Heroes Prison

Chapter 165: Blade and Dragon Spike

After that, the man turned his head to look at Huang Yi, and their eyes collided together in the air.

The man's face was clear-cut, and he looked handsome and handsome, with the youthful spirit and the middle-aged man's wisdom. At this age, when his spirit was introverted and mature and stable, the two temperaments merged into one person and seemed very coordinated.

"Who are you?" Huang Yi asked.

The man held the glass, took a sip, and spit out two words: "Blade."

Huang Yi's heart was a little surprised! No wonder I feel a little familiar with this person's temperament!

Blade, this is a name that anyone in the world has heard. He is like those epic heroes, sung by countless players, and he can hear legends related to him everywhere. He is a **** in the minds of players.

Others are as sharp as their name, as sharp as a blade, unstoppable, and unstoppable. Among the top masters of heaven, pope, and dragon thorn, they have always maintained the first position and have never been surpassed. In the eyes of Chinese players, the blade is a leader and a spiritual symbol!

Huang Yi didn't expect such a person to find himself and seemed to be waiting here for a long time.

"A while ago Yun Sihai bumped into you. His rare race is a bit special and can track your position, so I came here in person, a little abrupt, and hope to forgive." Said the blade, nodding slightly towards Huang Yi.

Huang Yi stepped forward and sat opposite to the blade, saying, "What's the matter with you coming to me?"

"It is the cooperation of the Tower of the Gods!" Dao Feng said from the open door, staring at Huang Yi's expression, trying to see his inner thoughts from his face.

"How to cooperate?" Huang Yi's expression was calm, just like ordinary chat.

"You and Thor are really like people. They're all moody and indifferent people." The blade suddenly shook his head and looked back. After drinking a glass of fruit wine, he said, "You helped me to take down the world's first kill of the third boss of the Tower of the Boss Zombie King. What broke out, except for the legendary equipment, you have the same priority."

"Why did I choose to cooperate? More people than me!" Huang Yi picked up the bottle and poured himself a glass of wine.

"Because of some of your unique skills, you can specifically restrain this BOSS. Now the competition is too fierce, and I have no more time to find another way. You may be my only chance." Blade looked earnestly at Huang Yi said.

"What about Thor?" Huang Yi asked back, Thor was definitely a taunting character, and would not easily bow his head. The blade gave him the right of choice, which meant that Thor was going to take second place, and the other party would certainly not be reconciled. .

"My cooperation with Thor is over, so you don't need to take his feelings into consideration. I also know that the two of you are in a competitive relationship and will not cooperate with you at the same time." Blade said, filling Huang Yi's glass.

Huang Yi thought for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay! I promise you!"

"Then toast for our cooperation!" Blade smiled slightly, raised the glass, and slightly raised towards Huang Yi.

Huang Yi also held up the wine glass, the two toasted and drank it.

"Will you be here this year's annual ceremony?" Blade put down his glass and wiped the stain on the corner of his mouth.

"No." Huang Yi shook his head. He was imprisoned in Rose Prison and couldn't go anywhere.

"It's a pity that Thor won't go." Dao Feng slightly regretted. "I wanted to meet and exchange with you in reality. Now it seems impossible."

"There will be opportunities in the future." Huang Yi said without a trace.

At this moment, a vast and distant voice suddenly sounded between heaven and earth—

"[System Announcement]: Chinese player [Dragon Spike] killed Windhammer Wandering King Yong Yong · Windhammer and won [Chuan Guoyu Xi], becoming the first player with the title of Emperor of China, rewarding 1000 public reputation , Get [The only achievement]-[Emperor], China's national honor value +1. "

The blade originally raised the glass, but after hearing this voice, his arm stopped for a moment, and seemed to be hit by an invisible force.

He looked at Huang Yi and asked, "What do you think of Dragon Spike?"

Huang Yi took a sip of wine and said, "I haven't touched him, but judging from what I learned from the forum, this person is very patient."

The blade nodded, and said quietly, "In fact, there are three people in the second world who have never seen through. One of them is Dragon Spike. I started with him at the same time. They were the first group to compete with me at that time. Most people have been silent with the passage of time, new people have emerged, and one by one, but Dragonthorn is an exception. He has been competing with me for two years. "

"Have you fought each other?" Huang Yirao asked with interest. The blade and the dragon thorn are the deadly opponents known to everyone all over the world.

"Fighting once." The blade smiled slightly. "At the time, we were all only level 10. We avenged ourselves because of a wild boss. At the time, we were not equipped and had very few skills. It happened two years ago, and I have never met him again. I don't know his specific strength now, but it should be between me and Bo Zhong. "

"Eh?" Huang Yi was slightly surprised. It seems that the various rumors of the blade and the dragon thorn, a classic battle, should be fabricated by the players themselves, after the rumors, it became true.

"The forum is like this, do n’t take many things seriously. I also saw a post more than half a month ago saying that you and Thor were fighting for 300 rounds. At that time, Thor was still fighting me against the Tower of the Gods, and I have never seen you. . "

Huang Yi also smiled, picked up the jug, and filled with wine.

"Brother, your roast lamb is here!" At this moment, the little boy in the hotel suddenly went upstairs, holding a plate of roasted lamb legs and a bottle of fruit wine in his hand, and put it on the table of Huang Yi and Feng Feng. Overflowing.

At this moment, the little boy looked at the golden sword on the table two meters away, and suddenly exuded a look of envy, and said enviously: "This big brother, your knife is so beautiful. Can you play with me?"

"Yes! As long as you can handle it." Blade sharply smiled and touched the little boy's head, just like a big brother next door.

The little boy immediately grabbed the knife's handle with excitement and wanted to pick it up for a play, but the sword was still motionless. The little boy exhausted all his strength, his face turned red, his body trembled, but he still couldn't take it Get up that sword.

"This knife is too heavy! I can't take it!" In the end, the little boy flattened his mouth and had no choice but to give up. The simple little face was full of loss.

"Then work hard from now on! When you grow up, you will become a brave hero, holding the best weapons and fighting the worst!" The blade touched the little boy's head.

"Well! When I grow up, I want to be a dragon warrior!" The little boy's pure eyes were full of expectations ~ www.readwn.com ~, squeezed his fist, and turned away.

Blade turned to look at the staircase where the little boy disappeared, with a slight emotion: "The child's world is really full of hope. The future has infinite possibilities, much better than us."

"You are already the first person in the world. Is there anything else you are not satisfied with?" Huang Yi asked.

"You know, how much did I pay for this world first?" Blade shook his head and smiled. "The outsider only saw the scenery on my face, but didn't know how much effort I had put into this first. When others rest, I ’m fighting, while others are fighting, I ’m still fighting. When other people ’s fighting is over, I ’m preparing for a new battle ... I even sit here and drink wine once is a luxury, because at this time, I may be able to Hit 5% more experience. "

"Is the first really that important?" Huang Yi stared at the blade.

(To be continued.)

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