Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1632: The purpose of creating a virtual world!

The air was suddenly quiet.

A breeze blew and rippled the lake, and the lotus swayed.

"What?" After a while, Huang Yi calmed down and was stunned.

Mr. Huang Sha smiled slightly, and said, "Do you think it's unbelievable? The seven demon kings, dragons, magic, warcraft, and gods, these fantastic things are actually real!"

"Isn't this fictitious?" Huang Yi asked in horror.

Mr. Huang Sha shook his head and smiled: "In fact, you have been exposed to the truth for a long time. I found a dialogue from your experience in the virtual world. It was the winter and snow festival of the year you just entered the virtual world. The little skirt walked in Longdu to discuss things related to Huangdi and the Winter Snow Festival. At this time, the poet suddenly arrived. In the chat with you, he mentioned an interesting story-it is said that a story planner of the time company, During a space trip, he accidentally obtained a strange red stone. When he fell asleep that night, he dreamed of such a plot and later wrote it into the plot of the second world. "

Bian Huang Yi thought back, faintly remembering that there really was such a thing, could not help saying: "Is this story true?"

Mr. Huang Sha nodded: "This story is too far-fetched, so that everyone thinks it is a gossip circulating on the Internet. In fact, this story does have a prototype, that red stone does exist, and we know from it The truth of the universe. "

Huang Yi held his breath and felt that the worldview he had accepted from an early age was about to be destroyed. He would know the most important discovery in human history.

"A few decades ago, an astronaut of our company in an era got a glowing red stone near Mars in a spaceship. After we brought it back, we studied it carefully and found that With magical power, you have spent so long in the virtual world, and you should know what red often means. "

愣 Huang Yi stunned for a moment, suddenly reacted, surprised: "Divine power?"

"Yes! The magical power contained in that red stone is the divine power. We probed through various methods and found that the stone contained a huge amount of information, including dragons, magic, the seven demon kings, and heaven. , Death, etc. are similar to things in the fantasy world. This stone is likely to have been created by intelligent life. The vast amount of information contained in it and the abundance of details are amazing. These details correspond to each other and are related to each other. It's so flawed that it's hard to believe that these are fictitious, and that can only be as detailed as what has actually happened. "

Mr. Huang Sha paused and continued: "We couldn't believe this information at the time, after all, it did not conform to our scientific discovery. At that time, our interstellar navigation technology was very backward, and human space travel could only go to the moon , Mars, it is difficult to verify that the information in this red stone is true or false. However, this information is still very useful. We used this information as a model and created the first generation of virtual world "Hope". Originally, this One thing can stop here, as an unsolved mystery, but it happened again more than a decade ago. "

"Ten years ago, the Voyager 2 satellite suddenly returned a piece of information, and it actually stopped. Voyager 2 was a satellite launched by the United States more than a hundred years ago. It was the first to be launched with Voyager 1. Two artificial objects leaving the solar system. Voyager 2 travels at a speed of more than 50,000 kilometers per hour in space. Under the vacuum conditions of the universe, it should have been moving forward. Why did it stop suddenly? "

"Can it be something asteroid or something?" Huang Yi asked.

Mr. Huang Sha shook his head: "The impact on the asteroid at a speed of more than 50,000 kilometers per hour has shattered long ago, and it is impossible to return information. We guess that Voyager 2 should have some special encounter, and even There may be something abnormal with the information module, and some speculate that it may be captured by intelligent life. "

"At that time, we just made a major breakthrough in the space field, and immediately launched the newly developed interstellar spacecraft at that time, and soon completed the distance that Voyager 2 took more than a century to complete, and the spacecraft was flying. I stopped at the location of Voyager 2 and couldn't move on anymore. It turned out there was a strange barrier that blocked our satellites and spaceships and hindered our further exploration. Speaking of barriers, you You should know how to call it in the language of the virtual world. "Mr. Huang Sha said, looking at Huang Yi.

"Is it ... enchantment?" Huang Yi said uncertainly.

"That's right! It's the enchantment! After some research, our scientists found that the enchantment is related to quantum. In order to break the secret of that barrier, we increased our investment in the quantum field. At the same time, we also obtained The red stone was researched in-depth ~ www.readwn.com ~ We have concluded that the red stone should come from outside the enchantment, and the information inside the stone is likely to be that of the enchantment The outside really exists. But I do n’t know why, this stone penetrated the enchantment, or that the enchantment is only one-way, and things outside can come in, but things inside cannot go out. This has to make us believe that There are other intelligent lives in the universe, and that enchantment is what they set. The life of our planet may be a branch of them, or they may be spread, or they may even be captive. "

Xuan Huangyi bit her lip and said, "You mean, the real universe outside that enchantment is actually the real universe? And the universe we thought before was just the illusion created by that enchantment?"

"Yes. That enchantment is very magical. It can send false information to humans, make humans mistakenly observe that they have observed gravitational waves, make humans mistakenly believe that they have observed starlight emitted 10 billion years ago, and have misunderstood all Everything, all previous human observations, are false messages from this barrier. Do you believe it? The universe we know is actually just an illusion, but the real universe is just like the virtual world. "

Mr. Huang Sha paused and continued: "After that, we continued to use the information in that stone as a model to create the second-generation virtual world" Hero "and the third-generation virtual world" Origin "to be released next. , The purpose is to screen out a group of 'heroes', go to that real universe, and explore the true 'origin' of mankind. "


Poem Puppeteer and Huang Yi talk about red stone, in Chapter 398

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