in a confrontational posture.

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