Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1473: Small world satellite

"Finally killed the demon!" The sacred dragon Mihal exhaled a long breath, his voice was full of hardships, "His cloak is too powerful, attackable, defensive and treatable, almost all-powerful, if not that A cloak, he is not our opponent at all, and we will not die so many fellow dragons. "

Huang Yi nodded. If this time he was left to fight alone with Tianmo, he would not win. He and Xiaolong would not be able to kill Tianmo, even if there was a kiss of death. The blood-stained style would make their attack in vain. strength. This time, the powerful **** of sacred dragon Mihar was added to succeed in slaughtering demons.

This is the first time that he actually killed the demon. The last time he relied on the dragon prison's dragon head to directly kill the demon, not counting his own hands.

When their initial grudge was in Fenglin Village, he released a criminal clone of the Hero Prison. As a result, the aftermath of the battle accidentally killed Tian Mo, but that was not his own personal killing.

At that time, the trivial matter of Linzhai Village finally led to such a great enemy as Tianmo, and it has only been killed by him for the first time, and it still depends on siege.

As soon as the demon died, the demons left only the new king, the genie. Some time ago, he poisoned nearly 10 billion players worldwide, turning the Second World into a NPC-only world. Huang Yi has not yet completely solved his soul plague, but only reduced the level of infection from the fourth stage to the third stage. He no longer relies on world rules to spread it. The plague still exists and will spread through vision. Players only need to see The infected person can be infected.

Huang Yi is still waiting for the racial fusion serum to complete the fusion. At that time, he can drip his blood into the heart of the Yinglong tribe, so that the Yinglong tribe has super resistance to poison. Then let players from all over the world join the Yinglong tribe, in this way to completely avoid the infection of soul plague.

However, if the player wants to resurrect from the underworld to return to the realm, he must see if the blade and others can find a method in the tomb of God, and it must be the method that does not require a resurrection point. Since this time, the avatar of the Destroyed King has destroyed the resurrection points of the second world very few, absolutely can not afford the resurrection needs of 10 billion players, and must be resurrected in other ways.

"Kill God, there is news that in the heroic prison, you released the dream-sealer of the Dream Tribe?" At this time, the sacred dragon Mihar asked solemnly.

"Yes! The dream of Mengzu helped me, and his condition to help me is to release my dreams." Huang Yi nodded.

"Then, can you release one of our dragon tribe god-sealers in the hero prison?" Michal stared directly at Huang Yi's eyes. , Cell 12 in the Heroic Prison. Of course, we are also good for you. As long as you release that senior, we will give you a small world satellite. "

"Small World Satellite? What is this?" Huang Yi suddenly became interested.

Michal looked up and looked at a planet in the distance, and said, "For your heroic empire, it should be very helpful to have a small world. Once you have a small world, you can be released from the hero prison. Those **** criminals come out and become guardians of your heroic empire, without worrying that they will seal the gods. However, the small world needs to spend a lot of power to maintain stability. You can see from the small universe of the demons. Some of the masters of the **** domain have been used to maintain the small universe. The **** masters that can be sent out are only a small part. Last time the king of **** went to the space temple specially, and invited a few space gods to use it. Mystery temporarily strengthened their small universe, freeing up multiple **** domain masters to set up the second world of refining and extinction. The small world satellite is a thing that can help stabilize the small world, so you can spend the least Power to stabilize the stability of the small world. "

"How did it happen?" Huang Yi asked.

"It's simple! You can set a small world satellite in the outer space of a world, such as the outer space of your second world, and let this satellite rotate around the second world. Then, you set your small world again Set in this satellite, this way, your small world can rely on the strong gravity of the second world to help stabilize, you only need to pay a little force to maintain the stability of the small world, most of the power It ’s all done by the second world. In short, the small world satellite is an excellent carrier for the small world. With this carrier, your small world can save a lot of maintenance costs. Otherwise, if you set the small world Locally, it takes a lot of effort to maintain stability. "

"I see!" Huang Yi nodded.

This benefit is still very attractive to him. Although the hero empire has no small world now, with the enhancement of Huang Yi's strength, one day he can find a small world for the hero empire.

The small world satellite is equivalent to finding a site in advance, laying the foundation first, and finding the small world later, it is to build a house directly, which can save a lot of things.

"Brother God, if you are willing to make this deal, then follow me back to the Dragon Realm. Only in the Dragon Realm, our three Supreme Dragon Emperors, can there be a way for the Dragon Clan Godsetter to stay. ~ www.readwn.com ~ said Michal.

"Okay! Take me to the Dragon World! Now that the crisis in the Second World is temporarily lifted, the avatar of the Lord of Destruction has been killed by me, and we will have no problem returning to the Second World later." Huang Yi nodded. This should be the method similar to that of the Dream family last time. The gods cannot directly appear in the realm. Their power is too vast and the rules of the realm can not be sustained. Some special secret methods must be used.

Next, Michal and the injured dragons took Huang Yi to the Dragon Realm.

The Dragon race was once the number one top race in the universe. Unfortunately, after the blood dragon Supreme rebelled against the dragon race, the dragon race was greatly injured and gave up the throne of the first top race to the dream race.

However, despite the decline of the Dragon race, the heritage is still rich. The Dragon Realm is one of the greatest heritages, and the Dreamland of the Dream Race, the Wormhole of the Zerg, and is called the three largest small worlds among all the top races in the universe.

What can be bigger than the Dragon Realm is the small universe of the demons, but in order to free up a group of masters of the demons, the **** star of the Queen of Pain has been refined recently, which has greatly reduced the demons of the small universe. It is still difficult to say whether it will surpass Dragon Realm.

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