Heroes Prison

: 1640 Zulong Appears

The next moment, the stars faded.

I saw a deep dragon family in the depths of the stars. His body was covered with billions of colorful dragon scales, shining brighter than the stars.

The stars in front of it were like small stones, and they were swept aside as they moved forward, unable to maintain their original orbit.

Everyone saw a humble feeling when they saw him, as if watching a myth of an ancient age.

The creation ancestors have existed since the birth of the universe. They live with heaven and earth, are immortal, and ignore the restrictions of the power rules of the realms.

In the realm, they are invincible beings. Even the King of Hell can only defeat them in the small universe. In the outer realm of space, his avatar is not an opponent of the creator ancestors.

Even many of the top races in the universe are descendants of the creator ancestors. Without them, the top races in the universe would lose their deterrent power.

"What a great existence! It would be great if we also had a creator ancestor in the night clan!" The Lord of the Night looked at the ancestors in the distance, muttering to himself, his voice full of envy.

The night clan only relied on his **** to enter the ranks of the top races in the universe, but it has always been at the end, and there is a huge gap compared with the races created by the ancestors of the dream, dragon, and war.

"I've seen the ancestors!" At this time, all the dragons in the audience, from the top three emperor dragon emperors to the ordinary dragons such as green dragon, red dragon, and poisonous dragon, all bowed their heads respectfully.

All dragons are descendants of this ancestor, including the king of hell, and even Huang Yi.

Whether it is Huang Yi's blood of the Bailong family or the blood of the Hailong family, they all originated from the ancestor dragon, which was the first ancestor and the origin of all stories of the dragon family.

"Kill him!" At this moment, Shuangsha hurriedly hurriedly, finally losing his former calmness, desperately compressing the space prison cage.

Feng Angju also exerted his speed to the extreme, chasing Huang Yi frantically, and wanted to kill Zu Long before his arrival.

"It can't be killed." Zulong's voice sounded again, his voice was not flustered, like playing a group of children.

The words fell, and a huge dragon claw suddenly extended from the depths of the stars!

This claw traverses the starry sky, transcending time and space, and arrives instantly, seemingly slender, as if out of control and distorted.

In a moment, this huge claw covered the heads of the people and blocked all the starlight.

The wrinkles on his claws were like valleys of earth, and everyone became as small as a gnat, unable to escape the palm of his hand.

The giant claw stretched out a small paw and made a small stroke towards the small space prison cage. This movement was very light, like a large hand carefully prying off the weeds on the ant, lest it hurt the ant. .

"Wow ~" The warp and weft threads were like fragile silk threads, which were cut directly without even a little resistance.

The space prison was broken in an instant, Huang Yi restored his freedom, quickly fanned the dragon wings day by day, and fled towards the distance. After a short time, he flung away the wind angju.

With only a fluttering move, Zulong broke the space prison released by the Yueshuang brakes, showing the invincible strength that ruled the audience.

Although Huang Yi was transformed into Zulong last time, he was resisted by the space cage for a short time, and the area it broke into became a chaos.

And this time Zulong shot himself and directly broke the space cage, but the power was controlled precisely and there was no overflow to destroy the space.

At this moment, all the allies on the Demon side felt tremendous oppression, looked up at the giant claw in the sky, and made defensive measures, lest the giant claw be pressed down to shoot them to death.

"Don't be afraid!" At this moment, the calm voice of the king of **** sounded, soothing everyone's panic.

"Oh!" Zulong sighed deeply and spread across the sky.

A sorrow brewed through the long years passed from this deep sigh.

Facing the King of Hell, Zulong had no anger, no cursing, no persuasion, and said nothing. He only sighed, but everyone understood the complex emotion that could not be spoken.

"Zulong, leave the children's affairs to the children to toss, we old guys don't get involved. My unwieldy daughter was killed, didn't I don't take any action?" At this time, another starry sky sounded An old voice, like a wrinkled grandmother, was talking slowly.

"The worm mother is here!" Every time, everyone's face changed again.

This voice was the Zerg grandmother who woke up after sleeping for many years, and came out just after the King of Hell spoke, apparently the King of Hell invited him to resist the ancestor.

The "inappropriate daughter" in her words refers to the Queen of Pain. After Huang Yi killed the Queen of Pain, the Zerg did not respond much.

Until a few days ago, the Zerg Queen and the Queen of the Zerg brought a group of Zerg masters, and they were not specifically asked to trouble him, but were invited by the Moz to protect the enchantment on the moon.

At this moment, an old grandmother suddenly appeared in the depths of the stars, with white hair, a stupid body, holding a crutch, and blocked in front of Zulong.

Her body is also extremely huge. Although it looks like a fragile wind, she is firmly in front of Zulong, and no one dares to doubt her strength.

Zulong stopped immediately, and the huge dragon's claw over the crowd also pulled back, as if guarding against the mother bug.

If he continues to move forward, he will definitely have to fight with his grandmother. Once their existence at this level meets, the battle shock wave will wipe out countless galaxies, and the entire universe will shake.

Moreover, every time they shot ~ www.readwn.com ~, they have to consume the energy that they have hardly accumulated in the body. After fighting, they need to sleep for many epochs to recover.

The battle was costly for both sides, and everyone wondered if they could fight.

"It seems that Zulong can't be expected to take action. We still have to decide the victory or defeat of the war." In the second world, Huang Yi's body quickly made a judgment, then turned to look at the blade and asked: "Is there no sign of the power of heaven falling?"

The blade attacked the King of Hell's black robe, and shook his head: "Not yet. If it comes, we can immediately break the suppression of the King of Hell and kill from this mouth."

"It should be coming, I already feel that the pillar of the sea **** is boiling, it seems to sense the breath of the sea god." At this time, the thunder **** touched the pillar of the sea god.

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