Heroes Prison

Vol 2 Chapter 169: 10 beauties

This result is not too bad, at least Huang Yi has a chance every day, they are much better than the blade.

Next, Huang Yi took out the remaining energy stones, replenished his energy, and then continued to brush the towers of the gods.

The moon gradually rose, and Huang Yi also finished the number of singles. At this time, there were almost ten minutes before the agreed training time. He left the tower of the gods and returned to the transmission field in Xuanyuan Town.

At this point, there are many people here, and players are constantly coming from all directions. The equipment of these players is bright and energetic, which is obviously more powerful than ordinary players.

"Seckill, you are here, let's join the group!" At this time, Lin Yiqin was just at the teleportation site, and Huang Yi was found in a word. He immediately sent an invitation to organize a group.

Huang Yi accepted immediately and joined the Yanhuang Army for the time being.

The 50th floor of the Tower of the Gods is a 5,000-person mode, so there are 5,000 members in this regiment, just like an army. It is very difficult to command so many people to fight an SS, which requires strong teamwork skills.

Next, Huang Yi first teleported to the 50th floor of the Tower of the Gods. At this time, a number of players were on standby. They gathered in the open space on the top of the mountain and waited quietly.

This is the first time Huang Yi has participated in such a large-scale multiplayer event. He took a brief look and found that players basically stand by their occupation. Master classes stand together, priest classes stand together, and melee classes stand together. Everyone has their own group. The team is further up the team, the team is divided into groups, the levels are very clear, it will be convenient to command.

"Seckill, come here!" At this time, a blade sound came from one side, Huang Yi turned his head and saw that blade was standing with a group of players at this time. There are about ten players in this group, and they all have a feature that they are all girls.

Huang Yi walked over. Standing opposite the ten girls, this girl was a pretty and beautiful lady, all wearing priest robes and holding a small staff, her body was exquisite, her skin was white and shiny, like ten angels. Many male players on the field looked at this side intentionally or unintentionally, with a slight admiration in their eyes.

"Seckill, then you are in this team! These ten beautiful women are dedicated to serve you." Blade patted Huang Yi's shoulder. Said with a smile.

Subsequently, the blade turned and looked around at the ten big beauties again. Road: "You ten priests are responsible for adding blood to the spike. You don't need to listen to the orders of the big group. You only need to hear the command of killing one person. The spike brother is a big help that I had to ask for. The first kill of the zombie king depends on him. So you must give him good blood, and you would rather die than let him die, understand? "

"I see!" Ten girls said coyly. The sound was crisp, with a bit of tenderness, and the bones of many male players on the field were crisp.

"Seckill brother, I have worshiped you for a long time, can you give me a hug?" At this time, a 17-year-old girl blinked her eyes. She twisted her clothes and blushed softly, saying that the pitiful appearance made people totally powerless.

Huang Yi pursed her lips. He hadn't seen such a thing before, and he didn't know how to do it for a while. In the face of this girl, he seemed to feel more uncomfortable than facing a fierce enemy.

"Good!" Huang Yi hesitated for a moment, then agreed, without showing any contortion.

"That's great!" The girl patted her little hand, then rushed forward, and flung it into Huang Yi's arms, Jiaosu just pressed against him, and her little hand caught Huang Yi's waist.

Huang Yi only felt a softness in her arms, and then a young girl's youthful breath penetrated the tip of her nose. Although this feeling was strange, it was very comfortable.

"I want it too!" Just then, the other girls also asked for a hug.

"I can't stand it anymore, you hug it slowly!" At this moment, Blade shook his head and smiled, then left here, leaving only Huang Yi alone in this gentle village.

After embracing with 10 girls for a while, Huang Yi finally calmed down, and the whole body was permeated with a girl's fragrance, which could not tell who it was.

"What priests are you?" At this time, Huang Yi asked around the ten girls.

"Are you looking for a girlfriend? I'm a Priest of the Holy Spirit, a super big tits!" At this moment, an open-minded girl stood up and said proudly, "whether in the game or in In reality. "

"Ah! Coco, you slut, don't seduce elder brother." At this moment, another girl stood up and exclaimed angrily.

"Sorry, I didn't make it clear. I just wanted to ask, what kind of occupation are you guys?" Huang Yi explained.

At this time, the girl who initially hugged Huang Yisuo smiled affectionately and said softly: "Coco and I are both priests of therapy, and they are more focused on the addition of blood, and her milk volume, oh no no , Her blood volume is really larger. Feifei and Cats are shadow priests, who focus on group blood, and there is a skill called thin burial, which can prevent you from dying within five seconds. Dandan, Xiaoyi, Benben All three are priests of light. They are focused on dispersing, releasing control, and can bless you in various states. Both Rory and Xiaowei are redeeming priests and have the ability to revive teammates in battle. In the end is Tong Tong, she is the most powerful. She is a rare priest occupation. It is very powerful whether it is single blood or group blood. In addition to adding blood, she can also add magic value. It is our pastor. Team leader. "

"Tell me what you have to pay attention to at a later time. I'm not familiar with this for the first time," Huang Yidao said.

"Don't be afraid, my sister has a lot of milk."

"Ah! Coco, you're complaining again!"


Ten minutes later, the Yanhuang Army had already assembled, and 5,000 people stood in their respective places, densely packed. It seemed that there was a feeling of blood surging. Single brushing together with this group is two completely different feelings. Even if it is a rare occupation of Huang Yi, it has a lot of treasures. It is not convenient for you to get ahead when you see this situation. Integration into the group is the most important.

"Is the command of each group in place?" At this time, Lin Yiqin, the head of Xuanyuan's replica group, shouted loudly, his voice sounded clearly in everyone's ear.

Immediately after, Huang Yi received a system prompt.

[System Tip]: Lin Yiqin, the commander of the Yanhuang Army, initiated the command to confirm his position and whether he responded.

Huang Yi chose to respond.

[System Tip]: You have obtained the command power of the group you are in, and you can exercise various command functions on the group members.

Command power is a function that only appears in a team. Huang Yi now has command power in this group, which means that he is the absolute leader of this group. After he spoke, each group member could clearly receive the order, but the other groups could not hear it. Similarly, the command sounds of other groups cannot be heard by his group, so as to avoid the noise of the battlefield from covering up the voice of the command. In addition, Huang Yi can mark the target, which can be seen by the entire team. In addition, command power has many functions, and it is convenient to command.

"Today's training, everyone must be serious. Spike is in our team, and he will fight with us." At this time, the blade also opened the right to speak, everyone in the entire team heard. Then more than 5,000 people in the audience turned around and looked at Huang Yi, their eyes were full of friendliness.

Huang Yi nodded toward them. The members of this Xuanyuan family were of high quality, and they were very disciplined. No one said anything bad about him.

"Tonight, our goal is to hit the zombie king's health to 10%. This task is a bit arduous. Everyone pays attention to the command. Okay, now, the whole group starts to brush BUFF!" A command!

With his order, 5,000 people on the field acted simultaneously and uniformly. Every player with group BUFF skills released their own BUFF. All kinds of lights flashed on the field, which was dazzling. . Each BUFF was brushed up in this way, and blessed on each member.

Huang Yi looked at his situation. At present, he has up to 104 BUFFs on his body, and the property panel has skyrocketed, and the attack power has soared by 53%! The other attributes, even the very marginal ones, have more or less bonuses!

These five thousand people are really different in brushing together. Various BUFFs are superimposed, which directly improves the strength of each member by several steps! Compared to single player mode, this is not a level fight at all.

"Blood deficiency ~ www.readwn.com ~ What about your **** BUFF?" At this moment, Lin Yiqin said suddenly.

Immediately after, the northeast corner of the crowd suddenly lighted a **** light, and then Huang Yi found that he had one more **** BUFF in his body—within half an hour, the attack added 3% of the lifesteal.

Seeing this, Huang Yi began to admire this Lin Yiqin. There are more than 100 BUFFs in this legion, and most people may not be able to tell the difference, but Lin Yiqin does not even know which BUFF is missing, and he can accurately say who should buy the BUFF. Just This made many commanders ashamed.

"Empty me, Ye Lin, why are the magic values ​​of the two of you empty? Such a low-level mistake is also made? The next time I do this, I will transfer you to the bench." Lin Yiqin's voice suddenly became cold, and he pointed out two Personal name.

"Okay! Everyone listened to the order, everyone in the T group took the lead and started moving!" Soon, Lin Yiqin finally issued an order to officially start the attack.

Immediately afterwards, the entire team started slowly, clearing up mobs along the way. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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