Heroes Prison

Vol 5 Chapter 1666: The oldest cador

First World, the Temple of the Savage God.

The savage **** stood alone in the wooden house. The room was quiet and quiet, and the torches on the niche shook uneasily, making his figure flicker.

Once upon a time, he sat on the saddle of Taurus, just as he sat on the throne, and met the leaders of various forces in the First World, giving orders and full of authority.

But now that Taurus has been caught, his avatar can only stand here alone.

At this time, the door of the temple was opened, and a man in a sacrifice came in, holding a plate in his hands, and there were several screaming smurfs.

Come, it is the high **** priest Shadow Shadow Candle, who sent the Smurf regularly.

Shadow chaos went all the way to the God of the Savage, kneeling respectfully, and raised the plate up: "Dear Lord God of the Savage, this is the smurf who came to the Elven Temple this time, please enjoy slowly. "

The **** looked at the plate. There were only a few smurfs on it, which was half less than before.

The elders of the elf temple said last time that the smurfs were on the verge of extinction. I am afraid that they will not be able to support it for a year. The amount sent in the future can only be halved.

"Come on!" The pretty **** lifted the plate, waved his hands listlessly, stretched out **** and squeezed a smurf into his mouth, chewed slowly, and blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth.

The shadow chaos candle did not dare to breathe, and hurriedly stepped down step by step.

He knew that the Savage God defeated in the First World and suffered heavy losses. Now the atmosphere of the Savage God is solemn.

And the attitudes of various races towards the Savage God have become subtle. They have always believed that the invincible brutal **** who defeated all invincible battles has actually lost so quickly and has shaken the brutal god.

Especially for those races who followed the wild gods, what they lost was the real masters of the virtual gods. Although they didn't say anything, everyone could guess that they were upset.

Soon, the shadow chaos exited the door of the wooden house, leaving only the solitary voice of the gods in the room, slowly eating the smurfs.

The strength of this avatar now is very weak. He had formed a secondary avatar before, and poured power into the three great spirits. These powers were wasted in the second world.

The power of this avatar has weakened Dao and the newly promoted gods are not much different, and is no longer Huang Yi's opponent.

"Do you really want to go to heaven to merge with the ontology?" The murmured God muttered to himself.

He has a plot to stay in the realm, and he wants to achieve his ambition. This avatar must conquer the realm, and the body conquers the realm again.

If he travels to heaven in this avatar, he will never be able to conquer the world, and even the first world can no longer control it. His ambition can only go bankrupt.

But whether he wants to or not, he must return to heaven as soon as possible. The smurf is his necessity to maintain his mind. As soon as the smurf goes extinct, his avatar will be abolished.

"I can only hope that the King of Hell can bring surprises ..." the pretty **** said to himself inaudibly.


The holy place of the Cardor tribe, located in the Cardo galaxy, the most central area is their most important altar of rebirth.

The Altar of Rebirth is a bowl-like hemisphere, a giant planet cut and cut in half to make it.

At this moment, there were a group of virtual gods, Kaldor, around twenty, staring diligently at the rebirth altar.

A steady flow of Cardol was born from the altar of rebirth, and their bodies were pure and without any trace of strength, like a baby, and had nothing to do with their previous identity.

These are Cardols who have died everywhere in the universe, and the dead one will be born again here.

But the attention of their group of false gods is not on these newborn Cardols--

They are waiting for the rebirth of the fallen king.

"Are we just letting the fallen king die? He's the only first generation of Cardol left, and it's vital to our entire race." An empty **** said.

In fact, Cardol can share thoughts and does not need language to communicate, but they do not want the fallen king to perceive their thoughts at the moment, so they temporarily suppress the thinking sharing and rely on language for communication.

"Last time he summoned dozens of Divine Tribes to attack the Second World. Even if they merged into Feng Aungju's body, they were still killed. We used to just kill them." Another hypothetical cardol shook Shake his head.

"We are not without the power of World War I. As long as everyone is willing, we can save the fallen king ..."

"Do you mean the legendary fusion of all races? That trick can only be used when our race is alive or dead."

Everyone heard "the fusion of all races", and they were all in a sorrow in their hearts, their expressions were serious.

The integration of the whole family means that all of the 100 million Cardols are merged. This is the legendary trick of the Cardols and is the ultimate ultimate measure.

This trick is used to represent the world's strongest founding ancestor, Cardo, again.

At that time, even the King of Hell will not know if it is Cardo's opponent. No one has seen Cardo fighting the King of Hell, and no one knows who is stronger.

After all, they are not characters of the same era. When the King of Hell was born, Cardo had split into 100 million Cardol.

Once Cardo came out, nothing to kill God, Zulong, Lunar Father, Sagittarius, the Second World, the United Army ...

If Cardo does not die, the fallen king will not die, neither of them will die.

But this also means that they will lose their independence, and everyone will become a screw, dedicated to Cardo silently.

"The fallen king is calling us again!" At this time, everyone felt that their thinking was being impacted by a mental force, which was exactly the calling of the fallen king's mind, which was full of anxiety and faint. With a trace of rare fear, it is clearly the moment of life and death.

This anxious and terrifying mental power also impacted at the same time all other Cardol's minds, even the newly born Cardol in the Altar of Rebirth felt it, just like the mental pollution, let countless Cardol There is no peace in heart.

The fallen king has urged all Kaldore to save him by all means.

"Don't save a fallen man." At this moment, all Cardol in the universe received a new idea at the same time.

This new idea comes from an ancient and stable spiritual power. He is as eternal as the stars, maintaining absolute calmness and rationality, just as reliable as the old wise man.

In a moment, the anxiety and fear from the fallen king in everyone's minds were dissipated and became serene and peaceful.

"Is that the one?" The twenty or so gods, looking at each other, thought of a senior at the same time.

"Eternal Star · Forgetting Dust." An ethereal **** whispered a fabulous name.

Eternal Star · Forgotten Dust is the oldest surviving Cardol.

The 100 million first-generation Cardols in the ancient times were born in a sequential order. The first three Cardols have died and been reborn, and the eternal star · Forgotten Dust is the fourth.

Also the first generation of Cardol, the sequence of the fallen king is 17th, which is behind the Eternal Star Forgotten Dust.

Eternity Star · Forgotten Dust is like a hermit. His mind has been closed for countless years, no one communicates with others, no one knows where he is, no one knows what is in his mind.

The idea that everyone just felt has ancient and calm spiritual power, soothing them instantly, stronger than the fallen king, it should be the eternal star and forget the dust.

"The predecessors are right, the fallen king has been contaminated by the power of the magic system, and is no longer pure Kador's bloodline. We should not take risks to rescue him." An hypothetical nodded in agreement.

Every Cardol is a part of Cardol, so they are the ancestral spirits of creation, no matter how powerful they are, they will not be gods.

But the Fallen King is an exception. He has been contaminated by the power of the demon system. After leaving the Demon Universe, he will go through the thunderous thunder and be dragged to heaven.

At that time, Cardol in the realm will always be missing one, and there will be no more than 100 million, and it will no longer be possible to merge Cardol.

"We just need to wait quietly" Soon, a group of Cardol virtual gods reached a consensus, staring calmly at the altar of rebirth, waiting for the rebirth of the fallen king.


In the Demon Universe, Huang Yi controlled the Pain Queen to open the way, and led everyone to quickly approach the Fallen Demon Hall.

The entire large array on the periphery was beaten up by them, and all the virtual gods were harvested by the butcher blades and turned into the surrounding soul.

"Yeah!" At this moment, Huang Yi rushed into an enchantment, butcher's knife cut across a beam of blood, splitting a fallen duke in half.

The soul of the fallen duke suddenly flew up and became the 56th soul on the butcher knife.

As soon as the virtual **** died, there was no obstacle ahead, and the Fallen Demon Hall was ahead, allowing them to trample.

"The fallen king, we're out to welcome guests!" At this moment, the mountain prodigal son carrying a mountain knife ~ www.readwn.com ~ shouted loudly towards the fallen magic hall ahead.

"Huh! I knew this before, and I should have crushed you all while you weren't growing up!" A voice of remorse rang from the depths of the fallen hall, echoing across the fallen star.

Subsequently, a mighty body soared to the sky from the end of the Fallen Demon Hall, suspended in midair, and watching the crowd from afar.

He is full of magical energy, and behind him is a huge portal, which is constantly pouring out countless souls, forming a mighty torrent of souls that surrounds him circle by circle.

This is the fallen gate of the fallen king and his magic weapon, and he had to show up to face the crowd in person.

As soon as his power was withdrawn, the defense force of the entire Demon Small Universe fell again, and the attacks of more than 5,000 Divine Strongmen from the outside infiltrated more, causing greater damage to the remaining Demon in the Small Universe pressure.

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