Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1641: Meet the Savage God

Detained in cell No. 5, it was actually the first God-sealer in the second world—the barbaric deity · splitting sky.

Li Tian led the group of primitive people toward the huge and dangerous Lei Shou, it was like a mantis arm acting as a cart, unable to control it.

But he has an indomitable momentum, as if to open up territory for humanity in this wild world, and create a civilization, even at the expense of himself.

Soon the overwhelming herd of birds and birds rushed over as if to step them into pieces.

The desolate deity · Split Sky held up his spear and yelled at the sky. The sound was completely out of the ancient wasteland, as if a human being was unwilling to be oppressed by nature.

With his roar, all the primitive people were waving their weapons and roaring towards the sky!

Their bodies suddenly became larger, becoming a group of giants taller than the mountains, and the weapons such as stone rods and spears also increased.

Fischer pointed a finger forward, and a dazzling light bloomed at the tip of the spear, forming an air hood, stiffly opening a space among the hundreds of millions of beasts.

The herds rushed past them in a panic, none of them dared to stop and fight with Lei Shou. Only human beings had the courage to dare to face the enemy far beyond their own.

In the torrent of the violent herd, the split sky and others are like mainstays, letting the torrent rush, Wei Ran stays still.

Finally, Lei Qi, the devouring beast, came to the front of Ritian and others, rolling like a planet from the outer sky.

Although Li Tian and others have grown to be taller than the mountain peaks, in front of Lei Qi, they are still as small as mice, not a mass.

"Roar!" Fissure uttered a roar similar to the beast, with a wild beast, raised his spear, and rushed towards Lei Qi.

The group of primitive people behind him also spread out and surrounded it from all directions, occasionally throwing huge spears at Lei Shou, and actually wanted to hunt it.

"Ding Ding Ding!" A huge stone spear covered the sky and threw it at Lei Shou, but after hitting its body, it was difficult to take a step closer and fell down weakly.

"Boom!" Savage God · Splitting Sky stepped up into the air, struggling to pierce the spear of Rifting Sky towards Lei Qiu.

The spear tip bloomed a dazzling red light, and one pierced into Lei Qi's body, bursting out a dazzling light.

Lei Qi roared angrily, opened his mouth with hundreds of red lightning bolts, and fell down in all directions to the wilderness.

Countless rushing monsters were immediately chopped to death, and their huge bodies fell to the ground, because they inertially slid forward a long distance.

The dragons and birds in the sky fell like rain, and huge bodies smashed into the ground, blasting out huge pits.

Many of the primitive people led by Split Sky were directly hacked to death and turned into a body that was horizontal and vertical.

Lei Qi twisted his huge body and rushed towards the small groups of primitive people around him. Those primitive people's encirclement was fragile, and by swiping his claws, groups of people fell, and they attacked Lei. The damage caused by hunting is very limited.

There were only a few people in the audience, such as Savage God and Split Sky, which could cause real damage to Lei Qi.

"Oh!" At this time, the wild desolate **** · Split Sky once again pierced the spear of the split sky into Lei Qiao's body!

Lei Qi roared angrily, and patted at the paw of the barbaric deity · Tiantian.

This claw is sharp and fast, full of the power of rowing mountains and mountains, and the energy just lifted off the earth, and a group of primitive people were lifted off like leaves.

"Boom!" This claw slaps on the barbaric **** Split Sky, and all the horrible power is poured on his body.

Savage God · Splitting Sky was shot into the cloud like a cannonball, disappeared into the sky, and sprinkled the blood of the sky.

The remaining people could no longer organize an effective offensive, and soon frightened and fled, and were defeated ...

Huang Yi witnessed all this, and was shocked inside. Although the wild desolate **** split the sky failed, it was also his courage to dare to fight with the sky that led human beings to thrive in the ancient and wild desolate world. Human civilization, and suppressed all other wild monsters, became the master of the second world.

He himself also became the first god-sealer in human history, making an indelible contribution to the entire human race, and is the eternal ancestor of humankind.

Huang Yi fanned the dragon wings day by day, and flew in the direction of the barbaric **** split sky. After a long flight, a small village appeared in the barren land below.

In the small villages, the houses are covered with stone and thatch, and a group of primitive people form a circle, and in the middle it is the wild **** · Shantian.

Huang Yi fell down and came to the side of Shi Tian.

Ritian turned his head to stare at Huang Yi, his palms flickered, and all the primitive people around him disappeared. Only two of them remained.

"Very familiar atmosphere, like the people of the world!" Savage God · Split Sky said slowly, his voice was rude, but not rude, showing the side of civilization.

Huang Yi nodded, and revealed the "crown of thorns" on his head: "I am a God-given man from the second world, my name is God of Kill, the second king of the world after you, This crown of thorns has been worn on your head for a while, and you should be familiar. "

The desolate deity stared at the crown of thorns on Huang Yi's head, and there was a trace of recollection in his eyes, and he said quietly: "At that time, after Master passed me this crown of thorns, I became the king of the world. Lead human beings to survive and thrive in the dangerous wild world. Unfortunately, when I was against Lei Qiao, I did not have this crown of thorns. If I had, I might have the strength to fight Lei Xie. Then It is a lingering failure in my memory. I have killed many people. Even if there are countless years in the past, I often fall into that memory repeatedly. "

"But it is precisely because you have this spirit of intrepidness ~ www.readwn.com ~ that has allowed humans to grow and develop to this day. There are many species stronger than humans, but few species brave than humans. Huang Yi said sincerely.

In ancient times, there were a total of four god-sealers. The era of the barbaric deity and split-sky laid the foundation for human beings. In the era of the three dragon-seal gods, the dragons began to dominate, but humans have developed to threaten the status of the dragons.

This has been seen by Huang Yi in previous hero trials.

The three dragon clan gods, the holy dragon, Georgia, the gold holy dragon, the gold holy scale, and the dark demon dragon, Moxie, have grown from childhood friends and companions to grow up and turn their faces and kill each other. Because they have different positions on humans.


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